Luxfordian Monarchy

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Luxondrian Monarchy

Phantom King Vandrash Aspectum Luxford
Forefather of Humanity

The Phantom King

King Vandrash Aspectum Luxford is recognized as the forefather of the kingdom of Luxfordia. He was a stronghearted warrior hailing from the mystical Aspectum clan and through his determination and iron will did he unite the tribalistic Human clans under a singular banner known as Luxfordia so that he may lead an army stronger than any remaining lone clan. He would establish total conquest over Ischyros, slaughtering those who stood in his way and accepting those under his leadership who were willing in a brutal war of clans. Vandrash gave way to a new age for Humanity through his desire for their race to progress in technology and influence. He forged strong ties with the Dwarves of Mor Durin to the south and worked in partnership with them to supply his forces with powerful equipment in exchange for an alliance with them.

The city of Luxford was built in the middle of Ischyros and was an architectural marvel at the time as it was able to house tens of thousands of people and keeping them warm thanks to the dormant volcano around which the city was built. Luxurious bath houses were erected on the vents of the volcano and mighty walls were raised around the city protecting his people. Vandrash also led expansions to the west, leading his forces to take Azura from the primal races living there before ultimately clashing with the Chronos Senkh who had established a united and stronger empire far earlier than Vandrash did. A war lasting many years broke out between the two powerhouses which ultimately led to Vandrash's forces faltering under the might of Neferseshem Seshen-Heru's armies but Vandrash could not stand letting anyone be in his kingdom's way towards complete conquest over the world and so he forced his people to work hard and tirelessly to supply his war effort and keep fighting the Senkh who he believed would soon launch a counter attack against everything he built up so far. The people would begin to call Vandrash the "Phantom King" as he secluded himself from his people and focused fully on potential attacks coming from the outside. This would lead to the commonfolk rebelling against Vandrash as many begun to starve and die in the city streets thanks to all their production going into fighting the war. Madness struck the Phantom King as he begun to sentence the people who spoke out against him to death, using his mighty armies to cull and terrorize his people in an attempt to tame them.

Vandrash's Luxfordia would ultimately crumble in an unending attack from the undead that plagued the lands and Vandrash himself would fall victim to a curse that bound him into the form of a Phantom. In his time on the throne, Vandrash accomplished much for the newborn kingdom which helped it grow and prosper even though at the end of his reign he was the cause for its potential downfall. He bore many children with different women many of whom died and were risen into undeath to forever serve him in the afterlife but one survived: Prince Andrash Luxford

King Andrash Luxford
Last Ember of Hope
Andrash Luxford, son of the renowned Phantom King Vandrash Aspectum Luxford, would establish himself loyal to the people during their great escape from the fallen city of Luxford. Though he was saddened by his father's descent into madness he placed his people first and led them west to Azura where he had them establish a new settlement, calling it New Luxford. He effectively made sure that Luxfordia as a people would not fall with Vandrash.

During his reign, Andrash established political ties with the Dwarves to the east and the Senkh to the south, ending the long war between them and granting his people respite during a time of many hardships. Sadly the difficult times placed before Humankind forced many within to rebel against Andrash as they saw him a spawn of the Phantom King and nothing else causing the brief emergence of numerous splinter factions of Humans each wishing to take control over the Azura Province and forcing young Andrash into fighting a war on many fronts. The Second Clan War begun and during it Andrash lost his life to an insurrection.

Andrash was happily bewedded to an unnamed woman and supposed had three children with her, though their identities were left a secret to protect them.

Rogue King Yor Qorrus
The Executioner
Yor Qorrus came to power when he led an assassination attempt against the young King Andrash Aspectum Luxford, personally slaying the king and taking his throne. Yor was in truth one of Vandrash's many assassins he used to target and kill specific people to secure the throne. With Vandrash believed to be dead, Yor acted on what he believed were the true King's wishes. When it was announced that Yor murdered Andrash and took the crown for himself, the people of New Luxford protested his reign and were subsequently silenced through barbaric and horrid traditions pushed forth by King Yor's desires to keep Vandrash's Luxfordia alive which involved displaying public executions of those that defied his rule. Within a year, Yor forced himself into the hearts of his people, shifting his focus from crowd control to conquering the other rivaling kingdoms that emerged during Andrash's rule, one by one taking control of each and ultimately re-establishing Luxfordia as the strongest (and remaining) Human kingdom.

During his time as the titled "Rogue King", Yor also did battle with other natives of Azura mainly the Keklar tribes, who proved to be a fierce foe for the Humans due to their experience using alchemical potions and poisons as well as their general cunning which led them to target decisive attacks on their enemies' weaknesses. In the end however, after numerous deaths, Yor's armies would prevail against the rattish Keklar and their kind would be taken as slaves and laborers for the growing kingdom.

Yor Qorrus' Luxfordia would grow docile, his people progressing little as the king grew lazy after conquering most of Azura. He would continue to silence those who openly spoke out against his methods leading to a dark age for the people. Yor Qorrus would die on the throne due to an unknown illness that took his life slowly, though historians theorize that it was done on purpose via poisoning his food.

Victorian Monarchy

King Wylliam Victoria
First Duke of Ironwatch

King Wylliam Victoria

Previously a Duke of the short-lived Ironwatch kingdom, Wylliam Victoria led his people against Yor Qorrus' armies when he wished to reconquer all of Azura for Luxfordia. Wylliam was a formidable foe for the Rogue King and despite his flaws Wylliam saw plenty good in the headstrong king who reminded him of the glory of Vandrash in his own prime. Wylliam would eventually surrender to Yor's onslaught and hand Ironwatch over to him. His willingness to bow down was enough for Yor to grant him a spot in his council allowing Wylliam power within Luxfordia which eventually granted him the rank of General.

After Yor's reign ended, Wylliam was promptly elected as the new king as Yor had no notable children or relatives. His early reign included many reforms to the kingdom's weaponry by tasking the siege masters to build better and stronger siege weapons as well as introduce the first line of Luxfordian battleships which would help lay siege on Chronosian coastal settlements if a war were to break out again.

King Wylliam introduced the system of Luxfordian Accords for the kingdom in the year 315 through which solid laws were established to stabilize the kingdom. Many of his Accords bettered the lives of the people by diverting production into city building, providing the people with better living conditions. Cities like Ironwatch, Nordstrom and Neverwind were founded in place of the previous kingdoms that ruled there, providing new homes to those living away from the capital which helped secure the kingdom's grasp over the land.

Wylliam was firmly against seeking ties with non-Humans and would cease any communication with the Dwarves and Senkh. He would officially marry a young Eliza Henor in the year 316 and begin the traditions of titling a Queen alongside the King with Eliza. They had two children, Vann and Oras. Wylliam passed away due to old age in the year 318 leaving Eliza Victoria to take up the crown by succession. His reign only lasted 7 years.

Queen Eliza Victoria
Fair Lady of Ironwatch
Taking up the crown after her late husband Wylliam Victoria, Eliza became Luxfordia's first Queen to sit on the throne. She was still relatively young at the time of her coronation, being only 25, which rivaled Andrash's youthful reign. Eliza Victoria picked up on where her husband left off by continuing to lead developments in Luxfordian quality of life improvements as well as fortifying their southern and north borders with extra protection against the Meesin and the Shrevir.

Eliza helped develop the kingdom's medicine and fight the ongoing diseases that would spread across the kingdom which aided in improving the lifespans of her people tremendously. She married a man by the name of Georg Sunner with whom she had one child, Beth Victoria. She also planned the capital's great sewage system to help provide cleaner water to everyone as well as dispose waste.

Eliza's reign ended when she passed away at the age of 109, an impressive age to live to even by modern averages of Human lifespans.

King Vann Victoria
Warrior of his People
A dedicated man who had spent much of his life to training his body and serving in the military as his mother's most trusted general. He took up the throne after his grandmother, Queen Eliza Victoria, passed away and his mother Beth Victoria was deemed unfit to rule. His reign bringing with it a spike in their wealth and progress thanks to Vann's twin brother Oras, a diplomatic and research-heavy mind, acting as his main advisor during his time on the throne. New schools begun to open up all across Luxfordia with the purpose of giving a better education to the people so that the average Luxfordian may pursue more successful professions. New trade routes were also established between Luxfordia and Chronos during this time and intermingling of the Human and Senkh populous became more common now.

During his reign, the rise in monster activities was apparent but through his cunning and strategic mind did King Vann orchestrate formidable defenders out of his armies to keep tranquility stable in his kingdom. Vann would bewed Jenna Victoria, previous of house Everstride, to be his queen and with her they had four children: Wylliam Victoria II, Eliza Victoria II, Markon Victoria and Harvin Victoria.

Following the death of his brother Oras in the year 483, Vann led a project that would use the kingdom's Keklar slaves to build a royal tomb beneath Castle Aspectum where he would be buried alongside the relocated bodies of all previous monarchs and their children. This tomb would be given the name of "Monarch's Rest". Following the tomb's creation Vann would decree the Keklar not worth the effort of keeping and would banish the rest into the underground depths of New Luxford's sewage system.

Vann would pass his crown over to Wylliam Victoria II whilst he was on his death bed, crowning him the new ruler of Luxfordia.

Scholar King Wylliam Victoria II
Wise Beyond his Years
Wishing to honor his father's dedication to his kingdom, Wylliam Victoria II begun to inspire his people with seeking knowledge instead of wars. He aspired to build even more schools across Luxfordia to further the education of his people. He also had his architects to build a great observatory atop Castle Aspectum that he would use as a personal study for himself and all future monarchs.

King Wylliam would pass a new Accord to help further the kingdom which made it a legal obligation for Luxfordian parents to allow their children the ability to attend one of the many schools across the kingdom and gain a basic education.

During his reign Wylliam would never title a Queen alongside him as his dedication to his studies never gave him the chance to find love. In his will after death Wylliam crowned his brother's Harvin's oldest child to bear the crown next.

King Simon Victoria
The Enlightened
Recognized for his bright spirit and childish demeanour, Simon Victoria took the throne unexpectedly when the late Wylliam Victoria II crowned him in his last will. Simon was known for cheritable personality and carefree attitude into politics which led to the early years of his reign to being rough for the kingdom as previous trading between Chronos and Mor Kardia became stalled. Simon would eventually seek guidance in his trusted advisors to stabilize the kingdom and keep it from falling.

Not all was nothing during King Simon's reign as his highness did order the founding of a new merchant town known as King's Crossing that would lay near the southern border of their kingdom which would act as a hub for Human and Senkh trade routes to pass through. It was also during his reign that the first intergalactic travel from Saberos to the Imperia happened thanks to the ingenuity of the Fenik people who were quite lucky to have landed in Luxfordia during a time when their people were most docile. King Simon, impressed by their technology and the opportunity it posed for them, beseeched the Fenik to help his men build their own Skyship which they would use to travel to Saberos and then to the Gwynbrenon, opening up the world to the King's most trusted men.

Following the knowledge of other inhabitable planets, Simon Victoria picked out many generals to lead expeditions to other planets to seek new land to control. Two of those Generals would be Harold the Black and Eressa Silen who would travel to Wyrmeron, though they would soon lose contact with the King as their paths went in different directions leading to the creation of the future Enrali and the Fjordsid.

Late into his reign Simon met Augustus Solidus who told him of the heroic tales of Charisa passed down through generations as well as the holiness of the Gods and the blessings one may gain in the afterlife for being of good and charitable heart and mind. Simon was eventually enlightened by Augustus' holy words and granted him the power to form the Church of Divinity within New Luxford which begun the birth of Divinity as a religion, replacing the primitive and almost shamanistic form of beliefs that the Humans had previously.

