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Polar Mountains
Seasons1/4 Winter
1/4 Spring
1/4 Summer
1/4 Autumn
Prevalent AnimalsVaried
Dominating RaceN/A
Natural Overground GoodsRyandra Wheat
Natural Underground GoodsIron
Major SettlementsNew Luxford


Imperia (Known natively as the Imperian Highlands) is a vast and varied planet that is most full of mortal activities with thousands of acres of land being used as farming in the northern regions. Much of the land is settled though wild, uncontrolled regions still remain to allow the wildlife to live. Imperia is divided into four major regions between two continents with the largest being the Azura Province, the second largest being Dunondrann Mountains, the third being Livanin Desert and lastly Ischyros Peninsula.

The climate of Imperia changes depending on what region you are in, however all four seasons can be felt all across the planet excluding Ischyros which is at a constant state of winter due to an unexplained phenomenon.

Imperia is the second largest planet in Auria. It is the fourth Planet from the sun.

Azura Province


Azura Province is a vast region with a balanced climate, known for its hilly grasslands and the Grand Capital that sits at the heart of the land. It is a fair place, full of laidback life and plenty to see with hundreds of farmers and craftsmen calling the province their home, finding that the land is excellent for growing crops and mining minerals. The region has dozens of acres of forest that is known to have Plumberries growing in certain spots, these juicy and plump berries being a staple in many Asvarian pies and other baked goods. Many mines and quarries have also been made throughout Azura, mining out valuable Iron and Gold vessels that are most prominently found in Imperia.

The north-eastern tip of Azura is named Honeyridge Peninsula, the home of the Meesin and it is known for its richly honey that can be harvested from the Golden Daisies that naturally grow there and nowhere else. As the Meesin have a firm hold on these herbs, they are also the main providers and traders of Honey, making it an incredibly valuable food substance.

The western coast of Azura is walled off by the Skystriker mountains. At the base of the mountains is a small town called Hillshire.

A single large island is found off the coast of Azura that is used as a prison island by the kingdom. They call it Steel Isle and over time it has been fully built into a massive fortress that holds in all the Kingdom's worst criminals and thieves while also serving as sort of a watchpost for the city should enemies be spotted sailing towards the island.

Livanin Desert


The southern half of Imperia is composed of an arid desert and ridged valleys known as the Livanin region. The northern part of Livanin mostly consists of canyons and rocky mountains while the southern region is mostly a sandy desert with little life to it other than around the six oases, the largest of which housing Shassusin, the capital of the Senkh. Hydromelons are a naturally-growing fruit in the desert oases that experts recommend to keep around when traveling in the desert as the fruit is able to quench one's thirst for multiple weeks. Livanin is also a dangerous and harsh region as the climate shifts between two extremes - During the day, the sun shows no mercy to those unprepared and during the night the temperature drops to a frigid point, making it difficult to adapt in the desert.

Dunondrann Mountains


Home of the Dwarves, the snowy Dunondrann Mountains can be quite the daring place to visit as it is the second coldest region outside of Wyrmeron, beat only by the soul-freezing Voi'Runil island. Through the cold, many Dwarves have made homes in the mountains where they practice their fine craftsmanship, brewing or hunting. It is largely left to the polar wilds so adventurers who wish to journey there must expect to walk many miles alone in the wilderness before reaching any civilization, often taking days to travel on foot between Dwarven towns or villages there. Fortunately, the Dwarves have made great companionships with the bears that live in that region and use them as sturdy and surprisingly fast mounts.

In warmer seasons, the snow in Dunondrann may start to melt, leading to floods which the Dwarves worked around by building their settlements higher up. Some regions of this vast tundra feature rich lakes that thaw out when the snow melts, exposing oft sought after fish that the Dwarves know how to cook into delicious meals. The earth in the mountains also holds a rare mineral known as Onyxium, which is incredibly tough but also incredibly hard to smelt without the proper knowledge that only Dwarves and those they trust know. At the very end of the mountainous path is the city of Thorimar, capital of the Dwarves.

Ischyros Peninsula


Ancestral home of the Human race, Ischyros was once a thriving greenland where the barbaric tribes of the Humans came together and formed the first iteration of Luxfordia under the rulership of the Warrior King Vandrash Aspectum Luxford. Though Vandrash proved a powerful king to his people, his overzealous need for conquest and expansion ultimately led his own people astray and shattered with many leaving to settle a new and more stable kingdom in the west. Those that would stay loyal and in service to the now-known Phantom King soon found themselves braving a winter that never ceased and high atop his pinnacle did Vandrash watch as his kingdom ceased to exist, leaving Ischyros a frozen hellscape where the ruins of a once proud empire still litter the snow-covered hillscape.

Ischyros remains a breeding ground for monsters as a neverending curse has befallen the land. Ischyros Pinnacle sits at the northern point of the land, a tower looming over the rest of the snow covered wasteland which serves as a constant reminder of the past of Luxfordia.