
From Legacy of Auria
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LeaderMayor Shaen Hilfron
PopulationCirca 150
LocationWestern Azura
Hillshire Farms (Agricultural)
Hillshire Trade Square (Commercial)
Hillshire Town Square (Governmental)

Hillshire is a small Asvarian town positioned on the Ryandra Foothills adjacent to the Skystriker Mountains that border the western coast of Azura Province. Built around 300 years ago, Hillshire is a sanctuary to both Asvars and Humans who wish to live simple lives, everyone in town filling a role that provides to the community as a whole. Hillshire is known for its Ryandra Wheat that the townsfolk grow all year round as well as the famous Moorish cheese that they produce and export. A single mine is also controlled by Hillshire and the people use it to harvest stone for their buildings and craftwork, though they sometimes manage to mine out Iron and Gold as well.

Hillshire is protected by a militia which any townsfolk can volunteer for as the region can be dangerous at certain times of the year due to monster activity. Other than that, Hillshire civilians are not known as expert fighters and instead rely on the kingdom to keep larger threats out of Imperia.


Agricultural: Scattered throughout the outer perimeter of the town are countless rural farms manned by independent families. These farms provide a varied supply of local produce and oft find themselves aiding one another for the greater good of the town as a whole. A forest borders the northern and southern farms, with the residents there often having to deal with beasts and monsters that lurk there.

Commercial: The Hillshire Trade Square makes up one half of Hillshire's urban area, it features the Firestone General Store which is manned by an older human named Matt Firestone, an old smithy manned by a Dwarf called Seann Gobmaker and Mountain Stop Inn which provides entertainment in the form of drinks and locally hosted parties as well as rooms for travels passing through town.

Governmental: The second half of urban Hillshire is the Town Square, featuring a Town Hall where Mayor Shaen Hilfron lives and conducts his governing business. Sante Sevana Church is also located here, named after the wife and Queen of the High King Irela Greymoore II, Sante Sevana Church is used by those practicing Divinism to meet every Perday for prayers and sermons. The church bells can be heard as far as the most distant Hillshire farm and the building is said to be one of the most beautiful churches in Auria. The last building present in the Town Square is the Hillshire School, where the young are taught basic life principals. Most Hillshire children and teens study here before they move onto adulthood.