Though King Simon Victoria had children, he never recognized them as his own because the woman would not take up the mantle of Queen with him. That is why Simon crowned Augustus Solidus as the next king in the line as he had placed his full trust into him after hearing his teachings towards giving yourself over to the will of the Gods. With Simon ended the first line of the Victorian monarchy.

Holy Monarchy

Archbishop Augustus Solidus
Voice of the Gods
The son of Jonathan Solidus, first Duke of King's Crossing, Augustus Solidus became a holy man at the age of 20 when he begun seeing visions in his sleep. Though dreams are common among all with most of Luxfordia interpreted it as meaningless recounts of memories or strange visions of the future, Augustus saw glorious golden cities in a land made of clouds, winged men and women clad in shining armor battling the forces of chaos and a voice which spoke of promises of salvation in the Afterworld. He believed these not to be mere visions but the signs of their Gods directly speaking to him and attempting to show him the way to true enlightenment. Augustus took those words and begun to spread them as a means of granting people clarity and understanding, that the world is more than what meets the eye and that the souls of the just and the good can live blissful lives after death.

He would promptly speak his words to King Simon Victoria during a chance meeting with the King after Augustus had become the second Duke of King's Crossing succeeding his father. The King granted him power to form the Church of Divinity after he was enlightened and moved by his words which made Augustus Solidus the Archbishop of his church, giving his teachings in King's Crossing to those who were willing to answer. Following the death of King Simon, Augustus Solidus was granted the crown in the late king's will and Augustus accepted with praise and joy, believing it to be the will of the Gods that he became King.

He would elect a new man to be Duke of King's Crossing while remaining Archbishop, Castle Aspectum becoming a great cathedral open to the general populous to attend the Archbishop's lessons once every week on Perday. The kingdom would enter an age of peace and prosperity as Divinity became common among its people. the charitable spirit of his followers also caused science and the military to slow to a trickle as the Luxfordians were worried more on spreading good will than progressing as a people.

The breechings of the Archbishop's words reached the land of the Chronos as well who had their own form of faith directed towards a specific pantheon of Gods who they served in life. With Divinity believed to directly oppose their Faith, and the state that Luxfordia's defenses were in, the Pharaoh Suyuss Vossh launched a surprise attack against the Luxfordians, striking King's Crossing at the same time as when the Archbishop himself was visiting the town. Believing it to be an opportunity given forth by the Gods, the Senkh struck out at the unsuspecting King and murdered him and his wife alongside countless others in King's Crossing and the surrounding plainlands cheering for vengeance to finally arrive for their kingdom for the lives that the Humans took countless centuries ago.

Augustus' reign ended with his death. He is credited for bringing the holy word of Divinity to Luxfordia making the Church of Divinity their primary faith even to this day and reforming military and scientific spending to improve the quality of life of his people. He created new laws regarding the act of marriage and sex as well as tying church and state into one, abolishing the title of King or Queen and replacing it with Archbishop. He was happily married to Mary Solidus and had a single child named Samson.

Archbishop Samson Solidus
Fist of the Gods
Following the death of his father Augustus, young Samson took the crown on head and sword in hand to fight back against the invading Senkh. Though he too was a pious and divine man, he did not fully believe in his father's docile ways and believed action must still be taken when needed. He immediately reformed the military to what it used to be and launched a counter offensive against the invading Chronos, fighting their faith with his own. Samson had a strong presence on the front line and inspired his people to fight back with pious wrath. The war promptly ended when Samson used one of his kingdom's Skyships to launch aerial attacks upon the Senkh and naval attacks with the Battleships created long ago by King Wylliam Victoria I, the use of both vessels allowing the Luxfordians to push through the Livanin Canyon and into the desert, laying siege on Shasssussin and dismantling their throne when Samson delivered the killing blow to Pharaoh Suyuss Vossh.

After the war ended, Samson made an effort to occupy the desert for Luxfordia and spread the faith of Divinity onto the Senkh but constantly pushback and rebellion from the prideful snake people eventually caused the Archbishop to reach an agreement to allow the people of Chronos to keep their faith and culture while under Luxfordian occupation.

He also introduced a set of Holy Accords that would help spread the faith of Divinity all across Luxfordia with Accords like "Those that do not believe in the ways of Divinity are sinners that must be punished." as well as "To have children when not married to another creates a sinning spawn.". Through these Accords, Divinity became more fixated on keeping its followers "pure" and willing to listen blindly to the lessons of the Archbishop and his voices. The worship of other religions in Luxfordia would be punished with public displays of torture until repentance or death.

Though it was Augustus that birthed the faith of Divinity in Luxfordia, many see Samson as the one to properly wield it to advance themselves as a people. Following the passing of Archbishop Samson Solidus, his son Lazarus took up mantle of Archbishop.

Archbishop Lazarus Solidus
The Perverse One
Archbishop Lazarus Solidus became ruler of Luxfordia and the Church of Divinity shortly after the death of Archbishop Samson Solidus. In that short period of uncertainty in the kingdom, upstarts rose up in the then occupied Livanin desert to try and fight the oppression of the Humans. Unfortunately Lazarus was quick to act against them and keep them from rising to too much power once he was coronated, though he did begin reforms to recognize Chronos as an official city state of Luxfordia which would give them the authority to govern themselves even if they remained a puppet of the Archbishop. The reason for this was to appear more genuine to the rest of the world which slowly begun to open up with cross-galactic trade routes becoming commonplace by now.

Lazarus would also introduce the Holy Tithe to his people. Whether religious or not, every Luxfordian household would henceforth pay a tenth of their earnings to the Church of Divinity which was meant to go into further developments of the church and state. Secretly, however, Lazarus would use a portion of the tithes collected to line his own pockets.

One of the first major off-planet visitors to come to Imperia were a sect of Elves seeking to learn of the other kingdoms across the newly-opened Galaxy. In a gathering with Lazarus Solidus, the Elves were miraculously converted into Divinity. Lazarus was a twisted man by all accounts, viewing the Elven women as beautiful and charming and wishing to have them be his personal servants but the men of their group stood in his way so Lazarus erected a plan to have them build a secluded Divine Monastery within the mountains of Imperia where only women, the Archbishop and his chosen few may lawfully tread forcing the men of their group to eventually return to Gwynbrenon.

Lazarus and his most trusted of priests took to the Monastery to make love to the Elves stationed there, using their newfound faith towards the Gods to get what they wanted. After a woman by the name of Martha Judas joined the monastery as a willing priestess, the monastery would slowly become a harem for the depraved Archbishop who became interwined with the manipulative and cunning Martha to fall deeper into his selfish hunger to have his desires meet. His twisted actions bore the first Asvars, hybrid children of Elf and Human descent. When he looked upon the spawn of his desires, Lazarus was quick to mark them as feeble in comparison to the beauty of the Wild Elven women, though as it was a written law that "One shall not kill the innocent" he was forced to let them live, throwing the Asvars onto the street as orphans and unwanted scourge which the Church was quick to mark them as such years down the line, forcing them into slavery for the Luxfordians which was actually viewed as a blessing at the time.

Lazarus would eventually have his twisted self exposed to the public by Bishop Berenice Judy who took the potential risk of being executed for speaking blasphemy against the Archbishop to stop the mistreatment of the Asvars and the manipulation of the Monastery Elves, who now learned the truth behind the reasons for their existence there. Berenice's words did not fall on deaf's ear as many Luxfordians rallied to her side in speaking out against the Archbishop including the puppet state of Chronos. Lazarus was promptly forced off the throne and give his crown over to Berenice Judy who was viewed as a true child of the previous Archbishops. Despite the effects she had on him, Martha remained unspoken of by Lazarus when he was taken in and dethroned, perhaps because she aided Berenice with revealing his twisted self in the end.

Archbishop Berenice Judy
True Heart
After taking the throne from Lazarus and publicly elected to take the crown herself, Archbishop Berenice Judy begun to work hard in organizing their kingdom and place it on the right track. Seeing that the potential of war between Luxfordia and Chronos was minimal at the time, Berenice opted to further better the lives of her people both in Azura and Livanin so that her kingdom may flourish as the age of galactic travel drew more and more closer. She also made an attempt to clear the corruption that slowly begun to creep within the Church of Divinity as many of the Bishops within it begun to act under ulterior motives. Sadly she could not purge all of the corruption within it but a great deal of it were brought to the light of justice thanks to her true heart.

Berenice was also very diplomatically aligned and made strides to forge strong ties with the other kingdoms of Auria that were slowly being discovered. The Wylderin, who learned of the despicable acts of the previous Archbishop, were adamant in communicating with Archbishop Berenice and instead wished to have nothing to do with the Luxfordians despite her best efforts to make amends. Nova Voltex, on the other hand, was thrilled to work with Luxfordia and establish many trades with each other. The United Tribes were also forged strong ties with thanks to Berenice. Lastly of note, Berenice reunited Luxfordia with the Mor Kardia after many centuries of rough tidings, trading Gex with them in exchange for refined metal and high quality armor for her armies.

Archbishop Berenice founded a new Holy Accord which served to mark fornicators and molesters like Lazarus as criminals deserving of just punishment.

Berenice's reign ended through a conspiracy led by one of the women within the Church of Divinity, Bishop Martha Saina. She was Berenice's childhood friend and most trusted advisor for the last ten years leading up to her sudden, though some considered expected death as it was framed of old age. In truth Martha had poisoned her wine one day after building herself up as a loyal follower of the Gods and friend to the Archbishop. In a last act of defiance, Martha wrote a last will in Berenice's place to secure herself the crown next.

Queen Archbishop Martha Judas Saina
The Black Consort
Born into a religious family, Martha was taught the values of Divinity by her mother and older sister at an early age but her witnessing the dark side of Divinity through Archbishop Lazarus made her question the faith she was made to follow. Her doubt and her confusion made her a perfect candidate for the seeds of chaos to be sown into her mind over time, slowly drawing the young priestess into a creeping darkness that plagues Auria since time immemorial. The girl would become distant to her family as she grew up into a mature woman, leaving the comforts of home to become a prominent member inside Lazarus Solidus' Divine Monastery and would secretly serve as a consort for the Archbishop despite their faith prohibiting such perversion.

Though her life was roped to the monastery and her faith, Martha Judas would continue to dwell in the darkness crippling her mind and twisting her into doing devilish acts in secret, going as far as finding joy in torturing her fellow priestesses in the monastery when they wouldn't do good enough and manipulate Lazarus to doing increasingly more heinous acts till his reign would come to an end when Priestess Judy, with the help of Martha, exposed him for the crimes he had done. During this time she would grow to see Berenice as a close friend and ally, though also a tool she could use to further her desires for chaos. Also during this time, Martha would make regular trips to the icy wastelands of Ischyros to become closer to her demonic influence and even gain the powers to manipulate Ether: Magic, though in a lesser, chaotic form. As no other Mortal excluding the Veryn were able to wield magic yet, Martha Judas is credited as being the first wielder of magic in certain books though most refuse to honour her with such a title.

After Lazarus was taken from the High Throne and Berenice Judy was crowned the new Archbishop, Martha Judas Saina was given the title of First Bishop, an advisory rank to the monarch herself. With access to the royal bloodline once more, Martha's schemes for chaos continued in the shadows. In secret, the crude Bishop practiced demonic rituals in the bowels of the castle to attract demonic forces to Luxfordia to threaten the people and spread anxiety and discord among the populous. She would also be the one to kill Archbishop Berenice when she felt her continued praising of the Cosmos' would require becoming a monarch herself, using a poisoned mixture to deal the lethal blow to Berenice in her sleep.

