
From Legacy of Auria
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Dwarf Male.jpeg
Average Height125cm-150cm
Average Lifespan140 years
Hair ColoursBlack, White, Brown, Red, Blue, Blonde
Eye ColoursRed, Blue, Green, Purple, Yellow, Orange (Can be Glowing)
Skin ColoursPale, Fair, Peachy, Tanned, Dark, Black, blue
Current LeaderThane Thedorann Dul Earthfury
CapitalDun Moria

The stout Dwarves have lived in eastern Imperia for thousands of years, making the harsh and arctic eastlands their home. They excel in the arts of the forge and brewery, so much so that their craftsmanship guides an individual from any part of Auria into their kingdom of Mor Kardia just so they may be indulged in their finery.

It is said that the Dwarves are beings borne of Earth and Fire itself, though there exist no further proof of this claim other than the theories of their runespeakers and folktales of Finnlayn Dul Dunondrann, the first Thane. Many Dwarven women sing the tale of how this legendary entity who emerged from the ground with the fury of fire pulsing through his veins, raising the mountains of Imperia high into the sky so he could build a throne that overlooked the land below - this throne would commonly be known as Bhen Neva, the highest peak in Dunondrann.

Though their origins are more myth than fact, the Dwarves hold the story close to their hearts and continue their traditions of craftsmanship through the forge, forging the greatest weapons one can obtain.

Contrary to common modern knowledge, the first recorded settlements of the Dwarves exist in the Ischyros region where they lived in coexistence with the Human warrior tribes. The Dwarves saw the southern mountains as holy lands that should be preserved and not perversed by settlements Though there was a lot of conflict at that time, the Dwarves and the Humans also intermingled rather frequently, leading to children of mixed blood that were looked down upon by both races at first though over time the Dwarves would see them as equals - the Gnomes.

Following the fall of the first Luxfordian empire, Mor Durin would also scatter as the Undead armies rose from the snowcloaked soil and rampaged throughout the continent. Those that would survive this onslaught would be led southward by Kenmac Dul Copperbeard, renaming themselves to Mor Alpin. As the shadow of death washed over their homeland, the people of Mor Alpin were forced to cross over to the Dunondrann mountains proper which they considered sacred and should not be uninhabited by them, yet it was Thane Kenmac that made the difficult decision to go against their people's beliefs in order to save them, taking on the burden of sin wholly on himself. With the aid of the Gnomes, Mor Alpin built the city of Dun Dui inside a hollowed-out mountain, turning it into an impregnatable fortress city to hold against the horde of undead rampaging from the north.

Dun Dui would hold its own for many centuries, being the heart of Dwarven life under the shadow of the Armdrusian Bulwark, a formidable fortress made out of Onyxium, a metal both spiritually precious and monetarily too to the Dwarves for its rarity and incredible toughness. For a few centuries the Dwarves knew peace from the Undead, allowing them time to expand their industry as well as for rest and recreation yet by the seventh century the kingdom would begin to deteriorate and weaken following in the aftermath of the Arusk'Orun War. Still their race carried on as many would swear disloyalty to the careless Thane who had sat lazily upon his gilded throne while his kingdom suffered, choosing instead to travel further inland and found another nation: Mor Urania. Led by Thane Wallance Dul Skyhammer, Urania sought to reinstate their ancient pledge to protect their natural land and cut off the rapid expansion of their people, believing it would destroy the land they hold dear. Mor Urania would later gain the loyalty of the Humans led by King Thutthus Lionheart, who supplied them with the resources needed to make their side prosper, while Mor Alpin was left to starve. A multi-century war between Mor Alpin and Mor Urania would slowly show signs of the destruction of Dwarvenkind. As both sides focused wholly on the fight against their opposite, a third faction was formed in the quiet heart of Dwarven holyland that sought a way out of the senseless fighting - Mor Kardia.

By the end of the second millennia, both Mor Alpin and Mor Urania would be reduced to fickle numbers while Mor Kardia celebrated in prosperity. They made the mountains that their people revered their homes but did not exploit the earth that enriched them but found a way to live alongside it in a kinship similar to the Wylderin. Mor Alpin and Mor Urania would never truly die out, remaining factions of rivalling ideals, Mor Kardia embodied both of their wishes and saw perfection in balance.

The people of Mor Kardia would continue to be natural allies to the Humans, creating a pact that stated that if one kingdom was to be attacked, the other must come to their aid above all else. It is why, during the Great Fall, the Dwarves and Gnomes were placed in a difficult position. The Humans had just begun a war they could not win and the Elves and their allies were soon to march upon the Grand Capital. Though they did not agree to the Mad King’s brutal ambitions, the Dwarves marched forth into the Grand Capital to protect those they could. When the Great Resistance came besieging the city, the honourable Dwarves were the first to meet them in combat, leading to a slaughter where both sides of the war lost a great deal of their men but in the end, the Resistance prevailed. The slaughter at the King’s Gate is another one of the Dwarves’ tales that is song to this day, the people of the Mountain never forgetting the consequences of creating alliances with other nations and vowing never to ally with another kingdom again… it is said that Dun Moria is a lonely mountain from now on.

