Kokos are one of birds native to Auria. Even though the world exists for extremely long time Kokos always seemed to be there. They were depicted in books, in written stories, in art and music. Kokos are integral part of the world and some believe lack of them would bring misfortune to their towns. With that Kokos are cared for in various parts of the world in various ways.
E.g. people of Imperia let them walk free in designated places while feeding grain, while in Wyrmeron Kokos are let free to roam as they are accustomed to the surroundings, being able to emanate such amount of heat that they can melt ice if really angered. Their eggs also change their sizes, color and taste depending on the region of their origin, making them quite valuable for chefs.
Kokos are very vibrant when it comes to their emotions and reactions, seeming to vary from being extremely dumb to being unusually smart and self-aware. However this seems to be completely random between all Kokos and the only way to know is to test out the bird.