
From Legacy of Auria
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Average Height120cm-160cm
Average Lifespan100 years
Hair ColoursBlack, Brown, Grey, White, Green, Purple
Eye ColoursBlack, Yellow, Red, Green, Orange, Blue
Fur ColoursBlack, Grey, White, Brown, Amber, Green
Current LeaderThe Underking

As outlaws and thieves, the Keklar are a race of mouse-like humanoids that make a home in the extensive Undersew, known by the common folk as the sewage system of New Luxford. There, the Keklar live a life of luxury (in their eyes) where the only rule being followed is that outsiders aren't welcome. Though it is normal for Keklar to rarely show loyalties and compassion towards others in the under city, some find ways of building gangs where being loyal to one another proves to be profitable to everyone in it.

Long ago, the Keklar lived primarily in the overworld, making primitive tribal villages and constantly fighting the Humans who wanted to establish larger kingdoms in the land than what the crafty Keklar had. Because they lacked the vision of greater futures, the Keklar would end up as slaves to the Human kingdom of Luxfordia and eventually prisoners when they attempted to revolt over their Human overlords leading to their entire population being locked up in a makeshift prison built under the city within the sewage tunnels of Luxford. over the years, the Keklar would be forgotten down there which gave the rat people a chance to take the sewage system over and turn it into their city.

Religion and Culture

The Keklar have two gods they truly believe in and regularly dedicate worship towards: Ratatha, the God of Plagues, and Shikaze, the God of Shadows.

Ratatha is the dominant god among the Keklar, a rat god who symbolizes toxins and poisons which their race often employs the use of to get the winning edge in combat. It is in their beliefs that if one worships Ratatha then they become immune to the sicknesses and illnesses and can even become the harbinger of such powers though this belief most likely comes from the fact that the Keklar by nature are already immune to most sicknesses.

Shikaze on the other hand is a god of malevolence in the eyes of the Keklar. In the many millennia that the Keklar have spent within the Undersew they have grown to fear the darkness and its aspect, the terrible Shikaze who prowls in search of prey to end. Believing her to be powerless in the light, Keklar dedicate much of their time to keeping their tunnels and sewers well lit and never stray away from the light if they can help it. Some Keklar fall to insanity fearing Shikaze and see ritualistic sacrifice of others as a means to appease her and keep her from killing them.

At some point an cult of Keklar called the Darken Circle was formed which dedicates worship towards Shikaze in the aforementioned ritual sacrifices as well as dabbling in dark magics which forces horrid transformations upon their members to turn them into harbingers of Shikaze's wrath.

The culture of the Keklar is oft overlooked due to their inner turmoils and civil wars which has led many down a path of dedicated bloodbath yet ancient texts tell of their race as once noble intellectuals of higher knowledge. Few in their society still exist that practice their old ways, being recorders of history and culinary masterminds.

Alchemy is also a notable part of their people which is practiced even now. The Keklar are masters of concocting potions, elixirs and even powerful venoms and poisons.

Rarely do Keklar leave their underground city due to a natural-born fear for what lies outside. Those that do leave are often primal in nature and taken as slaves by black-alley people in New Luxford or escape to the wilds outside the city walls. Some Keklar do exist that grow into the society and even progress as people.

The language of the Keklar is generally broken and limited. They refer to others their kind as "Bloodkin" while beings of other species are referred to by their physical attributes or personalities.

Society and its Structure

The Keklar society is built upon a structure where anyone can declare themselves a King so long as they are able to fight and survive for the title. Due to their breeding habits, many Keklar are kept as lowly fodder to the flames in the constant civil wars their people face where many die every day in ruthless bloodshed. Generally an influential figure among the Keklar requires two things: Strength to fight off aggressors and Intelligence to recruit allies and rally them together.

In modern days, the Keklar in their city of Undersew have split into three major gangs that constantly fight over territory, leading a millennia old civil war that does not seem to end any time soon. These gangs are the Plaguerat, Dirtfang and Goldfur gangs. Many younger Keklar have began to leave their Undersew in search of broadening their horizons and finding new opportunities in life, getting mixed in with the other mortals of Auria.

Physical Appearences

Keklar are short furry humanoids with rodent-like heads, tails and claws. Their appearances vary greatly from person to person, or specifically from gang to gang.

The Plaguerats are commonly characterized as being hunched over and more monstrous with a crazy gaze to them. The Dirtfangs are on average taller and more muscular than the rest and value appearing physically strong. The Goldfurs appear noble-like and clean, wearing clothing they've been able to steal from the royals in New Luxford.