Ard'Mhion Fathas

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Ard'Mhion Fathas
Ard'Mhion Fathas.png
TitleRight Eye of the Truth
OccupationCult Leader
RelativesUnnamed Parents


Long ago a young Ard'Mhion was born to loving parents belonging to the cursed Coven of the Black Decay. As a young blood indoctrinate into the cult's beliefs of bringing the world to rot, becoming a student under an individual known as Darhus, a Black Druid who taught the ways of withering to his students. Ard'Mhion was a quick learner and soon became a prodigy among his peers, but for his graduation into Druidhood he had to commit an act he could not prepare himself for - bring the lives of his father and mother to their end using the lethality of the rotting wither.

For all his skill in the ways of his kin, Ard'Mhion could not deliver death to the ones he cherished and for that he was called a hopeless youth. In a twist of fate, it was his parents who sought to sacrifice him for his failures, echoing their resounding disappointments in him as they came together to put an end to his existence. Ard'Mhion lashed out and struck at his parents, sending a flurry of blackened thorns their way to push them away enough for him to make an escape, seeking refuge away from the crazed whispers of his people.

Ard'Mhion would travel across Gwynbrenon to find help even as he knew the Black Decay followed his every move. When he reached a Wylderin settlement he hoped he'd be given the help needed, but instead he was forced out, told to never show his face here again for the mark of the Black Decay he bore was a curse he could never remove. Exiled and hunted by his birthgivers and their cult; banished and reviled by the only ones who could save him - Ard'Mhion would fake his own death with a life-like conjuration of himself so that he was given a temporary respite away from it all.

Hiding under a commoner's persona, Ard'Mhion would travel the war-torn galaxy observing the petty squabbles that led innocents to their deaths in war after war. He begun to realise the blindness that the world was plagued, just like he saw his former family and coven blind in their ways. In a desperate attempt to seek a way to help and fix the world, he journeyed through the dreamstate Afterworld to find an answer but instead he'd come across a crimson eye staring back at him, the right eye of Queen Morrigan. He would fall victim to the delicious whispers of a dark god long gone from this world, one who shared the same mindset as him, speaking to him of the possibility of waking up the world. He became known as an Endwalker in ancient script.

And so it was that Ard'Mhion would begin on this goals. For years, even decades, Ard'Mhion would work in the shadows of different druidic covens to see those who saw glimpses of the truth he too had seen. He would unite the Endwalkers under a leadership alongside another influential figure - Xhul'Kan of the K'aaba Tux.

Later on Ard'Mhion would get into contact with Xhul'Kan's daughter, the Priestess Kiana, who would find ancient texts telling of a gateway that, when opened, would begin the awakening of the world. They pinpointed the location of this gateway to Lake Kurath in the Saren Islands and begin making sacrifices of Elves and Trolls there as per requirement of the ritual. One hundred sacrifices was needed and the ninety-ninth would become Elwyn Drowfang, given to them by Nidrogan of the Zealous Verdict who used her danger to lure Fayelin Auros away from Dreamerin. After Elwyn, Kiana was meant to be the hundredth sacrifice but would be devoured by the Reverie Gryphon Susanne before she had the chance. After being bested by Beatrice Forestwolf in battle, Ard'Mhion would make himself the final sacrifice that would open a chasm at the lake's location, killing him in the process.

Powers and Abilities

Even at a young age Ard'Mhion wielded an exceptional skill with Druidic magic, specifically that of the Black Decay's. He could wither a body to liquid rot with a single touch and cast a storm of serrated vines with a wave of his hands. As he would grow older and form the united Endwalkers, he would begin to wield Nightmare magics which would replace his druidic ones, although some semblance of his past magic remained even in his new form.

It is said that whilst serving the forces of the Nightmares, Ard'Mhion would bear witness to creatures previously unheard of in Auria and be inspired by them. He would transform intho these creatures as proof of the awakening the Endwalkers must beckon.

Physical Description

Ard'Mhion was a tall and muscular Elven man who bore long white hair and a full beard. His exposure to the nightmare caused his eyes to glow a permanent crimson and his body became warped with twisted treebark.