
From Legacy of Auria
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Average Height80cm-110cm
Average Lifespan110 years
Hair ColoursBlack, White, Brown, Red, Blue, Blonde
Eye ColoursVaried
Skin ColoursPale, Fair, Peachy, Tanned, Dark, Black, blue
Current LeadersReighess Midgirra Nee (Racial Leader)
Thane Thedorann Earthfury (Revered Leader)
CapitalDun Moria

The witty and oft misunderstood Gnomes are often in the same boat as their taller cousins across the Exodus Sea - The Asvars. As half-Human, half-Dwarves, the Gnomes were at first not even considered their own race but simply flawed and weak off-springs of their parents - shamed, feared and even killed by their predecessors who were afraid of dulling the blood of future generations.

There are no official records that state the time of the first Gnomes, however ancient scripture and carvings upon the walls of the ruins of Ischyrosian Dwarven settlements speak volumes of how the smallfolk came to exist as these aforementioned frail children of Dwarvenkind that were even seen as demons by some. Over time however, the kinship between Human and Dwarf would cause the Gnomes to continue to remain and although Humankind continued to fear them, the Dwarves learned to accept them and make them a permanent member among them.

Since then, Gnomes and Dwarves have almost been interchangeable with one another, as the two have grown in cultural unity that bind the two races into one. Although they are physically weaker that the mighty Dwarves, the Gnomes make up with their human wittiness which makes them excellent strategists and problem solvers in their own right. In their move from the northlands to the south, the Gnomes proved instrumental in helping build the mountain cities of Dun Macbeth and later Dun Moria. As architectural geniuses, the Gnomes would pride themselves in their work in building the foundations of three Dwarven Kingdoms, remaining loyal to their brethren throughout their multiple falls.

For their loyalty through any hardship, the Gnomes were granted equal voices in Mor Kardia through the honouring of the first Gnomish Reighess - Zenna Zankh. Her rise to power would not alleviate the Gnomes of their desire to stay in the shadows and backlines of their Dwarven allies but it would inspire hope and joy within their hearts knowing that they are more than what the scriptures of the past have marked them as.

Religion and Culture

Society and its Structure

Physical Appearance and Behaviour