In the society of the Wolfen, Kindreds are a form of close-knit social groups that are not so common nowadays as they used to be. Ages ago, when they first walked the corporeal realm, many Wolfen would come together to form packs of like-minded individuals who shared powerful spiritual bonds with one another. As their previous Human lives no longer mattered and their ancestral families torn asunder, the Kindreds would manifest and take on the role of a new family for these wayward servants of the Dream, granting comfort and safety to them. The Wolfen that belonged to Kindreds would take the name of their Kindred as a surname and carry it with honour and dignity.
Through the development of their race across Auria, the Kindred traditions either evolved or went extinct. The truest form of it was brought back to the Afterworld following their great exodus from it, the Dreamwalker adopting this social custom for their ranks. Wolfen In the Wylderin still remember and often times celebrate their Kindred heritage and, when possible, try to maintain Kindreds like second families. In Luxfordia, like with all of the Wolfen cultures, Kindreds were erased and forbidden by the Kingdom when they brought their twisted kin into their ranks, though later on a perverse form of Kindred was developed by Iron General Klaucius Vim in his efforts to create a fighting force of bloodthirsty Wolfen to set loose on the enemies of the empire. Lastly, ancient and raw forms of Kindreds has been found in Silverbough with the dispersion of the mists - these Kindreds, taking the role of tribes, fight against one another in a constant power struggle.
List of Afterworld Kindreds
Kindred Wildhunt
Leader: Argid Julius Wildhunt
The exalted leaders of Wolfenkind come from Kindred Wildhunt who's patriarch is Argid Julius Wildhunt, the first Wolfen. He leads the Dreamwalkers while his descendant Lughandra Wildhunt leads the physical world. Coincidentally, there are two Kindred Wildhunts - One that operates in the Afterworld and one that operates in Wylderin. These two sides work together to keep each other informed of the happenings of their different realms.
List of Wylderin Kindreds
Kindred Wildhunt
Leader: Lughandra Wildhunt
As mentioned previously, this Kindred is one of two Wildhunts (The other operating in the Afterworld). Members of Kindred Wildhunt are both royal figures of the Wolfen and their main political representatives.
Kindred Moonwalker
Leader: Athelric Moonwalker
This ancient Kindred was first formed at the dawn of the Era of Magic in order to study and develop the newly discovered phenomenon known as Magic. While the Wylderin were troubled of the discovery of Magic and prohibited individuals from ceaselessly handling it, the Moonwalker Kindred separated themselves from the nation and isolated themselves into the northern mountains to experiment with it without the bounds of law restricting them. Through this action, the Moonwalkers became powerful but also careless with many of them leaving their brethren behind to wander the world as nomadic magicians. Many Moonwalkers exist to this day with Athelric Moonwalker, leader of the Kindred, working closely with the Alach'Caraid as one of its most esteemed teachers in druidism.
Kindred Blindwatcher
Leader: Eawyn the Blindwatcher
This Kindred is composed mostly of Druids and Priests that operate within Ish-Dormiens. Those who live in Nytlerei would know them as a charitable family that works to aid the poor and weak.
Kindred Whitetooth
Leader: Gytha Whitetooth
Kindred Whitetooth is a notorious pack of bandits that has surfaced recently. They operate in the woods of eastern Tranquilon and attack travellers in order to steal from them and in rare cases also abduct their victims. They are led by Gytha Whitetooth, a deposed general of the Wylderin army who escaped custody around five years ago.
List of Silverbough Kindreds
Kindred Metsa
Leader: Chieftess Skyreach
Kindred Metsa is the predominant Kindred of Silverbough. Positioned in the heart of the land, this tribe of Wolfen has developed the land through agriculture to feed their people and keep them going. They control the most amount of territory and are in communications with the Wylderin ever since the mists departed.
Kindred Aru
Leader: Spirit Chief Nightmaker
This mystical Kindred lives west from Metsa territory and opposes them using a power that originates from the Heart of the Wilds. They use arcane crystals in making their weapons and adorning their bodies for protection, allowing them an unnatural power that is unfamiliar to the other Kindreds.