Fangs of The Father

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Fangs of The Father
Beatrice Armory Cutout.png
CreatorBlackscale the Wise
TypeDragon Relic
8 daggers, 2 of which consist as controls and a crystal serving as their power source
Size13cm (Crystal)
40cm + 17cm (Blade + handle)
Special TraitsEnhances user's druidic powers and combat capabilities
Can morph into different weapons on demand
Haunts current wielder regularly, gnawing on their sanity and confidence
WieldersBeatrice Forestwolf

Fangs of The Fater are a potent magical artifact capable of transforming into any weapon its wielder desires. These were created by Fenros, or rather the fangs he lost during his fierce fights over his lifespan. The weapons are treated as sacred druidic artifact that not many druids are even aware of due to it's attempted concealing from others, unfortunately for them Beatrice Forestwolf did steal them and is now wielding them. Even unskilled wielder like her is able to wield them with moderate proficiency but far from tapping into its full power.

The Fangs are also cursed, constantly checking the wielder's will and determination to push through with their cause. For the longer they are wielded the wielder gets affected by sounds of howling, leaves rustling, branches breaking and feeling of constantly being hunted that no one else around notices. If wielder's determination and will should falter for too long the artifact is capable of killing its owner or elude it's grasp. With that the relic was prohibited from being used by anyone, and even the greatest druids could only wield it for short time due to the known curse it inflicts on the owner. It's said that one can permanently conquer the beast within the blades yet there's no known person that was able to do so, only temporarily subduing it's bloodthirst and druidic powers at best.

Appearance and Powers

At its default state, Fangs of The Father is an orange crystal and two leading daggers. Its wielder can conjure remaining 6 daggers with use of the crystal to guide the blades for flurry of deadly attacks. Whatever form the weapons take (including the leading daggers), the materials the weapon is built out of usually remains consistent. The floating daggers usually follow leading daggers that dictate the floating daggers' movements for empowered strikes. It's the default forms for Fangs of The Father and are usually the strongest but strength alone is not enough and so the wielder of the weapon has their cunning and wit constantly challenged, depending on the enemies they face as the shape changing is its biggest strength.

When out of combat, Beatrice returns the weapons into crystal, holding only onto the leader daggers on her hips. If she's still preparing for a fight she keeps the floating the daggers behind her as a form of shield.