Anothoris Soulfrost

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Baron Anothoris Soulfrost
Only the foolish let infinity slip away for a price they do not wish to pay.
TitleThe Traitor
Dark Instructor
RaceLich (Currently)
Asvar (Previously)
OccupationEtherin Instructor (Previously)
RelativesUnknown Family
Young Anothoris
Older Anothoris


Anothoris was born into a poor, now-unknown family that lived in Hillshire where he had to live a life of being looked down upon by others more successful than him. As a child growing up in an era known for mistreatment towards the Asvars, Anothoris was subjected to bigotry and racist remarks which time and time again threatened not only his own life but the lives of his family. Living off of the stories of the Asvars that founded Etherin Academy in Luxfordia, Anothoris dreamed of one day possessing the powers of spellcraft simply so he may stand up to those that continuously defied his existence.

Inspired by his visions of empowerment, Anothoris traveled to Etherin but was promptly denied access to his studies there until he would meet a mysterious man that saw the potential in the young 16 year old, granting him special entry into the school at the cost of one thing: A shard of his Soul. The mysterious magus, who's identity would never be revealed to Anothoris, would have his just payment given to him without hesitation, and to meet his end of the bargain, Anothoris would be given a place at the school, though the process of how it happened would never be disclosed to him. Though curious of the man's ways, the young Asvar saw little point in pondering on the topic and began studying at Etherin Academy, always seeming to have a fixation towards the darker sides of Magic which seduced him with the potential for destruction and torment. After he passed the entry exams into the academy with flying colours and a spectacular showmanship, Anothoris was allowed to choose a school of magic he wished to pursue. Ultimately the young man chose to study Cosmology overseen by instructor Krim Avaricos, an elderly mage who had taught in the academy for many decades. Under his guidance Anothoris was told how to channel shadow magic in a safe and uncorrupting manner while also being taught the history of magic and the Cosmos, the infinite possibilities with it but the high price of dabbling in it yet Anothoris saw that endless power would be worth any cost or sacrifice.

Before he was even close to finishing his studies in the academy, Anothoris started to research the Cosmos in secret, spending hours every night deep in books and tomes telling of the scary forces that lay beyond their galaxy. He was fascinated that a power this great was feared by everyone universally, a source of endless magical opportunities that could make its wielder all-powerful. He envied such might and promised himself to one day hold such powers in his grasp. So it was that in the coming years Anothoris dedicated himself fully to his studies, teaching himself every possible spell and craft he set his sights upon and was allowed by the Academy at the time though in secret he began to scrape the surface that was forbidden magics including Necromancy and even Cosmic spells.

When Anothoris finally graduated the school and was recognized as an aspiring sorcerer, he chose himself a surname - Soulfrost. However he was not done with Etherin or its academy quite yet and saw a golden opportunity within it. During the celebrations of the graduates of the Academy Anothoris went to see his old instructor Krim and put an end to his life within his quarters, murdering his teacher with the dark, horrific spells that he taught himself while erasing any evidence that would place blame onto himself by staging the death to be of old age. When the body of the slain instructor was found a substitute was in dire need of being found and Anothoris returned to the steps of the academy to present himself as a worthy replacement, though still young he did show a lot of potential and knowledge so his career as the new instructor seemed like a safe option to go by.

Having access to the libraries of Etherin to the fullest, Anothoris Soulfrost stood where his teacher once stood and took pride in it, carrying out plenty of lessons for the students while in secret using the resources he had at his disposal to conduct rituals of power and void bindings to further himself in strength. He would start to plot out a plan of taking over Etherin by destroying it from within so that he could further his influence across the entirety of Imperia and beyond. He would go on to also extend his own life through the powers of the Cosmos to the dismay of many.

As he dwelled deeper in the dark forces that slowly corrupted his mind with promises of power and an endless thirst for control, Anothoris started to take regular trips throughout Auria to different planets to further his understandings and even gather relics of power that could be used to reinforce his will as he deepened his path through the Cosmos. At some point during his travels he'd come across a homeless Fenik depraved of the will to live in the streets of Noztown, Saberos. Though others overlooked the misfortunate Fenik named Xixx, Anothoris saw the potential of a being that he could mold into a perfect servant and student for his classes. Although it was difficult to convince the Fenik to come with him, he'd succeed in incorporating her to the academy and make her a fine student he could find a use for in the years to come.

