High atop the mountain overlooking Perisha's land in the Afterworld, Kurato is the Shadow Halls where Shikaze finds herself in-between her hunts. It is a place strictly forbidden for mortal souls to enter as the Goddess of Shadows does not wish to be disturbed by meager worship and Gods are only welcomed if invited prior. The reasons for her self-isolation remain largely a mystery but it has not prevented certain souls who devote themselves to the darkness to make a journey up the lonely mountain and kneel before the castle, bringing gifts in her name and leaving quickly so that her fury would not be felt. This has led to Shikaze reluctantly creating a shrine outside her gate where those wishing to worship her can come to bring offerings and praise though they are only allowed for a limited amount of time.
Shikaze's isolation does have exceptions in the form of Perisha, her twin sister and the Goddess of Death. She is always welcomed within her halls so long as she comes with good intent. Shikaze's so-called niece Malva is said to be allowed in as well though a visit has yet to happen.
Within Kurato, one may find many chambers for personal use of the God of Shadows mirroring that of an ordinary mortal's home, with millions of metal trinkets hanging from the ceiling via red string each with a name etched onto them. The castle has four stories with the fourth one being a balcony overlooking the valleys below. The first floor is the largest with a large open space for combat training and rest. The second floor has a bathhouse and a room dedicated to cooking and eating, something Gods do not need to do. The third floor is Shikaze's bedroom, the place where she comes to rest most often even though she is not limited by Mortal needs.