Without question Martha Judas Saina was granted the crown of Archbishop following the death of Berenice. She was quickly remembered for donning a black gown instead of the usual white or gold as past holy monarchs did and once more launching out new reforms to prepare the kingdom for the possibility of aggression coming from off-planet invaders while also introducing back the title of past Monarchs by calling herself a Queen as well as an Archbishop while also closing Castle Aspectum off from the common people once more, forcing those seeking to attend the Archbishop's teachings to visit the church and rarely hear one of her chosen Bishops to speak on her behalf. She was known for her cruelty and strictness with her royal servants and those who opposed her oft being tortured in cruel and horrific ways in an attempt to break their minds and bodies. She cared little for the well being of any non-Human and displayed it in mistreating the Senkh constantly by cutting off supplies to them and even taking their own grown food away from them, starving many in the process. Internal conflicts and civil disagreements were quickly stomped out by Martha Judas' deathly assassins that prowled the city streets of New Luxford keeping a watchful eye on those that would misspeak the glory of their Queen.

When news broke out about the cruel nature of the Black Bishop of Luxfordia, other Aurian nations begun to speak ill of the Humans most notably the Wylderin who openly spoke out against them. In response to this mockery, Queen Martha Judas sent her armies out to attack the Wylderin at their home in full force, destroying their shrines and extensively cutting down their sacred woods in a war now known as the Battle of the Wilds of 934. Unfortunately for the Queen, the faith of the Elves combined with the defilement of his shrines invoked the wrath of Fenros who descended upon Queen Martha's armies and took them captive to the Afterworld where they would turn into the first Wolfen.

Having lost contact of her generals who were sent to Gwynbrenon, Queen Martha's advisors sought out answers to their whereabouts and were given a direct answer from the Elves, stating that the entirety of their Army has fallen to the wrath of the God of the Hunt. This news became public soon after as the Elves announced it themselves which caused a civil outburst to occur all across Luxfordia with riots and rebellion happening without restraint and with no army left to stomp them out, Queen Martha was left under the protection of her personal guard as armed civilians stormed Castle Aspectum to kill her though in the end it was herself who would deliver death unto herself by jumping off the highest balcony into her death, ending her own rule then and there.

Following the death of Martha Judas, a few decades would go by before a new king could be found as the entirety of the Kingdom entered a state of constant riots and instability. During this, the Senkh were able to restore their independence and throne a new Pharaoh to lead the rebirthed Chronos. A sudden influx of Demonic forces would also make an appearance to the east and challenge Luxfordia's defenders in countless brutal battles which would result in a dark age for all in Imperia.

Though it was confirmed that she was slain by suicide, sightings of a dark spectral maiden resembling Martha Judas would become a folk story for the Dwarves to the east, who tell of the slain Queen as wandering the frozen wastelands in the afterlife.

Lionheart Monarchy

King Louis Marcus Lionheart

King Louis Marcus Lionheart

The kingdom of Luxfordia had been in turmoil for nearly half a century with many families losing everything in the continued Demonic onslaught that followed the Black Consort's death. The population of both Humans and Asvars were at an all time low and a need for regrowth was in order for both the commoners and the army which had still only been restored to partially the size it once was. During a time such as this, the Duke of Neverwind Louis Marcus Lionheart offered a lot of aid to the less fortunate and gave them hope during those trying times. He known as a good man to those living in Neverwind for always acting just and lawful yet also showing great care for the nation and its people. It wouldn't come as a surprise that others outside of Neverwind would begin to flock to the town and ask for his aid but because he was only a Duke he could not aid as many as he could.

A campaign begun spreading all across Luxfordia to crown Louis Marcus as their new king in a faint hope to bring order back to the kingdom. The public vote would eventually succeed and Louis Marcus Lionheart was made King of Luxfordia through the power of a democratic people who wished to see the kingdom rise to power once more. Following his coronation, Louis established the House of Dukes within Castle Aspectum where the Dukes of each major settlement would come for monthly meetings with him to discuss with him the future of the kingdom. In his stead, Louis Marcus promoted his daughter Francine Emma Lionheart to be the Duke of Neverwind.

Louis dedicated much of the weak kingdom's resources to restoring the military and bring order throughout Luxfordia as well as setting up for a defense against any potential outside threats wishing to conquer Luxfordia when they were at their most vulnerable. His valor against the Demons and his faith towards his Goddess marked an important and historical event when the armies of the high heavens came down to Imperia to help cleanse the wrath of the Demons from the lands, with Charisa herself showing herself to the Luxfordians and serving as their protector as thanks for their undying faith towards her. Louis himself was overwhelmed that the light of the Angels accompanied his push against the Cosmos. In the end they would manage to cleanse the Demons from not only Azura but also Livanin and Dunondrann, the sight of a united Imperia with the support of the Angelic armies inspiring hope to everyone. Though the Demons would never truly be defeated, the majority of their influence would be eradicated and King Louis Marcus Lionheart would be able to start rebuilding his kingdom.

Immediately following the Demon War, Louis made sure to keep up foreign conversation with Chronos to retain the peaceful relations they had built up recently and further foreign relations would be developed with other nations like with the Wylderin who he feared were their main enemy at this time. In the span on ten years the kingdom was returned to a stable condition although parts of their territory still remained uncertain as monsters had taken up nests at those places. A complete restoration of Luxfordia would take another ten years.

Louis did away with the church fully controlling the Kingdom, though he himself was a pious man as well who followed Divinity to his dying breath. A new Archbishop was chosen who would act below the King though Louis granted them the power to act as both a spiritual leader for Luxfordia as well as sit upon the throne upon a King or Queen's absence to prevent any more dark periods in which the Kingdom would be leaderless. The Holy Accords established by previous Archbishops were removed from the Accords of Luxfordia and were isolated solely to the Church of Divinity, though the kingdom still had strong remarks against those who did not follow the same faith as them. The Holy Tithe introduced by Lazarus remained for the Church of Divinity however it was no longer mandatory.

The reign of Louis Marcus Lionheart also marks a time during which a great mortal milestone took place in the form of the Asvar Deldarach Hawktalon traveling to and from Wyrmeron and stealing the secrets of Magic to teach it to his kin in New Luxford. The Elven magus used magic to incite new riots in New Luxford as the Asvars were still treated like they stood under the Humans despite Louis' dedications to restoring the kingdom. King Lionheart would be quick to ease the tensions and riots in his city by calling for a meeting with Deldarach to discuss his demands which were to give Asvars equal powers in Luxfordia and grant them the allowance to build their own settlement somewhere. Louis Marcus met his demands by granting him the rank of Duke for his own settlement which would go on to be called Etherin.

Even during his reign Louis Marcus was active on the battlefield against the likes of Demons and Monsters lurking in the wilds threatening his people's well-being. He was known as a justicar capable of punishing the minions of chaos with his holy blade and righteous fury, both of which where enhanced by the magic he learned from the Asvars following the establishing of Etherin.

During his reign Louis crowned his wife Khelia Lionheart a Queen for his reign. Alongside their oldest daughter Francine, they had two more children named Daniella and Bella. During the last years of his reign Louis Marcus wanted to teach both Daniella and Bella in his ways to prepare them both for the crown once he is ready to step down as King. Though they both wanted the crown equally, Bella would be chosen as the one to receive it after a series of disagreements with her twin sister.

Queen Bella Emma Lionheart
Matriarch of Merchants
Recognized for her shrewd negotiation skills and clever mind, Queen Bella Emma Lionheart, daughter of late King Louis Marcus Lionheart, was quick to take up the throne in the stead of her twin Daniella. Unlike her father, Bella lacked a militaristic mind which led to her appointing Gorvil Stell, Duke of Ironwatch, to act as her military advisor during this time. Though he was as old as the Queen herself, Gorvil had learned much from his own father Howarn Stell, the previous Duke of Ironwatch. Bella and Gorvil became close when performing their duties, so close in fact that they developed a romantic bond.

Bella would work tirelessly to line her kingdom's vaults and treasuries with wealth through the use of strategic trade routes and exporting their kingdom's resources to other kingdoms. The riches accumulated by the Queen would go into improving the still weakened military as well and build higher quality structures in less well doing towns. She was also able to strengthen their ties with the Mor Kardia by supplying them with her kingdom's ore and stone in exchange for weapons and armor and a mutual defensive pact that would last until the end of her reign.

She would also lead a campaign to expand the kingdom's borders through Windtruth Fields, making an alliance with the Hawkhome Humans and officially welcoming them into Luxfordia.

Queen Bella Emma would marry the Duke of Ironwatch Gorvil Stell and crown him a prince and consort. They would have one child later: Marcus Lionheart II. Bella would die on the throne at the age of 87 and her son Marcus would be coronated following the royal funeral.

Crusader King Marcus Lionheart II
Light of Dawn
Following his crowning at the mere age of 18, King Marcus Lionheart II begun his reign under the advisory of his aged father Gorvil Stell who, much like he did with his wife and Queen, was generous with his guidance in helping the young king find his way on the throne. Sadly Gorvil would pass away a few years later and a new Duke of Ironwatch was reigned in Voris Hool. As Marcus remained lost without an advisor he made the decision to appoint Voris as his new advisor as he was under the impression that the Ironwatch were the king's most trusted and loyal followers during any sort of crisis. Voris, however, was not a kind-hearted man by nature and held onto old hatreds towards the Senkh as well as the Elves. Having been taught that the royal bloodline of Luxfordia is ruled by weaklings since Archbishop Berenice Judy, Voris acted on his opportunity to advise the king by speaking whispers into his willing ear and manipulate the throne to act assertively.

Marcus would reform the military with the aid of Voris and Archbishop David Enos, a holy man who saw the good in Magic, to merge the holy zealousy of his people into it, creating the renowned Divine Crusade in the year 1100 that would serve as a beacon of light for their people while also spreading the word of Divinity onto others. With Voris' military tact the monsters who were a threat to Luxfordia would quickly be culled with blessed sword and purifying divine flames. The sudden growth of the Luxfordian military raised concern from other kingdoms especially once Voris Hool instructed the king to send out expeditions onto other planets to scout and observe the other Aurian empires constantly. Tensions arouse between Luxfordia and the remade Chronos of Livanin who were still as a position of regrowth and couldn't help stand a chance against Luxfordia should they attack again.

Marcus was by nature a man of peace who only acted with sword in hand if it meant defending his own kingdom so an offensive attack from him was next to impossible. That is why Voris used his cunning to begin spreading misinformation across the kingdom of a potential Senkh plot to invade them which started an uproar among the commoners and caused concern for the king as his people urged him to act fast. David Enos would prove himself a worthy advisor to the king during this time as he himself became the voice of the king and spoke to the people to quell their want to attack the Senkh. Though his words were a success at first, a sudden attack from a large band of Senkh and Shrevir mercenaries was enough to break the king and cause him to unleash his Crusade on Livanin, quickly dispatching the attackers and pushing southward until they hit the mountain wall barring the northern canyons from the souther desert. There he would oversee the construction of Dawn's Edge, a fortified city meant as a last bastion between Luxfordia and Chronos.

