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Human Male.jpeg
Average Height150cm-190cm
Average Lifespan100 years
Hair ColoursBlack, Brown, Blonde, Red, White, Orange
Eye ColoursVaried
Skin ColoursPale, Fair, Peachy, Tanned, Dark
Current LeaderQueen Regindra Fedelerin (Luxfordia)
High Elders (Sacred Order)
Thane Jotnar Winterfury (Fjordsid)
Ibu Bethari (Kabunenun)
CapitalNew Luxford (Luxfordian)
Emere (Sacred Order)
Eldgammelildsted (Fjordsid)
Kota Kuil Agung (Kabunenun)

The beginnings of Humankind is almost synonyms with the beginnings of Auria itself. But a century and more past the founding of the Senkh Empire did the barbaric Human tribes in Ischyros Peninsula come together and found a power matching in strength and numbers as the people of the desert, erecting a city upon a frozen spire in the fields of the peninsula which would be named the Ischyros Pinnacle. This power would quickly gain the name Luxfordia, ruled by the Warlord Vandrash. In his desire for his people to be all-powerful, Vandrash sought to conquer the entire world and make the Humans uncontested in territory. Unfortunately, the state of mankind would soon fall into stagnation as Vandrash turned to distrust his own people after many failures to take the Livanin Desert. In desperation he closed down the walls to his city and starved his commoners to bone and blood which only caused riots and chaos to fester like a plague only to break free into two halves: Those that desired nothing from their home in the frozen wastes and those that remained loyal to the Phantom King. Under the rule of a new king now, the Humans that left Ischyros ventured to Azura to the west where they would call themselves the true sons of Luxfordia, continuing their legacy whilst their old king rots in his pinnacle.

Though they were war-like in nature, the Humans also believed themselves as just, holding a belief in their hearts and souls that they were sons of Gods. For three millennia, the proud Human race thrived in west Imperia as the new kingdom of Luxfordia, their influence felt in every corner of the planet. Vast was their kingdom and endless were their vaults and treasuries, it took only the snake men to stop their onslaught and hold them back from total conquest, which only built a deeper hunger for war in the blood of mankind. In the advent of the Skyship, the commonfolk of Luxfordia saw inspiration to seek out worlds beyond their own yet the royal bloodline say it as a means of furthering their conquest to the ends of the Galaxy. In the centuries to come, many more bloody battles would take place across Auria many of which in cause of the Humans, though their endless hunger for war also led to splinter factions from forming like the Sacred Order, others like the Sunstalkers and the Fjordsid were inspired by their war and would splinter off just for an attempt to claim territory for mankind.

Ten years ago, High King Yvain Greymoore led the Humans in a brutal onslaught across the galaxy, inspired by his ancestors and believing them to be his guiding hand, desiring to conquer every planet known to mortals. However, during a battle in Gwynbrenon, King Greymoore fell to an ambush of Enkhulu, who were allied with the Elves in a counteroffensive directly to the New Luxford of the Humans, displaying the body of their slain king in front of their castle in a brutal blood show. The pitiful defeat at the hands of a united Alliance against the Humans and the outcomes of it are still to this day developing, how the majority of all Humankind were slain in battle under the mad King Yvain’s orders, the remaining fractions left alive by the Elves and their allies. Some Humans stayed in their home city, now under the Asvars and made into a neutral capital where all Races are welcomed as long as they follow the ways of peace, while others left in sorrow or rage.

Some Humans have tried to move on from this historical moment for their entire race as they have made a new life as nomads, wanderers and explorers. Mankind is a resilient race, able to adapt to any climate or environment and thrive in it over time, it is why they can still be found settling even on the driest of deserts and the coldest of tundras, making due with what they have been given and thriving in it. Some groups of Humans, primarily those that inhabit the Highland Desert, still hold a grudge towards other races of the world for what had happened during the Great Fall and are not so fond of dealing with any non-Human.

Racial Traits

Human Resilience - As a race, Humans are adaptable and capable of adjusting to any environment or situation. Their uncanny resilience allows them easier time to adapt to any climate and weather. They also come in a wider variety of body builds.
Bred for War - Humankind has always been thriven by battle. They possess an innate combat proficiency that makes them skilled combatants.
Humanblood - The blood of humankind gives them strength and courage. They are more likely to be fearless in the face of imminent danger. Furthermore, their blood is adaptable and copulating with them has a higher chance of creating a Hybrid child.
Holy Spirit - Humans are a pious race that allows them a closer connection to the religion they follow.
Varied Nations - Throughout history, Humankind have settled to all corners of the galaxy, founded many different societies and integrated into various cultures. A Human may possess greater knowledge of their home planet and the culture they come from.

Human Factions

On every planet in Auria there exists a faction of Humans that reside in that region with their own culture and motives. The old united Human Kingdom has now been shattered and in its place these separate factions all thriving across Auria with individual goals in mind.

The Sacred Order is a faction of Humans in Serena that has existed for close to 2000 years, they are a relatively peaceful nation that seek mastery in weapon wielding and Mantra. Many of the Sacred Order travel the galaxy hunting Demons.

The Sunstalkers are dark skinned Humans that live in the Livalin Desert in Imperia and are notoriously known as raiders and pillagers. Unlike other Human factions, the Sunstalkers are prominently women and only accept other Human women among their ranks as they seek to overthrow the Senkh and rule the desert themselves.

The Fjordsid are Barbaric Humans that live in the cold planet of Wyrmeron. Being one of the first Human Nations to be ever made, The Fjordsid have developed plenty of settlements in the very eastern tip of Wyrmeron and making great friends with the Urson that also live in the Shiveer Frontier. The Fjordsid call themselves under another name - Vikings.

The Enrali were once Humans that were attacked by the Dragons thousands of years ago but were saved by the Goddess Perisha, who transformed them into an evolved race so that they may better survive in the world. Though not Humans anymore, they were in the past and who knows why they lived in Wyrmeron.

The Fordun were members of the Luxfordian Sky Fleet who were shipwrecked on Voi'Runil in 2360. In order to survive, they devised mechanical doll bodies into which they imparted their souls.

The Kabunenun are Humans that live on a secluded island on Saberos. They are spiritually-tied to the God of the Seas and worship it with deep devotion and are known for being aggressive towards outsiders who do not share their views on their one true god.