
From Legacy of Auria
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Era of Prehistoria

??? - The Dusk of Dawn begins.

Era of Unity

Many of the worlds' races find power in sophisticated unity, sowing the seeds of their nations' futures. Much of Auria's uninhabited lands become developed as the many kingdoms gain a boom in growth and development. Wars between opposing kingdoms begin to occur over territory and ideals. The Fenik develop the revolutionary Skyship, aiding in uniting the separated planets.

0 - Pharaoh Neferseshem Seshen-Heru, Chronos' most revered leader, takes to the throne.
45 - Minotaurs find the Pools of Cleansing in Serena and bathe themselves in it becoming the Oxine.
120 - Luxfordian Kingdom is established in Imperia.
285 - Squros inventor and renowned explorer Heros creates the first crossbow.
412 - Chan'saw Jah, chieftain of the M'jah tribe, invites the other Troll chieftains to stand with him in creating a unified empire. The offer is declined and a battle takes place between the tribes in which M'jah stand victorious. Chan'saw Jah united the now-chieftainless tribes under his new Xib'alba Empire.
510 - All Fenik tribes in Gwynbrenon are united by Chieftain Qozz. Work begins on the first Skyship.
528 - Fenik of Gwynbrenon led by Master Vex Springtail build the first ever Skyship. They use it to escape the planet from oppressive forces and crash land onto Saberos.
529 - Fenik are discovered by the Pashim Chi Vishaali, who attempt to enslave or kill the Fox people to keep their lands from being pillaged. The war between them is simply titled the Saberos War.
530 - Fenik win the Saberos War against the Pashim Chi Vishaali, forcing them to retreat and let the fox people thrive.
640 - Fenik Skyships continue to evolve in efficiency. Intergalactic travel becomes available to the Fenik spreading their presence to the other planets other than Voi'Runil.
642 - Humans develop their first Skyship with the help of the Fenik. They use it to travel to Gwynbrenon and Saberos, in the process making the first intergalactic trade route.
650 - The Church of Divinity is founded by Augustus Solidus.
672 - Avari scholars and tinkers begin research into Skyships and develop their first vessel.
682 - Avari better their Skyship models and make trips to Imperia and Serena.
732 - King's Crossing is attacked by the Senkh. Archbishop Augustus Solidus dies in the attack and his son Samson takes up his mantle of Archbishop.
755 - Fenik establish a cross-planetary transport system that allows for the general public to travel to other planets via their Skyships.
777 - Hayka pirates begin pirating across the galaxy.
780 - Fenik arm their public Skyships with weapons to combat pirates.
812 - Lady Sethris kills the Ocean King. Immediately after the Lamia suffer an uprising of women and servants wishing to no longer be controlled by the dominant males.
814 - Lady Sethris and her followers are banished from the ocean and are forced to die on land but are saved by the Serpents. They become the Naga and attempt to make a new home in Serena.
815 - Conflict breaks out between the Naga and the Oxine which leads to the latter being enslaved. Jadefist Village is burned down by the Naga and they force the Oxine to build Jaido'shi in its place.
875 - Battle Skyships begin to be made with the purpose of invading other planets.
934 - Battle of the Wilds begins in Gwynbrenon when Luxfordian Humans lay siege on the Elves' home.
935 - Battle of the Wilds ends with Fenros and Somniva cursing the invading Humans into Wolfen and forcing them to work for Somniva.
960 - The first Dreamwalkers to walk upon Auria exited the Gate of Dreams, settling the Wolfen, Dryads and Wisps into Elven society.
963 - A large scale expedition of Wolfen are sent to western Gwynbrenon, to the lands of Silverbough, to set up outposts there.
965 - A mysterious mist wraps western Gwynbrenon in a mystical cloud that prevents entry and exit to the western continent. New societies begin to develop in Silverbough and Eaglepeak now that they are cut off from the Wylderin.
989 - Deldarach Hawktalon is promoted into a Commander in the Luxfordian military.
997 - The remaining Oxine tribes find out about the Naga and a war breaks out in Serena leading to the near extinction of the bull people. The surviving Oxine are allowed to leave Serena by the Skyship Dock in their capital as a sign of mercy.
999 - The Oxine capital is destroyed and the Naga establish their capital as the only one in Serena. The Fenik build a new Skyship Dock in Jaido'shi.

Era of Magic

Magic is made accessible to mankind thanks to Deldarach Hawktalon's exploits against Dragonkind. With the advent of magic, the kingdoms of Auria gain a massive boon in their developments - Technology, knowledge, health, population, transportation and warfare all become more advanced. Many nations reach an apex.