During this time, Pharaoh Qish Ush would desperately attempt to speak with the king and try and make him call off the attacks before any more innocents would fall and were it not for the Archbishop secretly meeting the Pharaoh his attempts would fall on deaf's ear. It was found out that the attackers who instigated the war were not allied with the Chronos but simply mercenaries bought out by a mysterious buyer who would be found out to be none other than Voris Hool himself. For his crimes of treason against the High Throne he was sentenced to death on an off-coast island known as Steel Island.

The war would end with few casualties on both sides yet the tensions caused by the short fuse of the Luxfordian King causes uproar across the Galaxy. Marcus would act accordingly and try to reconcile with the Chronos by having the very same army that attacked them help rebuild what was destroyed not only during this recent battle but also the battles that took place during Archbishop Samson Solidus' reign. This would help the Senkh empire grow quicker and in turn forge a strong relationship between Luxfordia and Chronos which would become a first in history.

During the projects to help rebuild Chronos, Marcus met and fell in love with the Pharaoh's daughter Ressha Ush, though their relationship was left a secret for many long years. They would have a Hybrid child together, a boy named Thutthus Lionheart. Marcus and Ressha made an attempt to conceal his identity by making him wear clothes that covered up his Senkh attributes when he lived with the King in Luxfordia. Marcus would pass away at the age of 106 and leave his son the burden of taking up the crown.

King Thutthus Lionheart
The Immortal Emperor

King Thutthus Lionheart, masked from his people

Thutthus Lionheart took up the crown from his late father and king Marcus Lionheart after he fell to a deathly illness. As a child of a Human father and Senkh mother, Thutthus had the general appearance of a Human but with reptilian attributes like scalie husks and serpentine eyes, the former being covering by excessive clothing and the latter simply explained by a use of magic which Thutthus excelled at. Following his coronation, Thutthus kept up his disguise as a child of Human and Senkh to keep the peace of the commoners and even the royal council which caused him to distance himself from his people even when he proved to be an excellent leader who provided a stable life for his people with a focus on furthering their education and supporting the cultures of both Luxfordia and Chronos intermingling with one another which brought in more relations with their southern neighbors.

Thutthus's reign brought with it a boon in the cultural activity of the kingdom by aiding in opening their borders to tourists visiting off-planet and growing funds to help improve the Fenik Skyships. Continuing the legacy of his grandmother Queen Emma Bella Lionheart, Thutthus was savvy in the art of trade and used it for his advantage in planning out a cross-galaxy trade route that would hit every known kingdom. He also softened the restrictions on learning Magic and even approved of it being more commonly used in his kingdom after years of stigma against it due to the opinions of the Church.

In the year 1267, on Thutthus' 100th birthday, he started to come to the realization that his hidden identity will soon have to come out or he loses the throne but as he believed he could do so much more still he did not wish that. On that same day he held a speech in front of Castle Aspectum and invited the Pharaoh of the neighbour kingdom, his own unsuspecting grandfather, to attend it. He revealed his identity as the child of two races and the grandson of the Pharaoh before the crowd he gathered before himself and a wave of shock and awe struck a deafening silence in the court where the announcement took place. He made it clear to not intent to hide himself anymore and asked for his grandfather personally to attend a special meeting with him following the speech.

In the weeks to follow, uncertainty spread all across the kingdom as there were those that spoke out against a man with Senkh blood leading their people yet at the same time the progress he brought with him was all too clear and caused an opposing party to support the king's identity. Deep in the castle, the Pharaoh and the King held a heart-to-heart meeting regarding the futures of both their kingdoms and they would eventually come to a mutual agreement: That Chronos and Luxfordia should be forget old hatreds and work together moving forwards to unify Imperia in peace. the Pharaoh Qish Ush and King Thutthus Lionheart would proclaim in their speech a few days later addressing to both their peoples of an Alliance their kingdoms will sign and honour. The Alliance would be put to place immediately at though there were those that opposed ever allying themselves with their age-old enemy, the majority of the people were quick to come to terms with living in unison with the Senkh. Three years later the Mor Uranian Dwarves also officially joined the Alliance.

Thutthus Lionheart would see to the construction of the town of Sunwatch in Livanin that would serve as an extension of Luxfordia into the desert in an attempt to help intermingle their two races. The towns of Port Maris and Geata Mara were founded in Azura and Dunonndran that would serve to strengthen the bond between Dwarf and Human. Asvars, being gifted in Magic and for many years brushed aside, were also elevated in status with Thutthus' leadership as he begun campaigns to stop the mistreatment of Asvars within their society.

Thutthus' reign would last an astonishing 445 years through which he continued to act as a stalwart leader in a peaceful Imperia, inspire countless works in the Luxfordian arts, progress their use in magic and the knowledge of the world and lastly solidify the kingdom's place in Auria as a respected and well liked faction that has made its dues. He wouldn't marry until late into his own life and reign when he found himself with a Human woman called Rehnna Sandsun and made her Queen. They had five children: Louis, Khelia, Belladonna, Daniel and Ressha.

Thutthus' reign ended suddenly in the Autumn of 1625 which is widely remembered as a day of sorrow for everyone in Imperia. Thutthus Remembrance Day is held on the 11th of Thuvos every year to remember him.

King Louis Lionheart II
Child of Destiny
After the death of his father, the honored King Thutthus Lionheart, his son Louis the second had big shoes to fill. As a Hybrid much like his father and the oldest of his siblings, Louis was destined to be his successor having spent nearly a century under his father's tutelage learning everything from politics to magic from him yet when the day of coronation came about, the child of the throne felt unsure of himself still. Louis would become King despite his hesitations and he would use the knowledge his late father imparted onto him to continue the legacy that he begun. Cross-culture relations between the Senkh and the Humans continued to grow with Louis Lionheart II's leadership, though the Dwarves were left on the back burner later on into his reign which caused small tensions to rise up over time that were fortunately quelled with tactical prowess.

Louis helped further the kingdom's place in the galaxy amid rising tensions both across the world and within his own kingdom, attempting to remain a medium for all the factions during these troubling times. Extremist groups within Luxfordia started to speak out against the King still seeing the Senkh as friends after a handful of exchanges and incidents had occurred at the kingdom's southern border between the two races which caused much uproar at that time. These civil tensions continued to boil as Louis seemed to openly side with the Senkh in this conflict even going as far as spending a portion of the kingdom's reserves to continue aiding Chronos despite what's going on. This sparked riots in cities like Ironwatch and King's Crossing to dethrone the serpent-blood King and crown a pureblood Human once more. Despite a portion of his people standing against his rule, Louis remained headstrong in keeping his family legacy going and tried to appeal to the masses as best he could without ruining relations with other kingdoms, a task proven more difficult with political oppositions being seen with the Urol Empire of Grukoor.

Warlord Krag realized the weakness of King Louis and begun to openly speak out against him, inciting his people to rally under him and put fear into the hearts of the Humans in the process. To show the backbone of his words, and push the Luxfordians to toughen up knowing their history and past battles, Krag declared a sudden war upon Luxfordia which took place in the latter half of the year of 1877 in the void between their two planets. The Chronos and the Mor Uran, showing their loyalty to the Alliance, joined the war to battle against the battle-hardened Orgoni. Though the battle took place upon Skyships at first, the Orgoni eventually managed to strike land in Azura, Livanin and Dunonndran all at the same time and start laying siege upon all three capitals simultaneously using their grounded warriors. The Divine Crusade was used in full potential during this to hold back the Urol from pushing into New Luxford but when word reached out to the king that his allies were also getting besieged, and with most of his forces being used to defend his own capital, Louis had to make the tough decision to send out his troops to only one ally lest spreading them too thinly would do no good. Though he had a bias towards aiding the Senkh in the desert, his advisors convinced him to aid the Dwarves first for their help in forging weapons and armor to keep their forces armed to the teeth. When the decision was made and Shassusin left to be defended by the Chronos alone despite the pact made by the Alliance, the Senkh lost many lives. The war would end early the next year in 1878 with the Orgoni pushed back and Krag dethroned by a new Warlord. Louis would be quick to act in helping Chronos rebuild and heal following the war, who saw his decision to aid the Dwarves over them as betraying the pact of the Alliance. Though the Chronos remained in the pact afterwards, it became clear that relations were inevitably hurt.

Although he was often tied up in politics and conflicts, Louis' true passions laid in the arts, specifically painting landscapes. His skills in his brushwork created many legendary paintings of different Aurian landscapes. In his time as king he crowned the fair lady H'elva Duskstride, an Asvar hailing from the deserts, and made her queen. Though she was the first Asvar to sit on the throne of Queen her rule was not celebrated until late into her life after she had already done countless good deeds to help develop and protect the kingdom. With H'elva, Louis had twins Marcus Lionheart III and Emma Lionheart II in the year 1934. Only eight years after, Louis would die from an attack conducted by a group of radical activists who no longer wished to be allied with the Senkh. They assassinated the King during his flight off-world aboard the royal Skyship and with his children believed too young to sit on the throne, Louis' younger sister Belladonna Lionheart would take the crown instead with H'elva staying as the new Queen's advisor.

Queen Belladonna Lionheart
She of the Brush
Though Belladonna became queen late in her life, her coronation was celebrated because of what she had already established herself as: An artist, much like her late older brother, who was in charge of most cultural scenes taking place in Luxfordia during that time. She made the Lionheart family a name in the artistic world with her paintings of world-famous people all across Auria bringing in a lot of talks. When she was crowned Queen, she did so believing she is just a filler, promising that she won't stay long and a new ruler will be found soon to replace her. Nevertheless, Belladonna used her time as Queen to inspire her people to pursue the arts of paint by opening many new art galleries across Luxfordia the most famous of which being the Louis Gallery in New Luxford.

Queen Belladonna was also a historian of sorts, having collected thousands of ancient literature of different cultures to study them and learn more about the galaxy's history. In the year 2020 she took part in a massive gathering of historians in Shassusin to create a cohesive and universal Calendar for all of Auria to use together, making herself one of the official first Archivists alongside other noble and well-taught seekers of knowledge.

After serving a little over a century as Queen, Belladonna would step down to spend the last of her years continuing to paint. Her nephew's son, Wynston Lionheart, would be found as a worthy successor to her.

King Wynston Lionheart
The Iron King
Born as the son of Marcus Lionheart III, Wynston grew up in the royal palace under Queen Belladonna's reign and raised with the expectations from his father that he'd be a great king for Luxfordia in due time. Unlike his father Marcus, who was a child of a Senkh-Hybrid and an Asvar and unluckily wasn't bestowed with the properties of a Senkh but that of an Asvar, Wynston was able to be born half-Senkh like those before his bloodline which would grant him a long lifespan allowing him time to learn and prepare to be king for a few centuries. He would take great interest in her great aunt's historian background and try to follow in her footsteps by also dedicating much of his time to studying history as well as culture, gaining an interest to the music of Auria which led him to hosting a handful of concerts across Luxfordia prior to becoming King. His reign started with Queen Belladonna stepping down and handing the crown over to her nephew's son.

King Wynston Lionheart would act as a benevolent leader to his people, still showing much love for the arts produced by Luxfordia and supporting inspiration among his populations, yet he became King during a difficult time in Auria's history as the Galaxy was riddled with more and more conflicts between nations as tensions continued to arise between them. Short-term Wars breaking out between two empires was common news at that time and he knew if Luxfordia would survive they'd have to upgrade their military and bolster their defenses. The Divine Crusade, which had been in service of Luxfordia since 1100s, was subsequently dismantled in 2150 and a new, stronger and more inclusive army without religious strings called The Grand Army was formed in its place. This army, which recruited anyone who was a loyal member of the kingdom, would help Luxfordia stand against oppression during the Era of Wars.

