Close to 1000 years ago the highest intellectuals of Chronos came together in Shassusin to form the Archivists, a group responsible to writing down and forming an accurate means of telling time. Though at first this project was handled mainly by the Senkh themselves, they would soon fall flat in their research and in a desperate move open their organization up to intellectuals from all across the Galaxy to do their part in the research: The Urson were one of the first to answer the call by focusing on the movements of the Eyes of Perisha, Auria's twin moons, to document the days. The Fenik would go a different path by using mathematics to attempt creating machines that tick down at certain paces which would help record time. While the efforts of them and others would come to be noteworthy, it would be the Trolls of Xib'alba, with their extensive knowledge of the movements of the stars and planets for nigh two thousand years, that would crack the equation and give an accurate system to not only the years and months but also going as precise as the seconds.
At last, with the help of Auria's finest Archivists of time spearheaded by the Senkh and aided by the Trolls, the unanimous Aurian Calendar was made to be.
Despite the Archivists working tirelessly to introduce their discovered system to the rest of the world, there still exist some that do not employ the Aurian Calendar and instead use their more ancient methods of counting their years - the Sark believe that a single year lasts 250 days, the number of days it took for them to escape from the Halls of Fleshcrafting, the Urson take into account only the risings of the Silver Moon to count their days.
Thanks to the Aurian Calendar, historians and archeologists around the world were able to pinpoint historical events and place them in an universal timeline called the Aurian Timeline.
According to the Aurian Calendar:
1 Minute lasts 60 seconds
1 Hour lasts 60 minutes (3600 seconds)
1 Day lasts 24 hours (1440 minutes / 86.400 seconds)
1 Week lasts 5 days (120 hours / 7.200 minutes / 432.000 seconds)
1 Month lasts 5 Weeks (25 days / 600 hours / 36.000 minutes / 2.160.000 seconds)
1 Year lasts 16 months (80 weeks / 400 days / 9.600 hours / 576.000 minutes / 34.560.000 seconds)
The five days of a Week are named after five Gods:
1. Renday, named after Rengrown, the God of Life. This day represents the start of a week much like Rengrown represents the start of a life cycle.
2. Solday, named after Sol Peleges, the God of Fertility, daughter of the Fire God who gifted her to Rengrown to be his consort.
3. Amunday, named after Amun, the God of Eclipse. Serving as a bridging figure between these two forces, Amun's mysterious name was chosen to represent the middle of the week.
4. Malday, named after Malva, the God of the Watchful Daughter. As the guiding moon of Auria, Malva is the harbinger of the day's (and week's) end.
5. Perday, named after Perisha, the God of Death. This day represents the end of the week much like Perisha represents the end of a life cycle.
Renday and Perday are both commonly days where people do not work unless required to, seen more as days of rest and recreation.
The sixteen months of a year are named after the four Gods of the Seasons: Fonix; Aestonix; Aunix; and Hienix. Individually, each season features a Dawn; Rise; Noon; and Dusk as a month, portraying the process of time represented in each season.
1. Fonix Dawn
2. Fonix Rise
3. Fonix Noon
4. Fonix Dusk
5. Aestonix Dawn
6. Aestonix Rise
7. Aestonix Noon
8. Aestonix Dusk
9. Aunix Dawn
10. Aunix Rise
11. Aunix Noon
12. Aunix Dusk
13. Hienix Dawn
14. Hienix Rise
15. Hienix Noon
16. Hienix Dusk