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"I saw endless sprawling forests, meadows beyond our wildest dreams, impossible structures unheard of, mythical creatures living in harmony and divine beings watching over it all. At that moment I knew - I was dreaming."
- Archdruid Leronas of the Elves

The Afterworld is a realm belonging to the Aurian Galaxy in which the souls of the departed go to their endless rest under the watchful eyes of the Gods of Auria. It serves as both the afterlife of the galaxy as well as the place in which people go to in their sleep to bear witness to the wonders of the world thereafter. The Afterworld serves to protect the on-going existence of the galaxy by holding up the barrier surrounding the world from the boundless sea of chaos in the dark beyond as well as cycling through souls that pass on from life, giving them newfound purpose by either reincarnating them back into the world of the living or by leaving them in the Afterworld so they may live under their chosen god in life, many gaining the boon of serving as immortal soldiers of their God.

The Afterworld is vast beyond what Auria has to offer with distinct regions. These regions have been shaped by their respective god that governs over it, using the aesthetics and themes that the god is connected with.

Battlefield of Zarus
God: Zarukk, God of War
The battlefield of Zarus is a vast battle-torn plains in the southern Afterworld. Countless war games have and continue to take place here overseen by the God of War Zarukk, who alongside other Gods often makes an appearance in the field itself fighting under a team or army. Though these games often grow larger that any war taken place on Auria, they remain fueled by a need for entertainment and to "sharpen one's claws" as opposed to hatred towards an opposing force.

The soldiers of each game are souls that have willingly joined in on the fun of war and other Gods are also allowed to join in and even bring their followers into the match if they so wish, though in more limited quantity to keep things fair. The games played in the battlefield include Capture the Point, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag and even just an all-in deathmatch or battle royale.

Besides war games, the Battlefield of Zarus also includes Zarus Fortress, the headquarters of Zarukk and where he and his followers live, either plotting out a new war game to play or simply training their combat skills against one another.

Olympus Citadel
God: Charisa, God of Order
Floating high above the realm, Olympus Citadel is a bastion that stands to defend the realm of the Afterworld from the influences of the Cosmos. Within the glistening halls of this castle Angels make their home, training and studying with vigilance.

Olympus Citadel was raised by Heras, the original God of Order to be a throne from which she could watch over the Afterworld and train her true-hearted Angelic forces so that they can be prepared to defend against whatever evil seeks to break the realm apart. Her rule was short-lived relative to a God as she fell during the Cosmological War and in her place Charisa, the first Angel, took to leading the Angels within Olympus.

God: Incendius, God of Fire
A land of brimstone, ash and volcanic soil, Infernos is the realm of fire in the Afterworld where restless flames burn ever bright under the watchful eye of Incendius, God of Fire. The land is an endless expanse of black soil and seas of magma with metallic temples scattered around to depict the footholds of Incendius, the largest of these temples being the Hand of Flame in the heart of the land where the God of Fire's throne lays.

Library of Infinity
God: Felibera, God of Knowledge
As a literal infinite tower of knowledge that sits in the western reaches of the Afterworld, the Library of Infinity is a place safeguarded and watched over by Felibera, the Goddess of Knowledge. Here anything and everything regarding the existence of Auria and even beyond Auria are recorded and stored within books, giving enough reading material for what may be an eternity. As new things happen in Auria and in the world beyond, the tower grows taller to add more space for storage with a magical central airflow leading souls curious to know about their existence to the exact right floor. At the very top of the tower lies Felibera's lair, a crown chamber of comfort for a cat of her stature alongside her favorite and most valued books that are not found elsewhere.

The Library of Infinity is held sacred by those that follow Felibera in worship, speaking highly of the ancient or great library in the life thereafter as a place where all answers can be found.

Kurato, the Shadow Hall
God: Shikaze, God of Shadows
Just north of the region held by Perisha lies a lonely mountain in an everlasting storm. Atop that mountain is a multi-storied crimson-roofed, onyx-tiled pagoda belonging to the goddess of Shadows herself: Shikaze. Though on the outside it looks like a simple place for meditation, inside one may thousands to millions of metal tags hanging from red string each with a name etched on them, each belonging to a mortal Shikaze has killed in the name of her task. The Pagoda is known as Kurato and it is the place where the shadow of death goes to rest between kills, waiting patiently for another mortal to be marked for death.

Sands of Time
God: Aechronos, God of Time

Romathus forever sealed away at the heart of the Sands.

Home to Aechronos' Sanctum, this desert region is known for its ever-moving sands that slowly flow through the land. Sandstone walkways and platforms cover the land for the souls that wish to traverse it while outposts and temples can be found across the desert as well, used for resting places and recording time. On the far edge of the desert is a great temple where Aechronos tends to the timeway, always vigilant and at the ready to serve order.

At the heart of the Sands of Time lies Romathus, a great city encased in a forcefield erected and maintained by Aechronos since time immemorial. No one, not even the Gods themselves, are allowed entry into Romathus leading to much speculation as to what is stored within.

Somniva, the Soundless Forest
God: Unysta, God of Dreams
Known as the endless starlit forest which sits at the heart of the Afterworld, Somniva is a place for rest and quiet for when the rest of the Afterworld becomes too rowdy or loud for one's liking. Here a soul, both living and dead, can come to sleep their weary spirit or to meditate upon the countless gardens sprawling across the glade. Artistic souls may also find Somniva a great place for practicing their creativity

The Gate of Dreams, a portal that connects the living world to the Afterworld, is located within the heart of the forest. Dreaming mortals who find themselves wandering the Afterworld can travel past Somniva into the other realms of the Afterworld using mystical airways located at the tree tops of the forest.

The Underhell
God: Saphona Hade, God of Torment
To be locked within the Underhell is considered a feat in its own right as only the most evil of souls tainted by the Cosmos itself are brought there to be locked away, their very essence brought through the fires of torment to cleanse them of the corruption that marks their souls as sinful. Located underneath the Afterworld, the Underhell is a garden of complex maze-like chambers and hallways where evil spirits are locked away and tortured. It also houses some notable prisons including the fallen Goddess of Order Heras as well as Xaxandros himself at the very end of the maze.