1000 - Deldarach Hawktalon travels to Wyrmeron with a small group of Asvars in search of Magic.
1001 - Deldarach's expedition meets the Urson of Wyrmeron. Led by king Fulgon Hyrnfur, the two team up in search for magic, the Urson doing so to seek knowledge of their world.
1002 - Deldarach Hawktalon and Fulgon Hyrnfur lead their unified expedition into the Vault of Endless Wisdoms, finding the Cosmic Lexicon and stealing it for themselves. The Asvars end up leaving the planet while the Urson return to their home, ready to face the wrath of the Dragons if need be.
1005 - Deldarach leads a rebellion against the Humans which allows him to gain power in the royal council.
1007 - Etherin alongside Etherin Academy are built. Deldarach assumes position of headmaster of Etherin and Duke of Etherin.
1053 - Urson settle on Serena to spy on the growing empire of the Naga.
1100 - The Divine Crusade is founded and becomes the main army of Luxfordia.
1113 - The Serena Urson split apart from the Bjorn and establish the Xiong Dynasty.
1120 - With the news of magic reaching the ears of other kingdoms, Etherin becomes pressured to take other races into their ranks so that the entire galaxy is allowed the knowledge of Magic.
1124 - Human Scholars wishing to split themselves from Luxfordia arrive on Serena. They are attacked by Demons and saved by a pack of Wolfen who help them establish Emere.
1125 - Fenik Magi use their newfound knowledge of Magic in innovation. They create a new engine for their Skyships powered by Magic that allows for more efficient models to be made.
1130 - Yuddhkabeta, the first Pahar Edaar, is created and unleashed by Grand Architect Masheen Nirmata.
1220 - Nearly all Skyships in Auria become powered by Magic.
1255 - Enkhulu in Grukoor are unified under the banner of the Urol empire.
1312 - Chief Musa develops the creation of Gex from gemstones. He proceeds to use it as a means of trade paving the way for Auria's official currency.
1650 - Luxfordia replaces the Divine Crusade with a stronger army that has no ties to religion.
1644 - The first Sark are fleshcrafted within the Halls of Fleshcrafting.
1645 - Sark break free from the Halls of Fleshcrafting, settling in the Dzungle Wilds of Grukoor.
1721 - The Galactic Bank of Auria is established to make official Gex Coins which would be adopted by almost all societies as the main currency of use.

Era of Wars

War becomes more prevalent throughout Auria as the borders of differing nations begin to push against one another more tightly. Not enough land and resources to support the populations.

2360 - A Luxfordian Royal Fleet is caught in the deathly mists surrounding the planet of Voi'Runil after they were intercepted by an Avari fleet. They end up crashing into the cursed planet and begin futile attempts at escaping it.
2361 - A sect of priests that crash landed onto Voi'Runil meet the local Veryn and are taught how to control the forces of the Cosmos to survive. The survivors of Voi'Runil begin a slow and cruel transition into becoming the Forduni.
2362 - High King Edward Greymoore IV declares war on the United Tribes and Bjorn in response to the loss of his Royal Fleet which had his son and Crown Prince Larothron on board. The Azuran Sky War begins.
2450 - Personal Skyships become popular among the rich.
2523 - Public Skyship tickets become cheaper due to the advent of personal Skyships.
2795 - The Hayka Revolution begins as many are tired of seeing their corrupt and unruly leader leading the Hayka down a dark path.
2808 - The Hayka Revolution against a corrupt captain is won and a matriarchy is formed and takes over Hayka society.
2840 - The Ritori Postal League is founded as an official postal service of Auria.
2950 - Yvain Greymoore IV is born.
2857 - Ezamas subjugated by the Cosmos arrive on Grukoor with their demonic allies. They set up a demonic outpost hellbent on invading the planet but the Ezama leader Faq'Adt Alqalb sends out a messenger to anyone on the planet hoping to warn them.
2858 - The Enkhulu answer the Ezama warning by launching an attack on their outpost. Faq'Adt Alqalb is slain in battle and the Demons are pushed back, the remaining Ezamas are spared and allowed to rebuild. Qayid'Bih Mawthuq is elected their new leader.
2900 - Ixil is banished from the Bloodscythe Clan by King Goros and thrown into the Duiwel Dunes. Not soon after Skoldarra hatches from her egg.
2920 - Skoldarra returns to Dzungle and overthrows King Goros, becoming the new chieftain of the Bloodscythe Clan.
2960 - Caelina Duze is born.
2970 - Sheela Neel is born. Tensions the Humans and the Senkh begin to grow.
2975 - The Enkhulu invade Wyrmeron, battling the Urson in the Frozen War. Cyrun Ragnagard and his brothers push them back. Cyrun travels to Grukoor and settles a peace treaty with Warlord Zurk.
2977 - The War of the Sands breaks out between Luxfordia and Chronos.
2980 - The War of the Sands continues. The Senkh become victorious, forcing the Humans out of the desert. Sunwatch is destroyed and Dawn's Edge captured, forcing the Humans that lived there to walk through a treacherous region in which most die. Sheela Neel survives this journey and arrives in King's Crossing.
2958 - Qayid'Bih Mawthuq steps down as Arshad of the Ezamas, young Hakim Qalb'Qawiun is handpicked by Qayid to become the new Arshad.
2985 - Helix Chembolt adopts an orphaned Goblin to his care and begins to habilitated her into society. The process is a success in due time and it leads to the founding of the Habilitation Centre of Fexham.

Era of Healing

The Grand War, a war to end all wars, leaves the world at a state of ruin. Thousands of lives were lost and many smaller settlements were left in ruins. Lands farther away from capitals return to the wilderness and smaller nations gain room to expand. The world's militaries are lessened, causing monsters and beasts to gain an advantage as well, allowing for the rise of independent heroes and mercenary groups.

3000 - The Grand War begins. The Senkh are attacked but manage to save themselves. The Sunstalkers led by Sheela Neel are formed. Uroldros and Streamgear fall to Human conquest.
3001 - The Grand War continues. Jaido'shi and the Naga fall to the Humans. Gwynbrenon becomes under siege.
3002 - The Grand War continues. Yvain Greymoore dies at the hands of Urolkhul Zurshak of the Enkhulu and the Human armies are pushed out of Gwynbrenon. Jaido'shi and Streamgear are liberated.
3003 - The Grand War ends. Uroldros is liberated. The Dwarves are slaughtered protecting New Luxford from the counter armies. Luxfordia is taken over by the Asvars, Humans are spared from extinction.
3004 - Dwarves break their alliance with Luxfordia vowing to never ally themselves with another kingdom.
3010 - The western lands of Gwynbrenon once more open up to the world.

3020 - Current Year