In order to realize their lonely stand, the Dwarves of Dunondrann closed their borders off allowing only one entry into their snowy and mountainous island - through the border control in Geata Mara. Here travellers go through strict inspection before being let into their lands. Due to the borders of their homeland blocking off potential allies and trade opportunities, many Dwarves have adapted to becoming travelling merchants, exploring the vast galaxy of Auria and bringing their business to the front doors of the people.

Religion and Culture

Though the Dwarves are not as spiritually aligned as others, they do have a strong reverence toward three prime elements: Fire, Earth and Wind, or as they name them in their ancient tongue: Li'Qah, Gadulh, Vohah. Each represents a force of life in their beliefs. Water, the commonly known fourth element, is represented as a monstrous being known as Sheleg, the Ice Beast, and reinforces an age-old fear in water that makes Dwarves unlikely treaders of water.

To Dwarves, the Afterlife is found in the Halls of the First Thane, a sacred place where an eternity of eating, crafting and brawling can take place at.

Beyond their faith, Dwarves revere nature and its animals with respect. They seek companionship with the Bears and Rams that inhabit Dunondrann and, like Elves, they hunt only for necessity and even upon delivering the killing blow to their prey, Dwarves are said to speak a "Tear of Vow", a sort of prayer to the Gods that asks for forgiveness.

Dwarves are also merchantile perhaps due to one of their own's involvement in the creation of the Merchants' Oath Guild. They are also explorers, many even shedding their fear of water if it means finding treasure and lost knowledge.

Dwarves are not born with a surname - they earn it when they reach adulthood and are branded with the symbol of Li'Qah, Gadulh or Vohah, whichever represents them best:
Li'Qah, aka Fire, represents a burning spirit that makes them outgoing and social. It is the symbol of heroism for those who fight.
Gadulh, aka Earth, represents a stable mind and meditative personality. It is the symbol of kingship for those who lead and protect.
Vohah, aka Wind, represents a free heart and boundless curiousity. It is the symbol of knowledge for those who explore.

In rare circumstances, Dwarves are also given the brand of Sheleg, Sel'Sheleg, which forever marks them a criminal or evildoer.

Alongside their brand, Dwarves earn the surname of their forebearer or, if their parent does or did not bear one, make one for themselves. Branded Dwarves also earn an Emsar in their name, a sort of middle name:
"Dul" is the Emsar of Thanes and is carried by whoever is the active leader of a Dwarven kingdom.
"Dum" is the Emsar of Royalty, belonging to those who are closely related by blood to a Thane.
"Ado" is the Emsar of Prosperity, given to recognised masters of their craft. This Emsar was made to remember the first Dwarven Brewmaster Adon Gim Whitebeard, wielder of the legendary tankard Khazad
"Gim" is the Emsar of Heroism and is carried by recognised heroes.
"Rin" is the Emsar of service and is granted to soldiers of the kingdom.
"Tem" is the most common Emsar and is given to those who have not earned other Emsars.

Society and its Structure

Historically Dwarves have been under the banner of many kingdoms even prior to the Era of Unity. The earliest record of a nation is known as Mor Durin, said to have spanned for nearly four thousand years. The current kingdom is known as Mor Kardia. No matter what kingdom, Dwarves are always led by a figure known as a Thane.

Dwarven society is largely equal between the sexes with both men and women expected to fulfil the same roles. The kingdom of Mor Kardia is known for cultivation, mining and smithing so most commoners will find jobs in those sectors.

Racial Traits

Finnlayn's Incorruptible Spirit - Dwarves are naturally stubborn and incorruptible, making them more resistent towards mind-altering effects. This stubbornness and resistance intensifies exponentially with age.
Sheleg's Curse - Dwarves are bad swimmers because of their innate fear of water. Sea travel makes Dwarves nervous and even sick and offensive water-based magic is more effective against them. However - Offensive Fire, Earth and Wind-based magic is less effective against them.
Deadeye - Dwarves are proficient in wielding crossbows and guns. They are also hunters of the undead and have further proficiency in killing them.
Brewmastery - By Adon's Law, Dwarves are naturals when it comes to brewing ale. They enjoy positive effects when drinking and have stronger control over themselves when drunk.
Nose for Treasure - Dwarves are expert explorers especially for dark and dank places. They have an unnatural sense towards finding treasure and other riches.

Physical Appearance and Behaviour

Anastara Ado Bronzehammer, daughter of Andren Ado Bronzehammer and one of the first Coinage Lords of the Merchants' Oath Guild

Dwarves are short, stocky and hairy humanoids who share physical similarities with Humans. Their most distinct features are their never-balding heads fitted with plentiful hair and the beards of male and intersex Dwarves that can grow well past their groins. In contrast, Dwarven women are blessed with even longer and more plentiful hair.

Dwarves are hearty and for the most part friendly. They command respect and grant it too. Many are curious and seek out new experiences however they are also innately stubborn and stick to their ideals and beliefs.