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The World of Auria isn't only boundless adventure and monstrous threats but also an expanse of culture spread across multiple nations each with their own customs and ways. One culture that nearly every race shares is that of traditional Cuisine, a food that is cooked and perfected by a race using their favoured or most convenient ingredients they have at their disposal.


Citrunade is a carbonized soft-drink popular in the Nova Voltex region which was invented by the Fenik chemist Robb Maryn after drinking a Senkh Lemon Satarmissat. It is retold that following his visit to the Livanin desert in the year 1545, inspired to create his own version of a refreshing drink that can help his people fight the heat of the jungle islands, Robb would return to the streets of Steamgear where he would set up a stall and brew his first Citrunade to the passerbys' enjoyment. As befitting his expectations, his drink would become an instant hit among his peers, skyrocketing Robb Maryn into the hall of famed thinkers who's legacy could be felt to this day. Following the successful business start-up known simply as Fizz, Robb would develop his famous drink further, coming up with three additional distinct flavours: Lemonade, made with lemons, Limenade, made with limes, and Hydronade, made with Hydromelons.


Vurvlok, also called Fire flakes, is a street food eaten by both commoners and warriors alike in the Enkhulu culture. As the universal name suggests, Vurvlok is created using natively grown Grukoori Maize and combining it with a special "Inferno Spice", which is a legendary recipe passed down by experienced cooks of their culture combining five Drystingers and eleven Serpent Tongue with fifty seeds of a Bloodbloom, twenty Geldod seeds and four teaspoons of Shinaru Cinnamon. The result is a crunchy corn flake with an extremely hot afterburn which is said to strengthen one's soul when baring the heat of the desert. It is the favoured snack of both children and adults in their culture.


Zhulames is a dish cooked by the Senkh for generations as it is easy to prepare and delightful to chow on. The main ingredients used in preparing it are Shaha Beans, Eggs, Vegetable Oil and Desert Cumin with optional ingredients in Garlic, Lemon Juice and Peppers. Everything besides the eggs are cooked into a hearty stew while the eggs are hard-boiled, being served as slices next to the stew. Zhulames is eaten as breakfast and as dinner.

Satarmissat is an ageless drink for the desert-dwelling Senkh. Made from mixing locally grown Lemons or Hydromelons with local Dates and honey imported from Azura, Satarmissat (commonly called Satar or Missat in casual tongue) is served cold usually with ice from a nearby icehouse. It is loved by natives of the desert and tourists alike for its refreshing effect which helps battle the ruthless heat of Livanin. The lemon-flavoured taste of the Satarmissat would inspire the creation of the Fenik-made Citrunade.


Piskake is a well-known and widely eaten meal typically served for breakfast in Shiveer. It consists of hand-sized rich and fatty flat-cakes served with a whipped cream made with Shiveran Strawberries or Wyrmberries. The fattiness of this dish helps the youth brave the cold morning trails they take to go to school.