He would gain a use out of Xixx when she was discovered to be highly-capable of cosmic magic and the new-found thrive she had to learn beyond the mortal limits made her exactly what Anothoris wanted her to be - a worthy companion with which to reach his own ends. During a journey together to Serena, the two discovered a tomb with the Voidstones of the Fallen imprisoned within. The two would invade the ruins and best the guardian of these stones, Zhar'nak, before taking them and turning them into a usable weapon. They would discover that the Voidstones gave the wielder a powerful control over demons and the powers they commanded and Anothoris sought to use the weapon to further his own goals.

When Xixx was nearing her graduation, Anothoris asked her to stay with him longer but she refused, stating that she does not wish to be with someone so selfish. She would go on to lash out at him with an unleashed wave of chaos which she had built up, knocking her instructor down and fleeing the scene shortly after, leaving Anothoris perplexed that his student was capable of something like that even without the Voidstones at her disposal. Before he could tell the academy to expel Xixx and have her captured by the authorities, the Fenik had already disappeared without a trace, returning to her homeland to wreak her desired chaos.

One day a new pupil would show her face in the academy, a Wolfen girl who went by the name Vanessa Embera. Much like he did long ago, Vanessa passed her entry-level exams with flying colours and had much to show for it. When he saw her performing those exams in front of the instructors he saw a reflection of himself and as such he'd grow quickly affectionate towards this new blood to the point that he saw a future in which she could help him realize his plans. It was because of this that he took the first chance he could get to meet the aspiring sorceress and induct her into the dark arts, taking her up as a direct pupil under him so that she could have the best possible learning material she could have. He knew that directly exposing herself to his plans would cause her to be weary of him and even try to expose his folly so he had to lean her in slowly by building a intimate trust between the two.

Though he believed sufficient trust was built between them, Vanessa did not agree with the plans Anothoris had in store for them and even outright denied him at first when he revealed it to her however in a strange twist of fate the girl had a change in heart just as Anothoris begun to consider the idea of killing her at risk of her revealing his plan to the others. Happy to see the girl turn around and accept her part in their big play, the two started work to prepare for the day of reckoning.

On the dusk of the final day of Enros in 3016, Anothoris would call Vanessa to his side in helping him conduct a ritual that would ascend his form into Lichhood and transform him into a deathly creature far more capable of magic as well as start the demonic invasion of Etherin. He would hand his staff to Vanessa and instruct her to channel the powers of the weapon so that the ritual could proceed, slowly transforming his body into a skeletal visage that tore apart his flesh and twisted his body however what he would not see coming is the instructors of Etherin Academy at his doorstep ready to put a stop to his plans and Vanessa revealing herself to have never truly agreed to his dark ways and using the powers of the Voidstones to severe the ritualistic ties he had with the Cosmos to interrupt the spell mid-way leaving Anothoris frail and at the last inch of his life.

Heartbroken by the betrayal of his pupil, Anothoris haphazardly proceeded with step 2 of his plot by ripping open a dozen rifts with the excess energies within his body to summon forth a horde of Demons that would quickly swarm the Academy grounds and allow him to escape during the chaos, leaving the city to live in the wilderness where he would continue to conduct his rituals and slowly piece by piece transform himself into the Lich he was planned to transform into during the ritual, a cruel and painful process extended to multiple years within the dark hovel he now lived in yet with the last strands of flesh finally torn off his body, his process into being a Lich were finally realized.

No longer a mortal, Anothoris adopted the title of Baron and would go on to conduct his work in Ischyros Pinnacle where he remains to this day.

Powers and Abilities

As an Asvar, Anothoris was a renowned magician of boundless capabilities being able to cast fire, frost and shadow magic efficiently.

As a Lich, Anothoris' experience and knowledge in magic grew hundredfold, being able to call forth frost magic that can cut away at a person's soul or shadowflames that can burn a body to ash within seconds. He would grow to being a powerful spellcaster unrivaled on the battlefield who could eradicate small armies all by himself while remaining virtually untouchable due to his short-range teleportation and impenetrable barriers.

Physical Description

As a Lich, Anothoris is a tall skeletal figure garbed in mage robes and trinkets which continue to channel magic into him and fuel his immortal body. He is described as a terrifying sight that can chill one's bones just by looking at him.