The dismantlement of the Divine Crusade would not have been taken lightly by some however as those previously part of the Crusade with heavily religious beliefs refused to serve in the army not controlled by the Church but directly by a half-Senkh King. They formed the Solidus Crusade in response to this and begun to act against the vows of Luxfordia's royal bloodline, joining the boiling pot of conflicts in Auria by starting to conduct their own radical attacks upon others not viewing their religion as the truth. Though they officially not tied to Luxfordia, to an outsider looking in it seemed obvious to place the blame of these attacks on the Human Kingdom which would subsequently place the heat on Wynston, who tried his best to quell the political tensions rising at the time. The Alliance his forefathers formed and held together was also showing signs of cracking as the Solidus Crusade assured that anti-alliance talks would spread in Chronos calling for the abolishing of the pact they had made many centuries prior.

In the late 2300s, the Royal Reclamation Campaign was started by a man named Edward Greymoore IV, the Duke of Ironwatch, with the exact intent to overthrow the Senkh-controlled throne and return Luxfordia fully into the hands of pure-breed Humans. In his city, Edward gained many supporters to his cause but struggled to do so in other settlements until 2320 when additional political arguments with the people of Chronos and Wynston attempting to silence the Royal Reclamation Campaign swayed many to Edward's radical and conservative side. Mass protests demanding the reign of Hybrids to end in Luxfordia begun to take place by the year 2330 and King Wynston was at an unfortunate position of being unable to rightly silence the campaign thrown against him nor quell his people's worries of the conflicts happening in the world at the time. Having already brought into life three children with his Senkh wife and Queen, Wynston's dreams of seeing his children carry on his crown begun to crumble with the continued protests outside Castle Aspectum.

Wynston would inevitably cave to the demands of the people he loved and placed his faith onto and he met with Edward Greymoore in private to give him two years before the crown be given to him. During this time, Wynston did as much as possible to strengthen the kingdom and prepare it for a massive change in leadership. He married Sethra Raddlis and had three Hybrid children with them: Louis, Francine and Khelia.

Greymoore Monarchy

High King Edward Greymoore IV
Vanguard of his People
After spearheading the controversial Royal Reclamation Campaign and gaining the crown from the last Lionheart monarch, Edward Greymoore IV took control over Luxfordia with an iron fist and begun to focus in hard on advancing the productivity of their people by helping fund new industries and training regimes that would benefit the Grand Army's exceptional growth while also providing more easily learnt job opportunities for those without the proper qualifications and experiences which helped those in poverty and low income homes get a footing in life. High King Edward, as he called himself and announced future kings be called that in accordance of entering a new era of monarchs, would also immediately use his status to win over the love of his younger years, a woman named Irela Duskbloom from Ironwatch who he had gone to the War Academy with in their youth. He crowned her Queen and had three children with her - The brothers Larothron Greymoore and Yvain Greymoore as well as a princess named Lasorella Greymoore.

His reign remained stable and productive until the year of 2360 when he sent out a royal fleet towards Wyrmeron amid rising tensions with the Urson with the hopes of launching a sudden and quick attack on their capital and conquer it. The plan failed when the fleet, with Prince Larothron on board, were thrown off-course by an intercepting Avari fleet who had caught wind of their plans and acted accordingly, the Luxfordian Royal Fleet having flown dangerously close to Voi'Runil's orbit caused their unstable flight to pull them towards the cursed planet and utterly destroy them. King Edward, deep in sorrow over the loss of his son, blamed the United Tribes for attacking out of line and causing the deaths of his men, sparking the notorious Azuran Sky War in 2362 which involved Luxfordia, Mor Kardia and Chronos battling it out with the United Tribes and the Bjorn. The war remained balanced for the beginning months but a sudden decision coming from the offending side would quickly tip the scales towards the defending side as the Chronos Senkh suddenly announced their break from the Alliance stating that the new King of Luxfordia does not have any interests in keeping the Alliance two-sided and the rampant bigotry from him has forced the Senkh to stand alone once more. Without their aid, Luxfordia and their loyal Mor Kardia allies battled a far superior alliance of Avari and Urson which led to the fight landing on the northern shores of Azura.

The war would end following an intense battle in Nordstrom that resulted in it being temporarily claimed by the Urson. King Edward reluctantly surrendered to his opposition and agreed to hand over a large amount of Gex out of the kingdom's treasury in exchange of gaining hold over Nordstrom and northern Azura once more. The aftermath of the war was met with uncertainty as Luxfordia's reputation and trustworthiness was once more brought into question, many nations had cut ties with the Kingdom during and after the war and worst of all the war cost many lives which led to families being torn apart and the desire for revenge to boil across Imperia and Wyrmeron.

During the decades that followed the Azuran Sky Ward Edward would descend into a state of madness as he still grieved for the loss of his son and his self-thought injustice that surrounded his death. He remained High King until his death in 2403 when his venerable son, Yvain, stepped up to take the crown from his head and make an attempt in stabilizing Luxfordia.

High King Yvain Greymoore
Yvain Greymoore, son of High King Edward Greymoore IV and younger brother to the late Crown Prince Larothron Greymoore, was destined for greatness when his father brought him into the Luxfordian royal bloodline after his coronation. Growing up Yvain was an opposite to his brother who was always one to speak politics and act as keen future leader for his people while Yvain cared for only one thing - the thrill of battle and the glory gained from it. In a way the brothers Greymoore worked wonderfully together, so much so that they became living legends together on the battlefield with one leading on the front and the other from the back. The supposed death of his brother would lead to Yvain becoming the sole heir to the crown and with that the heft of responsibility previously carried by Larothron.

When the Azuran Sky War begun with his father's desires for revenge, Yvain was fully committed to leading the front and act as an inspiration for his people in the name of Larothron. Yvain would prove himself opposed to his father's narrow-minded approach to the conflict and often made an attempt to stop him from intensifying the conflict any further than it needs to be. In the end he would manage to convince his father to surrender after failing to defend Nordstrom from the Urson offensive, fighting tooth and nail to save as many Luxfordian innocents as possible. He was hailed a hero of his people following the war and was ready to take the crown from his withering father when he was on my last ropes of life.

When he became High King, Yvain knew Luxfordia had suffered from the war his father had declared but he also believed that the kingdom should not bow down and act weak and sorry in the wake of a war like this. On the contrary, Yvain intensified the production of his people and introduced harsher training regimes to produce strong soldiers in preparation for more wars to come as was expected during this time. Following their breaking from the pact, the Chronos Senkh also begun to fight Luxfordia for an expansion of their borders as Luxfordia still held a part of the desert through Dawn's Edge and Sunwatch. Though the Senkh were fierce fighters who knew their once-allies' strengths and weaknesses they would meet a formidable defense from the Humans and their Dwarven allies leading to a century long stalemate. Ultimately Luxfordia, under Yvain's leadership skills and inspiring presence, kept their territory in Livanin and continued to enforce their borders upon Chronos.

The Chronos weren't the only ones showing disdain towards their former allies. The Mor Kardia Dwarves begun to grow concerned over the fact that Luxfordia saw them more as a loyal work force than a respected ally which would lead to Thane Righdor Irondark starting negotiations with the High King to prove Luxfordia's continued dedication towards their alliance and to pay the debts that his people have accumulated over time. He would ask of King Yvain to send over his armies to aid them in a recent onslaught of demons attacking their smaller settlements as well as providing them with a stable income of Gex in order to supply themselves with better luxuries from off-world. Yvain would be hesitant to meet these demands but would oblige the Thane in the end, fearing that losing the Dwarves as an ally would be a decisive blow to Luxfordia's defenses.

In the end Yvain would pass away a successful, yet controversial High King, his deeds paving the way for an uncertain future for the Kingdom started by his father. Though he officially never married a woman he still had five children over the course of his life, having had them with the royal family servants. Four of those children would be left unnamed as Yvain deemed them bastards, refusing to see them as his children. His last and youngest he would have with his own sister Lasorella, bringing into this world Prince Andrev Greymoore II who would take up the throne following Yvain's death.

High King Andrev Greymoore II
The Magebane

High King Andrev Greymoore II

Named after his great-grandfather Andrev, Prince Andrev was told stories of the glorious past of the Humans and the many downfalls that have threatened them. Inspired by these stories and the promise that he will be Luxfordia's future king, Andrev wished to train hard to become a formidable warrior like those before him but a stark physical illness made him naturally fragile and weak which shut down all his hopes and dreams. Unable to train with the royal guard and their instructors, Andrev instead pursued a profession in politics and researching magic, the other side of the coin in combat, and learned of the terrible consequences one way face when wielding it. Fearful of the effects of Magic intensified by the Greymoores never trusting Magic to begin with, Andrev saw it as a threat to his people and pursued his father and King to place a complete ban on it and anyone who dabbles with magic. King Yvain would consider his pleads but would ultimately not want to stir up even more civil conflict within his borders than there has to be.

When he was crowned High King, Andrev's first degree would be to enact the laws he so desperately wanted to push for years prior by introducing a sudden ban on anything to do with Magic and the superstitious. This would, as expected, stir up the flames of rebellion specifically from the Asvars living in Luxfordia who had built up a culture around magic and its use. High King Andrev would respond to these riots with the utmost of aggression, using his royal guard to police the protests and punish anyone willing to even whisper a sign of support towards them, evidently pushing the Asvars into the ground and stripping them of their rights.

Other nations like Chronos, Bjorn and Wylderin saw the ban on magic and the following snuffing of the protests as a troubling sign but avoided direct confrontation.

Andrev's campaign to banish spellcraft from his kingdom would sow fear among the populous, lower class citizens would be further divided from the upper class citizens that were in blind support of whatever the High King did and the Asvarian population was reduced to the degrading role of servants at best and street urchins at worst as they were now denied their freedom and their ability to live independent lives. Etherin Academy would close its doors and Andrev's forces would set ablaze a handful of libraries within, burning to ash centuries worth of knowledge in the art of magic. He would also employ the notorious Fated Blade assassin guild to slay Pharaoh Cleosa Issis, his crimes only found out years after his reign had already ended.

Most controversially of all his decisions was to court with the Asvarian servants in the castle to make her carry his next of kin, in total having thirteen off-spring with not one but three women in total, ruthlessly disowning the children who resembled even a little bit like Asvarsian and keeping those who were fully Human in appearance in hope of having a child that could have the lifespan of a Asvar. In the end he would keep three children: Yvain Greymoore II, Edward Greymoore V and Mark Greymoore III, though in the end only Edward would benefit from an expanded lifespan.

High King Yvain Greymoore II
Paladin Lord
Believing his father's actions just and well founded, Yvain Greymoore II became King following Andrev's passing, the crown now upon the head of a fierce warrior who devoted much of his being into Divinity. High King Yvain made an attempt to reform the Grand Army and reintroduce spiritualism back into it, a process which would inevitably fail in the end, as well as abolish all other religions from Luxfordia and fiercely punish those who would speak of them. The status of Asvars remained stomped to the mud as Yvain continued to use Andrev's examples and keep up a status quo where the Asvar were made pawns for the kingdom rather than respected citizens.

