
From Legacy of Auria
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Goblin Male.png
Skin ColourzGreen
Average Height100cm
Lifespan100 years
WeaknessesLow Intelligence

The world of Auria is full of diverse races that have created mighty empires in which they thrive while others have stayed small and secluded... but no race has failed as badly in establishing a civilization as the Goblins. No longer even considered a race and instead merely lowborn monsters, the green-skinned Goblins are often ridiculed and looked down upon by other mortals and even other intelligent monsters, seeing the little folk as nothing more than a nuisance that needs periodic culling.

It is said that in the primordial era of Auria, Goblins actually did have what one could call a kingdom but it fell apart due to constant civil conflict and greed, leaving the short-lived empire of little green folk scattered all over the world. Whether it be the cliffs of the Grukoor or the forests of Gwynbrenon, Goblins are always able to find a way to live in any environment and survive there too, over time their bodies evolving to fit the climate better.

Goblin Female.jpg

Goblins have earned their reputation of being Monsters due to the fact that they steal from the mortals, often times arranging big raiding parties among their own tribe to attack a smaller town and steal their food and trinkets. They are a low-class type of monster that adventurers often times encounter in their journeys and fight, oft slaying a handful of greenskins before feeling satisfied. Some kingdoms have taken it upon themselves to keep their numbers in check, going as far as to enslave dozens of Goblins and selling them freely on marketplaces for whatever family or person desires a personal servant, which the Goblins actually don't mind as they are then also taken care of with food, shelter and often times a safe haven from the outside world. These Servant Goblins are a widespread trend that is seen as a positive by both sides, though the more wilder Goblins continue to fight against being enslaved and still yearn for the day where they may be a glorious empire again.

Goblin society follows a Hunter/Gatherer system where the males are naturally stronger in fighting and hunting while the females are bred to be gatherers and caretakers. Due to this, Female Goblins are sought out more often by those seeking a servant as they are less aggressive and more used to serve. Male Goblins are used as (often times inefficient) bodyguards. Some kingdoms have secret underground networks where they host fights between Goblins, making wagers and bets on who wins with large sums of Gexes being given to the victors. These "Goblin Pits", as they are called, are found illegal by most governments of the galaxy.

The Intelligent Ones

As recently as 2985 Helix Chembolt, a Fenik researcher of lifeforms adopted a young Goblin girl into his family after the Goblin's family was eradicated in a required purging to defend Fexham from harm. Helix was able to teach the Goblin child much like he could teach one of his own, although with greater efforts and persistence needed, and through this he was able to transform the creature from a savage monster to a respected member of his family, even giving her the name Hixi Chembolt. Following this revelation, Helix founded the Habilitation Centre of Fexham (HCF for short) which to this day aims to bring Goblins a new hope as a race.

Although not every Goblin is suited for this habilitation program, those that pass it are on-bar in intelligence and capabilities as the Fenik. These Goblins are still few in number but show great promises in what they can do.


Goblins have no naturally-born powers besides the ability to adapt to any environment. They also possess the uncanny trait of being incredibly lucky at times, which the researchers of many different Aurian academies have theorized is the Gods taking pity on the small folk and helping them out from time to time. Goblins also have limited intelligence in the wilderness, though are capable of learning and remembering tasks given to them, which makes them excellent servants.

Goblins also have an affinity for explosives and prefer to steal them often from Dwarves or Fenik. They use explosives mindlessly and often get themselves killed in the process but their recklessness may also prove to be quite dangerous.

Physical Appearence

Goblins are short Humanoids, on average being about a meter tall. They have large ears, noses and eyes. Though the traditional Goblin's skin is a green hue, there also exist those with yellowish, reddish or even bluish tones. They also have large hands and feet proportional to their body with finger- and toenails that are prone to growing long. Goblins are also capable of growing hair, with no apparent limit as to what colours they may have it.