Coven of the Thorned Growth

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Coven of the Thorned Growth
Cult of the Thorned Growth.jpg
Main Leader(s)Lady Sara
Base of OperationsN/A
Other (Lesser)
Notable Members


A sub faction of Druids borne from the Coven of the Black Decay, the Coven of the Thorned Growth splintered off from them when they were left few in number in Tranquilon and forced into a subtle and more peaceful way of life. Though the originating Coven practiced traditions that involved rampant attacks and kidnappings of innocents from the Wylderin and Xib'alba, the Thorned Growth evaded as much interaction with the outside world as possible to remain a secluded tribe that focused their full devotion and attention to their paganistic rituals that saw fewer and fewer instances of sacrifices as time went on, instead practicing rites to appease nature and sustain life with restorative acts.

Eventually the Coven of the Thorned Growth lost its mark as a threat and the kingdoms instead saw them as respected practitioners of a basic form of Druidism that acted not on the wishes of death but on the very opposite - life. Though they made their stance to be a people who do not make their home in the rampantly growing civilizations they became open to the idea of taking part in ceremonies hosted by both kingdoms to appraise nature as well as teach their own knowledge to others. The Coven would eventually forge a permanent bond with the Wylderin, who took inspiration from their secluded ways and established more Druidic Covens specializing in different practices befitting Druidism. This would lead to an advancement in how Druids function as avatars of nature's force.

Sadly with the return of the Coven of the Black Decay in the year 3010 the Coven of the Thorned Growth were found by their ancestral comrades and conflict between the two Covens arouse. To this day they battle in their opposing ideals.

Laws and Traditions

Like their predecessors, the Thorned Growth are a pagan Coven of nomadic people living in the wilderness with infrequent interaction with the developing world. They practice druidic magic to tend to their woods and give gifts of life in the form of seedlings and cultivation which they offer to many of their primitive shrines setup across Tranquilon and Blackwood. Many of their ideals are shared with the Wylderin to the point that the two work together in restoring the land when the rare opportunity of friendship arises.

By far it is rare for a person outside of the clan to become a true member of it. Most members are born within it with the supposed act of incest being prevalent within it. On rare occasions they have found the new born of someone who had abandoned them to the wilds and raise them as their own.