Yvain was by all means not an idle King even late into his reign. The High King participated in many frontline attacks against that time's increase in monster activity, being crowned a Paladin for his righteous crusade against Demons. In his time fighting, he became known to a sect of Asvarian outlaws called the Binders who had taken up refuge in the forests to the west and continued to practice magic in a hope to one day rebel against Luxfordia and free their Elven allies. Yvain declared them enemies of the Kingdom and would subsequently send out a personally trained squadron of crusaders to slaughter them, but a lack of magical understanding would cause them to die before they could even unsheath their blades. Desperate to counter attack the mages, Yvain continued to bolster his defenses and send out more of his men to keep the mages in check which would result in countless of deaths. It would be Edward Greymoore, Yvain's younger brother and a half-breed, who would come to him with a proposition that would lose his head. Edward proposed to the King that the only way to kill mages of this magnitude was to learn their own form of Magic to directly counter theirs, a form of Anti-Magic which can completely negate magic to be used. Yvain was furious that his brother would even consider the idea of reintroducing Magic into their society but he would eventually comply, sending fifty of his chosen men into the abandoned Etherin Academy to learn as much as they can from the books their kin has yet to burn. When they would return, they would be able to wield Anti-Magic to a degree that would allow them to completely catch the Binders off-guard and take them down without any more casualties, eradicating their pagan group and sending them to be executed.

Though the Anti-Magic soldiers were a success, Yvain's paranoia towards any users of magic also sent them to be executed, reasoning that they sacrificed themselves for Luxfordia by tainting their bodies with magic. Chancellor Edward Greymoore was furious of his brother's decision to send them to their death yet feared speaking out against him lest it be his head next that would fall.

Yvain would bewed Queen Vandra Rosee late into his reign. Though he was deeply in love with her, she had her eyes set upon another: Edward. In the end they would never have children. High King Yvain would fall in battle against a Demon in 2533, his crown and his Queen taken by his brother Edward shortly after. Despite having her eyes set on his brother, Vandra did secretly carry a child for Yvain though she would evidently abandon it to win the favour of Edward.

High King Edward Greymoore V
The Spellbreaker
Previously the royal Chancellor of Luxfordia, Edward became King in a stroke of opportunity when his brother Yvain died without leaving an off-spring to take the throne. Taking the chance to enact his desired changes into the Kingdom, High King Edward Greymore V was given the throne and the Queen.

King Edward's first major reform was for the Kingdom's defenses. Following the troubles caused by the Binders, the idea of using magic to counter magic appealed to the High King and he would see it be pursued more thoroughly under his rule by introducing both the Royal Defenders and the Grand Army to a personally trained squadron of Spellbreakers who's main purpose is to combat Magic with their own form of magic. They would become an elite police group within Luxfordia to battle the rise of illegal use of Magic across the kingdom's reaches, striking down on both Asvarian rebels as well as foreign figures using Magic by default and either imprisoning them or sentencing them to execution.

Although not as militaristic as his brother and father, Edward was recognized as a merciless King towards those who would not follow his rule to a tee. He became synonymous with an iron grip that choke his people of every inch of resistance they had and ultimately snuffed out any hope of rebelling against this new monarchy.

Fortunately, King Edward was not only focused on destroying the moral of those rioting his rule. As a scholar who spent much of his youth researching his people's past much like his father, Edward helped advance the Kingdom's education and loosened certain biases within it to include a better understanding of the world around them. He also developed new trade deals with other Kingdoms after countless rough standings, trading with Nova Voltex and Shin to bring new luxuries into Luxfordia to better the quality of the middle and upper class. Sadly his attempts at improving relations did not extend to the Wylderin who continued to display distrust towards the Human nation.

Thanks to his Asvar genes, Edward could live a long life, outliving his wife though not before bearing her a child with similar Asvar genes as his own. This child would be named Irela Greymoore II and when Edward would feel his life come to an end he would grant the crown to her.

High King Irela Greymoore II
Heavenly One
Child of High King Edward Greymoore V and Queen Vandra Greymoore, Irela was raised up to be a prominent successor to Edward's reign very early on in her life, her parents both being her teachers till their deaths. Irela would grow up mainly on the teachings of her father the king, his lectures on both politics and history granting her the aspiration to rule Luxfordia like the proud kings. Before she could rise to the throne however, Irela joined the Church of Divinity as a priestess after hearing stories of her late uncle Mark the third who also ruled as High King night a century prior and the Holy Monarchy who ruled two millennia ago. She would rise up the ranks in the Church and find enlightenment in the light of the one true Goddess Charisa and this faith of hers would translate over to when she would finally sit upon the High Throne.

As ruler of Luxfordia, many believed she would take up the title of Queen like those of the past yet that would not be the case - instead Irela would see it fit to call herself a High King like those previously in the Greymoore lineage, seeing that her gender mattered not when picking the title.

High King Irela Greymoore II would take the seat of the High Throne as a benevolent leader in comparison to her predecessors. She would use her reign to bring prosperity back to the kingdom and make an attempt to help heal the wounds received from war by bringing hope back to her people while also making attempts to reintroduce the church back into the royal bloodline, making the teachings of the Church once more mandatory for Luxfordians across the kingdom. The Holy Tithe also made a return as a mandatory form of kingdom-wide charge, getting increased to two tenths of a person's income which would go to both the church and the state. Many people from both lower income and higher income households would at first protest these charges for different reasons yet within a short few years their voices would no longer matter as Divinity and pride took hold once more.

Irela would marry a hermaphrodite woman named Sevana Grivee and make her a Queen. Together they would have two daughters and a son - Bell, Hannah and Davadion. Sevana would pass away four years after Davadion was brought into the world, her cause of death treason by a servant of the royal house known as Larush Oake, a rebellious spy wishing to dethrone the Greymoores and hand the kingdom over to the Asvars. In her sorrow and grievance towards the loss of her love, Irela begun a campaign to stomp out all forms of protest against the royal family and furthered the mistreatment of the Asvars by making it illegal for them to walk freely without a Human master by their side. She would also help develop the growing town of Hillshire at the feet of the Skystriker Mountains as it was where Sevana hailed from.

Irela would pass away in the winter of 2711, leaving the crown to be decided between her three children.

High King Hannah Greymoore
The Crimson Admiral
In the wake of High King Irela's demise, her three children were left to decide who may get the crown. Though the discussion begun as a civil dispute it would eventually lead to a deciding duel between Bell, Hannah and Davadion with all three deciding to take part in a battle to the death to seize the throne for themselves. The battle would end with Bell's death and Davadion left heavily injured leaving Hannah as the victor and the next High King, a title she would take up proudly. Believing she is destined to continue the legacy of the Greymoore lineage, Hannah would submit herself as a High King of the frontlines when the armies of the Wrathtide Conquerors came to lay siege on Luxfordia and pillage their people in the historic Fourth Wrathtide Onslaught. Hannah portrayed excellent leadership and combat skills in this battle by personally dealing the killing blow to a dozen Wrathtide Hayka and slaying their Onslaught General Ataques Tidestrike, although she would be poisoned by his blade which would evidently lead her to her death, marking the end of her her short but notorious reign.

Without a child to place the crown to and the absence of her brother, the title of High King would become uncertain for a time after High King Hannah's death.

High King Davadion Greymoore
The Palefaced Ruler
Following his lethal injuries received in the duel against her older sister Hannah, Davadion became crippled in both arms and a leg. He would curse his existence and want to be killed just like Bell was, yet Hannah saw him better off alive and dead and in a cruel twist of fate forced him to live and serve as the Royal Chancellor. Though he made attempts at his life following his promotion, Davadion was kept close eyes on by the High King's guard and could never gain a moment to himself as a result. Unable to take his own life, Davadion begun to dig through the royal libraries in search of new meaning which would inevitably lead him to exploring the founding of Luxfordia and the rise and fall of its first King, Vandrash Aspectum Luxford. Growing curious of what happened to him and Old Luxford Davadion gained the approval of the High King to make an expedition to Ischyros and seek out the ruins of their old kingdom. There he would come across something disturbing - the unrelenting nature of the Cosmos, the source of evil and chaos in Auria, had taken hold of much of the region and turned the ruins of their past kingdom into a breeding ground for evil. Horrified that such a sight could exist so close to Luxfordia, Davadion would order a retreat but would find his very own men turned to the Cosmos in the short time they spent at the heart of Old Luxford. Inevitably Davadion would go missing following the turning of his men, his absence causing worry to the royal family to the west yet whatever rescue party would go to seek him would never return prompting High King Hannah from giving up the search.

In a strange twist of fate however, Davadion would return to Luxfordia a changed man. When first he set foot upon the grounds of Castle Aspectum the guards could not recognize him as his skin had become pale as snow, his eyes white and his previously crippled limbs functional again, he was seeping with an energy that had healed him, strengthened him even, and he used that newfound power to take the crown and sit on the High Throne like he was destined to do.

Despite being informed of the war with the Wrathtide Hayka and the many worries across the Kingdom, Davadion seemed distant and uncaring. He became a docile ruler who only sought to keep the kingdom going at a bare minimum whilst seemingly wanting more problems to haunt his lower-born populous, showing signs of joy and satisfaction in hearing a slow descent into disarray taking hold of his kingdom. The rate at which Demons and other monsters would appear to attack the Kingdom would also increase during this time, leading to many deaths in less defended regions.

Evidently it would be Yvain Greymoore III, great grandchild of High King Yvain II, who would make a name of himself during this time of unrest and uncertainty in Luxfordia, rising up not as a noble of the royal family but a hero among the poor and the suffering, a warrior without equal that protected the light of hope among his peers by fighting the encroaching demonic forces that begun to rise up across the kingdom during the Palefaced Ruler's reign. Alongside a guild of heroes fighting for good, Yvain discovered that the source of this on-going evil came from Castle Aspectum itself and would rally anyone who could and raid their own capital in a last ditch effort to rid the kingdom of the illness that befell it. Caring little that they may be marked as traitors and imprisoned for treason, Yvain battle through a corrupt royal family and lead the fight directly to High King Davadion, battling the Cosmos-touched King and though suffering a great deal of blows in the process they would be successful in dethroning the current High King and snuffing the source of corruption in the kingdom.

High King Yvain Greymoore III
Hero King
Born as the only child to a couple of Humans known as Valon and Tesava, the former of which the grandchild of late High King Yvain Greymoore II, the stronghearted Yvain Fiel, as he was known at birth, knew nothing of his family's connections to the royal family as all knowledge of that dissipated with the abandonment of Vandra Rosee, the grandmother of Valon. Despite that, Yvain was told stories of the kings that shared his name and that his parents believed he would live up to the name one day as a beacon of hope during a time of great uncertainty and darkness.

By the age of 18 Yvain had already joined the Hillshire Militia and unrelentingly trained to protect his home and family from the encroaching demons that wished to march upon their lands. He would become renowned as a hero for Hillshire and beyond with his actions catching the attention of other like-minded heroes at the time who wished to return the Kingdom to its former self and to do that they would have to find the source of this chaos. During this dark crisis, Asvarian magi previously walking in the shadows were able to act more freely in the rural area and because of that the young Yvain would meet Uram Evertome, an Asvar apprentice in the arts of magic, and quickly groww close to him as a friend and ally in the war against Demons. Together with a party of twelve did Yvain discover the source to be none other than the High King himself and with heavy heart he took it upon himself to slay him so that they could have any hope of putting this conflict to rest.

