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The common language of Auria was created as a gift from the Gods to mortalkind to grant them the ability to speak fluently between species. Despite the language being used unanimously across the galaxy, dialectic spins of the language have been made by the differing races which inhabit the world. These dialects make minor but noticeable differences in the way certain races speak and express themselves and their unique cultures.

Chronos Dialect

Spoken mainly by the Senkh of Livanin, though reserved for other lesser races like the Zhadeva and those dwelling the desert like the Sunstalkers, the Chronos Dialect has ancient influences, beginning as early as the Senkhs' own existence. Runic influence can be felt greatly in the dialect.

Aati - Judger

Amun - Crafter, Creator

Ankh - Life, also used as a holy symbol to bless one with long life

Ankh Weja Seneb. - "Life, Prosperity, Health", A form of goodbye wishing the person good health in their travels

D' - Prefix to describe something that is evil. The letter "D" is considered evil in nature and is only used in words that allude to it

D'aboloc - Demon

D'Raoh - Evil Leader

Hash'Nefer - Good Morning

Horu - Fire

Inpu - Death

Kahi - Earth

Ma'a - Go, walk

M'Wou - Water

Neith - Hunter, slayer

Nous - Divine Being, God

Nous'Horu - Divine Being of Fire, title of Ignis Incendius

Nous'Inpu - Divine Being of Death, title of Perisha

Nous'Kahi - Divine Being of Earth, title of Teracota

Nous'M'Wou - Divine Being of Water, title of Aquandas

Nous'Vess - Divine Being of Wind, title of Caelus

Nous'Wynq - Divine Being of Life, title of Rengrown

Pha - True, Pure

Pharaoh - True Leader

Raoh - Leader

Saut'Sa - A high ranking military leader, a champion who leads an army in person.

Sefeta - A building built next to an oasis which houses a public bath with blessed waters. These buildings also include rooms for rent, akin to inns

Sem - A Priest

Semet - A Priestess

S'Occa - She, Woman, Female

S'Offa - He, Man, Male

Soh'tep -"Be at Peace", a polite and friendly form of greeting

Sshtat - Cousin

Vess - Wind

Wynq - Life

Elven Dialect

Elven is a dialect spoken by the races of the Wylderin - Elves, Wolfen, Dryad and Fairies. It mixes the standards of Aurian with the multiple races that make up the faction. Though the dialect is named Elven, there is an influence of Luxfordian in it thanks to the inclusion of the Wolfen. The dialect also features multiple regional variations - Fer'Anarian is the first and most common Elven that is spoken in the central regions of Tranquilon; In'Fidisarian is spoken towards the western coasts and islands; Ash'Magnarian is spoke towards the north and is the least common as it is spoken primarily by those living in the mountains.

Bren - Wood, Great Forest

Greif - Gryphon, Great Eagle

Hiekoda - Large Wolfen household built in or at the edge of a forest that includes many different families living under one roof

Linnas - City, used in the names of certain settlements

Koda - Home

Thara - Hero, based on the Elven God of Myths.

Trua - A type of Elven Dagger used for mercy killing. Sometimes called Truablade.

Luxfordian Dialect

Luxfordian is a dialect that uses unique words spoken by the people of Luxfordia. Most of these words would come to exist during the Luxondrian Monarchy when the kingdom was established and founded and they are used to this day.

Armeria - Great Armory

Asvar - Half-breed

Colosseum - Great Arena

Discibory - School or Study, usually used for combat lessons

Sante - Holy

Santemos - Most Holy, title of Charisa given by the Humans

Viadei - A large or notable street

Penguin Dialect

Though relatively new in the world, the Penguins of Wyrmeron speak a unique dialect that mixes runic with an ancient spoken language predating Aurian. Historians have often compared their language to that of the Shargazi dialect. Furthermore, Penguins do not have names differing from their common vocabulary and instead use said words to name their children.

Aipa - God of the Ocean and Sea, common name given to Aquandas by the Penguins

Akna - Life, Health

Kaskae - Chieftain, name given to each Emperor and their heir

Lunaningan - God of the Moon, common name given to both Perisha and Malva by the Penguins

Magaruqnik - God of Hunting and Fishing, common name give to Fenros by the Penguins

Sinaaq - City on the edge of the frozen sea

Trollish Dialect - "Chatroli"

The Trolls of Gwynbrenon adopt an exotic and unique language called Chatroli that differs greatly from the common tongue. Many words are orally expressed with sharp, short pauses.

Che'il - Protected place, sanctuary

K'aaba Tux - Old Faith, the old traditions of the Trolls including fortune telling, communing with the dead and a heavy influence of Shamanism.

K'anah - Golden

K'aax - Divine Realm, the World of the Afterlife

K'iinik - A type of open-air public building where people socialise over drinks, akin to a bar

Kultura Ri'ki - New Age, a cultural movement that seeks to reform the way Trolls act by becoming more industrious while abandoning ancient rites.

Saq'ij - Pleasurable Place

Kynoani - Druid

Nohe - Home

Tiha - A Trollish Port

Tzukut ka'wal - Spirit of Everything, All Gods taking one singular united form

Waja - Chief, Leader

Zanchul - Respected Ruler of Trollkind

Za- - Prefix, used to convey possession. Example: "Za'Nohe" meaning "My home"