
From Legacy of Auria
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Seasons3/4 Summer
1/4 Autumn
Prevalent AnimalsScorpions
Dominating RaceEnkhulu
Natural Overground GoodsBloodbloom
Natural Underground GoodsBlack Iron
Major SettlementsUroldros


Grukoor is a harsh and desolate land home for only the strongest of heart and will for it is a land without hospitalities or safe havens. Around every mountain side or atop every cliff may await a Mortal's end if they are not prepared to brave the hot temperatures, the frightening climbs and the ferocious beasts that the war-torn land has to offer. Previously the land was fertile and flourishing with life like other planets, however close to two thousand years ago the southern reaches of the Desolate Drifts was hit by a massive meteor which would send out a planet-wide nova wiping the greenery of life away, drying the rich ocean empty and leaving the planet a barren wasteland. The lands that were once fertile now struggled to bear fruit, and the ocean that once existed was now a desert much like the rest of the planet, only far below everything else. Deep underground the planet's crust, the Cobros people live fulfilling lives unburdened by the life above. Their kind has dug tunnels throughout the planet, creating an underground pathway that one can traverse using one of the many Zodros Network entrances found throughout the planet, though one must gain the trust of the Cobros before they can have any hope of traversing their tunnels unharmed.

The continent is never hit with cold seasons though its nights get incredibly chilly much like Livanin Desert does. Dangerous sandstorms are known for kicking up in Okramm and the Desolate Drifts during which travel for Mortals is highly not recommended.

Grukoor is the fourth largest planet in Auria. It is the first Planet from the sun.

Okramm Canyons

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Okramm Canyons is the name given to the vast valley covering a third of the planet of Grukoor. It is home to the Enkhulu people who have turned the mountainous region into a thriving militaristic empire known as Urol. The region features deep ravines in which most activity takes place while the higher peaks are mainly left empty, home to flying beasts and capable climbing monsters alike. A few bodies of water appear in the canyons that are said to heal any wound if one were to bathe in them. The heart of Enkhulun activity, the capital Uroldros, is located in the south-eastern province of the canyon, a city of stone and metal built into the mountain alike to the Dwarves of Dunondrann. The outer border of the canyon is defended by Swarthek, the Black Wall, with three gates leading out of Okramm positioned in the south-west leading to Dzungle Wilds, to the north-west leading to the Desolate Drifts and directly east of Uroldros that leads to the edge overlooking the Duiwel Dunes.

Okramm is considered the heart of the planet by the Enkhulu and is used for orienting the lands around it.

The Canyon also features Stofhout trees, twisted and crude in form with no leaves, they yield a hearty sap when properly harvested which the Enkhulu folk have learned to do and use in cooking sweet feasts for their warriors to boost their stamina.

Desolate Drifts

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To the north-west of Okramm is a vast empty desert that was once a green plains. The Desolate Drifts is true to its name as it is a desolate desert where few Mortals truly make their home and instead is left mainly for the wildlife to prosper in. The land is seen as worthless by the Enkhulu, who do not even consider it under their domain - that being said, a few settlements have found themselves in the drifts which fall under neutral grounds, belonging to no kingdom. Recently however, the Tyrantfall Militia was formed to protect the towns of the Drifts from harm, whether it be monsters or foreign nations.

The Halls of Fleshcrafting are said to be hidden in one of the many hills in the Desolate Drifts.

Dzungle Wilds

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The Dzungle Wilds was once part of the land currently known as the Desolate Drifts, however a gigantic meteor that would crash into the planet annihilating all fertility on it would also leave behind a crater, in which life would not only preserve but also prosper in a miraculous manner. Tall green trees all over, a rich marshland to the south and a threatening volcano in the center all characterize the wilderness that is the Dzungle Wilds. Though at first empty, reptilian creatures would soon emerge from their smaller counterparts, growing big by feeding upon the latent energies the meteor had uncovered allowing for creatures that live in Dzungle to grow and evolve at the blink of an eye. Few know the truths of what caused the Dzungle Wilds to prosper when the rest of the planet did not - only the Gods can truly know that.

The Sark make the jungle their home after being set free from the Halls of Fleshcrafting, taming the wilds and creating three large settlements in the crater - Bloodscythe, Wildfang and Waterclaw.

Duiwel Dunes


Once a vast ocean, the Duiwel Dunes are what's left of Grukoor's biggest body of water. The land is several hundred meters below ground level and is titled by the Enkhulu as "The pit of hell" as anyone who is banished into it is sure to meet a slow and painful death which is inevitable given time. Few attempts of settling the land have been made and such attempts have always failed because of a lack of possible growing of harvest or livestock in the Dunes and the land has become a breeding ground for monsters who hunt relentlessly those that dare, or are forced to, step into the Dunes.

The Cobros are the only Mortals who can find any semblance of solace in the Dunes, using the ruins of an ancient civilization akin to that of a Lamian Kingdom as their homes in the wastelands, though these ruins serve more as gateways to the underground network that they have tunneled throughout the planet.

Forsaken Reaches

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To the far south-east in the Duiwel Dunes a set of mountains can be found. Their mountaintops used to function as islands in the now-dried out ocean and on it, civilization once prospered but was inevitably wiped out by the meteor nova. Ruins of Shargazi origin can be found here now and in recent times the Ezama folk have landed onto these mountains to settle a new hope for their people, using Skyships to travel Amal'Jadid, their capital, and Uroldros.