Following the sorrowful day when High King Davadion had to die, Yvain was approached by Royal Chancellor Augus Marvin who would recognize his likeness to be of the depiction of the High King Yvain Greymoore III. Though he reasoned it to be a mere coincidence at first, Yvain was invited by Augus to look into the archives and see if there would be any more information worth looking into for him which he would find in his own grandfather being named by Queen Vandra Rosee herself as her child. Needing only one more proof of his legacy, the Royal Chancellor escorted Yvain into Monarch's Rest to be among the spirits of past Kings and Queens to see if he were to resonate with them, a tradition done across history for the Luxfordian royal family. He would come face to face with the vision of his ancestors and be judged worthy to rule despite Yvain's own objections on the matter. When all became clear of his ancestry, Augus begged for Yvain to take up the crown in the wake of Davadion's fall and rule his people as the next heir of the Greymoore monarchy, a task he wanted to shy away from at first but would gain the confidence in taking up when his friends and allies came to back him in the decision. Nevertheless, Yvain asked for his coronation to be delayed until the rest of the corruption has been cleansed from Luxfordia.

The day of his coronation would come following a few month period of intense cleansing against the stagger of Demonic forces still present across Luxfordia, the day was met with rejoice as the freshly crowned High King addressed his people in the court of Castle Aspectum, his people in mourning over those lost during the dark. Nevertheless it was recognized that it was not a time for healing and Yvain would recognize that. His previous party he had raided Castle Aspectum with would be named the Crusaders Twelve, an elite squadron of the High King's own handpicked warriors who would serve as his will in the times to come. Lastly High King Yvain would dedicate much of the kingdom's resources into improving the Grand Army and use it to establish fortified defenses all across their lands with the biggest focus to their southern borders which were threatened by the Chronos Senkh who saw an opportunity in Luxfordia's time of weakness to invade and capture both Sunwatch and Dawn's Edge as well as push northward. Yvain would personally see to it that they recapture the territory lost to the Senkh and save the people who were taken hostage in their desert settlements.

Though conversations were had with the Pharaoh of Chronos, little would come from it as the Senkh showed their true colours in attempting to take Luxfordian lands during their time of crisis, though some would argue that the land they took originally belonged to them. Nevertheless, through High King Yvain's excellent combat prowess and stern leadership skills, Luxfordia would push back against the snakepeople and reclaim their lost land, though tensions between the two kingdoms would once more rise to a boiling point which would lead to rumours of a new large-scale war erupting between the two nations. Yvain would try his best to reason with the Chronos and try to appeal to them during these times, but he was reluctant in giving away any land he thought rightfully belonged to the Luxfordians.

Back in Luxfordia, Yvain saw a new light in the Asvars and desired to give them a second chance after his adventures with Uram Evertome, his Asvarian friend. By his decree Etherin would once more become a sanctuary for the Asvars and many restrains placed upon them were loosened, though the study of magic remained a taboo topic even for Yvain, who saw first-hand what it could do to a person when Davadion became corrupted by a likewise power.

Yvain would become a beloved High King in the decades that followed, his reign prosperous and productive for their people even if outside tensions begun to boil due to his inexperience in politics. Nations like Wylderin, Bjorn and Urol would speak highly of the King's actions but for the most part trading remained minimal thanks to the historical distrust that Luxfordia has built up over time. Burdened by the crown and the responsibilities of leading a Kingdom, High King Yvain dreamed of returning to a simpler life as an adventurer and hero but the chains tying him to the High Throne prevented such dreams from coming to reality. He would, however, find love in a maiden known as Elrisa Delava, a historian in the royal library who would oft visit Yvain in the castle observatory in the evenings. Though Elrisa had no backgrounds in politics or leadership, her charm and beauty drove Yvain to spend much time with her and eventually propose her to be his wife, a proposition which she would gladly take him up on.

High King Yvain Greymoore III and his newly bewed Queen Elrisa Greymoore would have a single child, a son that would be given the name Valon, named after Yvain's late father. When his age would catch up to him and the burden of the crown beginning to weigh him down, Yvain would begin to teach his son his ways but also inspire him to seek the wisdom of past Kings and Queens so that he would be prepared for the day when the crown would be placed upon his head. The venerable and sickly Yvain would part all his wisdom onto his son in his last years of his life, telling his son both the good and the bad that their people has done across history and asking him to remember both and to remain strong in the face of adversary. Though he hoped to leave behind a shining example of himself, he saw a darkness creep through his son that wanted to lash out.

In a hope to quell his son's desire for vengeance against those who have attacked Luxfordia in the past, Yvain would take his son into Monarch's Rest, the royal tomb beneath Castle Aspectum where the bodies of all past monarchs and their close families lie in rest. Though what was meant to be just a tomb of silence and death would instead be revealed to be a sacred place of knowledge for the young prince as Yvain showed him through to the very end, retelling the story of every Monarch before him and the downfalls that each had, asking for his son to not repeat the same mistakes they did. Once every tomb was visited, Yvain would take his crown and place it upon the head of his son, telling him that he is High King now before laying himself to rest in his own chamber within the tomb.

High King Valon Greymoore II
Guardian of Justice
High King Valon Greymoore II begun his reign where his father's ended - in the royal tomb known as Monarch's Rest. When he returned from the catacombs without his father by his side yet his crown on his own head, the royal house of Luxfordia drew a breath of sorrow in the passing of their great king. Valon himself fell into a dark depression over his father's sudden death and the likewise sudden burden placed upon his shoulders. In the weeks that followed High King Yvain's death the Luxfordians were in mourning, their moral low as the throne was left in the hands of a new High King who had yet to prove himself worthy to the people. Valon's rise to power was rough as the young King had lived a life of luxury up until the last few years, his mother still by his side serving as an advisor and even helped in the duties that a King should do alone including addressing his people and making proper reforms. As such, it would be a devastating day when Lady Elrisa Greymoore would join her late husband in death leaving the High King to take the challenge of leadership on alone.

As the only living known Greymoore, Valon had no family to turn to and was fully in the trusting of the royal advisors and the esteemed House of Dukes, from which he gained a trusted friend in the form of Aerthur Justigarde II, Duke of Ironwatch. Being of similar ages and having been given similar burdens of taking the roles of leadership at an early age, Valon and Aerthur would become quick friends however unlike Valon who was lost in his world, Aerthur had a clear path in mind following his forefathers in the Ironwatch dukes lineage and in his time spent with the young High King he would not shy away from telling him his ideals, that of a focused military and a fixation on strength and iron rule. His words would not stick however as much of what he said contradicted the humble nature of his father's lessons leaving High King Valon to take only parts of his words as true lessons.

As the Era of Wars would slowly come to a close, less conflicts would be seen across the galaxy as nations would try to seek a shared existence in peace rather than ruthless battles, among those wanting to make amends being High King Valon, one with millennia worth of wars done by his kin to atone for. Over a few decades, Valon would make attempts to appeal to the other nations of Auria and to solidify Luxfordia's place in the galaxy yet his obvious attempts at appeal only made some trust him less, the reputation of Luxfordia forever tarnished by its history and their warmongering Kings. He would make due with what he could accomplish on the throne, restarting old trades with other kingdoms and bringing long awaited relief to his people in the form of imports of long-lost luxuries from other planets. Yet the constant pressure of being High King coupled with the pressure to atone for the sins of his forefathers would be quick to shatter Valon's will and sanity, tensions begun to rise as he lost track of what it was that he had to do.

By the year 2947 Valon would find a moment of solace in marrying a woman named Theela Northe and making her his Queen. Three years later they would have a child, a healthy boy who Valon would choose to name Yvain after his father and other Yvains of his lineage. They would raise him with the intent of making him the next Luxfordian monarch following Valon's reign. To his joy and ease, Yvain would grow up not as a snobby and lazy boy but one with pride and dignity as well as a drive to improve himself. Though he saw a promising High King in his son, Valon knew he could not wait until his reign begun to see Luxfordia grow and he would do everything in his power to give a purchase for Luxfordia even amid rising tensions as nations like Urol threatened the fragile peace that the nations would thrive to build.

Valon's will and leadership skills would be put to the test in a sudden conflict known as the War of the Sands, which started in 2977. After a rogue group of Humans would incite a conflict at the Luxfordian-Chronos border, the Chronos Pharaoh Barssha Horus would launch an all-out attack on Luxfordia with an immense army of might and magic with the goal of retaking lost territory and push the Human nation northward. This conflict would be one of the longest between Humans and Senkh at that time lasting upwards to eight years, with the Senkh taking back the desert and pushing the Luxfordian border north till it was finally stopped at the northern end of the Livanin Pass. Though the Luxfordians suffered heavy losses in the war, Valon found it necessary to seek diplomacy in these times and settle the blood-shedding peacefully, negotiating with Barssha to allow them to keep their territory but stop threatening the Human nation and rekindle lost relations. The talks would come to be successful after the willing cede of Livanin land, allowing the Senkh full control over the desert once more.

Finding new strength in his successful negotiating skills with the Pharaoh, High King Valon would make regular trips to other planets to meet with other rulers and forge powerful ties with them. However successful he would be with his talkings would be quickly undone when Valon would be found dead in the wilderness of Gwynbrenon, his body found by the Druids of Wylderin. Without a clear culprit to blame, the venerable Duke of Ironwatch Aerthur and Valon's son Yvain would both speak ill towards the Elves, stating that the blame can be placed them until the real criminals have been found.

High King Yvain Greymoore IV
Last King of the Humans

High King Yvain Greymoore IV, in his suit of armour

Born into the Greymoore lineage as a child of destiny, Yvain was given the name of the family's past heroic Kings so that he too would one day stand among them as an influential and important figure. Having been told that he is to be something great one day, Yvain was motivated to begin training for the day of his coronation since he was twelve years old when he would be placed under the tutelage of Ironwatch's own Duke Aerthur Justigarde who continued to remain a close friend for High King Valon at that time. Through Aerthur, Yvain learned much about swordplay, though unintentionally he would also be given lectures in politics through the eyes of an Ironwatch which would soon begin to conflict with his father's views and lead to the young Prince having to decide for himself what belief to follow.

As it would happen, Yvain chose the ideal that power means control and total control over your Kingdom means a united nation capable of anything. He continued to train both his mind and his body to reach a level of strength that would allow him to best any challenge Aerthur put in front of him through a tough regime forcing him to fight Ironwatch's own champions in combat. He would also take lessons from his father and mother in politics, learning everything there could be learned about other major powers of Auria and their potential weaknesses, using history to reach an answer to almost anything he wanted to know.

Yet his life would not just be non-stop training and studying, at least not yet. The young, adolescent Yvain would eventually find himself infatuated to an Asvar servant girl for the royal house named Lyana Whispersun. Sadly for the future High King, Lyana was already espoused to another, a commoner known as Zenar Plainstrider who would stand between the High King and his selfish love. Neither promises of gold, glory or royalty would win over the loyal lover known as Lyana so Yvain would resort to more drastic measures to force her to him, employing the notorious and criminal Fated Blade assassin guild to do away with Zenar in the dead of night and in return the Prince would falsely promise them that their crimes would be left unnoticed by the royal guard for some time. The deed would pass and Zenar would be no more, yet when Yvain would attempt to swoon the sorrow stricken maiden of his house he would still find rejection coming his way. Furious over her loyalty to her now late fiance, Yvain struck her down with a punch and commanded the guards to take her away from the castle so that he may never see her again.

When his father the King was found dead by assassination in Gwynbrenon, Yvain was stricken by the burden of responsibility his father carried and the realization that his thirty years of studying would finally come into practice. He would take Aerthur as his trusted advisor in the years to come and waste no time in upscaling the production of his Kingdom to prepare for a war to end all wars, a war for total conquest of the Galaxy which would make use of Luxfordia's history of bloodshed to learn of his enemies' weaknesses and exploit them to his cause. The borders of Luxfordia would be closed shut and any non-Human would be forced to leave unless they were a Asvar or a Dwarf or had a good reason for staying, the only two races that Yvain had some measure of trust for: The Asvars for their history of being supposedly willing slaves to their Human overlords and the Mor Kardia Dwarves for their undying allegiance towards Luxfordia.

