When Auria was first created, the Eldest also created an array of divine beings that would serve as aspects in how the world works much like major gears in a large machine of existence. Everything from the weather to the elements and even how one is born and dies are tied to a respective god that watches over that part of the system. All Gods reside in a mirror dimension known as the Afterworld, a realm where the spirits of Auria also go to after their death. Each God has their own region within the Afterworld generally characterized by whatever they serve and it is said that those that worshiped a god in life will live among them in death.
The first six gods to be created are also the strongest - known as the Prime Gods, Ignis Incendius, Caelus, Teracota and Aquandas each represent one of the four major elements of creation that makes the world what it is whilst Rengrown, God of Life, and Perisha, God of Death, are the representations of Spirit, commonly known as the fifth Element which ties everything together into the circle of life.
Auria's Gods hold a lot of power but they are tasked with not interfering with the world they are meant to watch over. Despite this, they have shown a level of independence from their task by sometimes stepping into the world itself and influencing it in some way, the greatest of examples being when the God of Blood Nytheran created the Veryn race to prevent the Cosmos from tearing the world apart. Other times Gods take on smaller forms called Avatars to show themselves in Auria to the eyes of mortals, growing faith towards themselves or to guide them to the right path.
The independence of the Gods has also given each a unique personality and characteristics which they exist by, even as divine beings they often act much like Mortals do, although under higher authority. Though they do not have the limitations of Mortalkind, Gods often indulge themselves in activities which the mortals partake in including feasting and recreation. All throughout the Afterworld, activity is high because the Gods indulge themselves in the joy that Mortal souls bring, hosting vast festivals or games which said souls may partake in... and sometimes the Gods themselves do as well.
All of Auria's animals are based on the designs of a certain god and so are many mortals.
The powers of a God are tied to what they represent but in all cases they are far more powerful than any being in Auria. If allowed to bring their full powers onto the real world, Auria's Gods could easily shake the foundation of existence itself: Thursa's thundering roar would bring upon chaotic thunderstorms that bring destruction like never before, Hienix's presence would beckon an everlasting winter across the Galaxy, Aechronos' mastery over time would swing the timelines out of balance and so forth. In the Afterworld however, their powers can be used safely and as long as a God's soul still flickers, their aspect remains to keep the gears of creation spinning.
Although the powers of the Gods come from the Eldest, it has been found that worship and recognition from Mortals and Beasts also delivers them empowerment, causing Gods who are worshiped and honoured by many to be more powerful than those that are less frequently noticed. Some Gods, most prominently Shikaze, are not directly worshiped by many but are feared but most, feeding her with powers that make her one of the most powerful non-Prime Gods in the Afterworld. It is for these reasons that Gods seek recognition and worship from Mortalkind so that they may remain strong in their defense of the Galaxy as well as to show off to their fellow deities in match-ups of strength and power.
Prime Gods
Rengrown - God of Life
Perisha - God of Death
Ignis Incendius - God of Fire
Caelus - God of Wind
Teracota - God of Earth
Aquaneph - God of Water
Charisa - God of Order
Heras - God of Chaos
Malva - God of the Moon
Ra-Mun - God of the Sun
Sol Peleges - God of Fertility
Shikaze - God of Shadows
Ada & Evan - Gods of Love
Unysta - God of Dreams
Aechronos - God of Time
Nytheran - God of Blood
Zarukk - God of War
Fenros - God of the Hunt
Medena - God of Nature
Felibera - God of Knowledge
Zurao - God of Trickery
Thursa - God of Storms
Fonix - God of Spring
Aestonix - God of Summer
Aunix - God of Autumn
Hienix - God of Winter
Ithas - God of Mortals
Khepros - God of Labour
Manticore - God of Monsters
Ta'awsahta - God of Sand
Berexus - God of Fertile Fields
Sons of the Earth