Ten years of non-stop production would yield a Grand Army eight times bigger and stronger than any other army in their history, yet the closing of the borders and all trades had left the Luxfordians starved and strained, protests would begin to rise in smaller settlements like Hillshire and Nordstrom but they would be quickly snuffed out by the elite armies of High King Yvain. Only in whispers people spoke ill of the tyrant king that leads them to another historic downfall, those caught speaking words like that made into examples through public humiliation and execution.

Having had amassed an army stronger than any other Human army in history, with nearly half of them specialized in anti-magic and all of them armed to the teeth in dwarven-made armor and weapons, a Skyship fleet comparable to any Fenik fleet and nobody on the outside able to fathom the plans of High King Yvain Greymoore IV, The Grand War would commence with an all-out attack both seaside and on land against the Senkh of Chronos. Acting as the high general himself, Yvain led a fraction of his armies into the desert to slaughter the Senkh in an attempt to demoralize their forces but their people had caught wind of Yvain's coming attack through the Pharaoh's insight and the word from the Sensh Inju, a group of Naga spies serving directly under the Empress of Shin herself: Lady Uneiko Shorai. Thanks to their help, the Senkh were able to evacuate those they could and gather in their capital, using the divine prayers towards their God Aechronos to form an impenetrable shield around the city and placing everyone inside into a time stasis, effectively nullifying any of Yvain's attempts at conquering the capital. Desiring not to waste any more time and to keep the momentum going, Yvain would form and leave behind the Sunstalkers, a group of Humans led by Sheela Neel, the only known survivor of Sunwatch back during the War of the Sands.

Though the Senkh were able to freeze themselves in stasis, Yvain's Sunstalkers took control of the rest of the desert barring Seventh Haven, a sanctuary for the mystical Zhadeva. Yvain would lead the rest of his Grand Army away from the desert and split it into two: One half sailing to Wyrmeron to take the fight to the United Tribes and Bjorn and the other half to Grukoor to overthrow the Urol. Yvain would personally lead the latter half while the former half would be led by a set of chosen generals from Ironwatch. On Grukoor, Yvain's objective was to conquer Uroldros, capital of the Orgoni, and take anyone they could as prisoners of war to feed the momentum of their onslaught, but knowing that even with an army like his the Orgoni would stand a formidable challenge thanks to their culture around war and combat. To help distract them, Yvain would launch a diversion attack on the Desolate Drifts, a neutral territory on the planet where many innocents including Humans not recognizing themselves with Luxfordia dwelt. This diversion would cause a significant chunk of the Uroldros defenders to splinter off and run to the defense of the Drifts, eventually forming the Tyrantfall Militia after they would reconquer the Drifts in the time that Yvain led his main forces to the capital and conquered it, taking any Orgoni he could prisoner but sadly the Warlord would evade his grasp, retreating off-planet somewhere else.

Meanwhile on Wyrmeron, Yvain's splinter army was successful in launching two attacks on Bjorn and United Tribes at once, sowing chaos among their ranks and causing their allegiance to be challenged as they scampered to help one another fight off the Grand Army. Other forces in the army would be tasked with landing on Everfrost and taking Eldgammelildsted, capital of the Fjordsid who were once Luxfordians themselves. Unfortunately their attack never happened as the unforgiving nature of the planet took their forces and eradicated them. Whitewind Rise would eventually fall to the hands of the Luxfordians thanks to premeditated sabotage of the Avari aerial defenders however the siege on Asgaror and the Urson lands in general would throw a wrench in the Grand Army's plans. The thunderous ferocity of the Urson bearfolk combined with the remainders of their loyal Avari allies made for a tough defense that Luxfordia would struggle to shatter even when their forces outnumbered them 4-to-1. To this day those that fought in the war against the Humans remember the earth quaking as the thunder called down by the Urson broke apart their assailants' numbers and the lightning of Bjorn's heartiest warriors, including Fylkir Cyrun Ragnagard himself, would strike down Luxfordia's finest in a long lasting battle.

Following the conquest of Uroldros, Yvain left a portion of his half of the army to hold Grukoor while he went to Serena next in a hope to conquer the Shin Naga, his hands fueled by anger as he found out it was them that relayed information to the Senkh of his coming attack. Unfortunately for him, the armies of the Naga were well prepared for them and, like the Urson in Wyrmeron, they too would come to pose a significant resistance against the Humans simply because out of all the nations Luxfordia has had any significant experience with, the Shin Dynasty is not one of them so their ways of combat was still foreign to the High King still. Thanks to the mountainous region which defended the empire, the Luxfordians would not be able to push up the mountain to their capital and were forced into a stalemate by the Naga Blademasters and their Mantraweaving conjurers. With a significant size of his siege weaponry having gone to Wyrmeron or lost during the siege on Uroldros, Yvain would make a quick and sudden change in his plans by once more shedding a portion of his armies off and launching a surprise attack on Saberos to take the capital with little resistance just to enslave the native Fenik into building him new siege weapons. A sizeable number of his forces would take a loss during the siege on Saberos but within a week Steamgear would fall to Luxfordian hold. With an arsenal of newly seized and built machinery, Yvain would return to Serena with the remainder of his forces to find that the stalemate has yet to be broken. Using the Fenik's advanced siege weaponry he would be able to break through the Naga's wall of defense and eventually push to their capital of Jaido'shi, slaying Empress Uneiko Shorai on her throne and conquering the city.

Back on Wyrmeron, the last of the Luxfordian offenders would lose their will to fight as a faction of Orgoni led by Warlord Zurk would land on-shore to push them down and aid the Urson in a tactic decision to rally whoever they could against the Grand Army, the Fylkir and the Warlord having a history between themselves that helped them understand each other in this dire time. The Warlord Zurk would tell to Cyrun that all other planets bar Wyrmeron and Gwynbrenon have fallen to the Luxfordians and that by his knowledge Gwynbrenon would be next. The last remaining Luxfordians would be taken captive by the Avari forces and made to help rebuild the damages done to their two empires while the Fylkir and the Warlord took their forces to Gwynbrenon to get to the Wylderin before Yvain could land an attack against them, the two leaders meeting with Archdruid Leronas Moonfire of the Elves and Zanchul Apox Kaw'iil of the Trolls and telling them of the incoming attack so that they may form a plan of defense in response.

High King Yvain's armies would land on the shores of Gwynbrenon within days of the Orgoni and Urson landing there, wasting no time in setting up a base camp on the western shores of the forested lands. The beginning of their attack launched upon Wylderin lands was fueled by Yvain's own hatred towards the kingdom borne from a history of spite that has come from them dating all the way back to the Battle of the Wilds which formed the first Wolfen. This anger would ultimately blind Yvain of a united defense of Urol, Bjorn, Wylderin and Xib'alba which would absolutely crush the remainder of the Grand Army and force Yvain into a direct confrontation against all four leaders of their respective kingdoms which would end with the axe of Zurk cutting the head of the tyrant king clean off and ending the rule of the High King.

With the Grand Army ultimately defeated and High King Yvain slain by the hands of four proud leaders, a counter-offensive was launched to retake what Luxfordia had conquered, the alliance of Urson, Elf, Troll and Orgoni attacking those occupying Steamgear, Jaido'shi and Uroldros to cleanse them of Human influence and freeing those taken captive. The Asvars within the army, that were able to live, were also freed and given a place in the counter-offensive which would reach all the way to Imperia where New Luxford was left to be taken. They would there that the Dwarves, honouring their ageless pact with Luxfordia, had set themselves up to defend the city with their lives and as a result would also die in doing so, leaving the front gates of the capital a field painted red with Dwarf blood.

Though Leronas and Zurk were bent on slaying every single Human there is in vengeance against all the losses they had befallen throughout history, the Fylkir Cyrun, who had met the Asvarian revolutionary known as Regindra Fedelerin, would speak out in defence of granting mercy to the Humans of Luxfordia and instead grant the crown of leadership over to a new age of monarchs starting with the aforementioned revolutionary herself.

Fedelerin Monarchy

Queen Regindra Miraron Sophiagnitas Fedelerin
Voice of the Oppressed

Regindra Fedelerin, Voice of the Oppressed

Born during the rule of High King Valon Greymoore, Regindra served in the royal house as a handmaiden for the King until the reign of Valon's son, Yvain, when she was discovered to have been using her position in the royal house to aid those less fortunate than her by giving them food borrowed from the castle's foodstores and Gex from the royal treasury. For this reason, she was given no room to stand her ground and was imprisoned by the young King himself to serve a lifetime rotting in the underground. In a strange twist of fate however, her imprisonment would not last long as High King Yvain launched the Grand War, diverting most of his military might away from the Kingdom which would allow the commonfolk remaining back a chance to fight back their oppressors and gain a footing finally. Regindra would be freed from her prison following the start of these riots and she would make her name known as a revolutionary that stood with them against the tyranny of their King and his armies. While countless battles would take place off-planet, Regindra would fight her own battles to return control and freedom back to the hands of the people of Luxfordia by doing battle with those that remained back at homeland, in the form of Aerthur Justigarde II and his Ironwatch forces. Sadly in the face of non-stop riots Aerthur would manage to crush their resistance and keep them at pay until news broke out that the High King had fallen and the Grand Army was defeated, with a counter-offensive coming due New Luxford to liberate everything from Luxfordian influence. Afraid of what is to come his way following the war, Aerthur would ease his hold on Luxfordia and put down his force's arms.

Regindra herself would act as a representative for those fighting against Human oppression and she would personally meet Cyrun Ragnagard to ask him and his allies to show mercy to those still living in Luxfordia, even those part of the military. Though it would be too late for the Dwarven defenders swearing to honour their pact with Luxfordia, Cyrun would manage to convince the other leaders to leave the Humans still alive to their purpose, personally showing the spotlight to lady Regindra Fedelerin and telling of her heroic and selfless acts during the Grand War towards those in need and naming her someone befitting the crown, should the others agree. Though there was reluctance in Leronas and Zanchul, a consensus would be reached in allowing Luxfordia to remain active as long as Regindra and her bloodline leads them with dignity and peace.

At the start of the new year Regindra Miraron Sophiagnitas Fedelerin would be officially crowned Queen, she personally having chosen to abolish the title of High King from their tradition. Following the celebration that was her coronation, Regindra would also abolish all laws which enforced inequality between Human and Asvar and allowed the free use of Magic back into Luxfordia. The city of Etherin would reopen its academy doors to teach Magic to anyone who wished for it. Regindra would also spearhead the development of a joint project between Luxfordia, Chronos and Mor Kardia on the Isle of Rivers in central Imperia, establishing a great city called Sante Citare there which would serve as a sign of peace between the three nations. Though the city would develop fast thanks to the unity of the three nations of Imperia and the help of other empires like Wylderin and Urol, the city has met with troubling times recently which the Queen has personally seen to repairing.

Regindra would also spearhead the campaign of religious freedom in Luxfordia, allowing previously ridiculed and exiled worships to once more be practised with ease.

Regindra Fedelerin has remained Queen of Luxfordia to this day, though there are those that have spoken out against an Asvar leading Luxfordia like those in Ironwatch who reluctantly follow her example.