Magini Hexx

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Magini Hexx
Magini Hexx.jpg
TitleEtherin Troubledour
OccupationMage Student
RelativesHolli Hexx (Grandmother)
Vanessa Embera (Close Friend)


Magini Hexx is a Luxfordian-born Fenik and avid troublemaker. She is a member of Vanessa Embera's close friend circle.

As a child, Magini Hexx lived with her purebred Fenik parents in New Luxford during a time of great oppression for non-Human races. As her parents were Fenik but useful for their industrious knowledge, they were spared a greater suffering so long as they worked loyally in the Hammerworks to produce machines of war. With a home-life as stressful as can be, Magini grew up problematic as she would always pick fights with other kids of all ages, causing her family a lot more strain. Life wouldn't get easier when the Grand War erupted and Magini's parents were forcefully dragged to the skies of battle in order to maintain the war vessels, leaving Magini in the care of Holli, her grandmother.

When the war eventually ended and Magini's parents did not return from the frontlines, a great heartache would break Holli down, turning her distant. Magini however did not seem to care and for the coming years she would continue to work as she always has, being a light menace to authorities throughout the capital. Magini's signature acts would involve spray painting the walls of the city in graffiti, throw rocks through windows and speak without a filter.

Eventually Magini would meet Vanessa and together with other youths of Luxfordia they would form a friend group with which she would begin to hang out with for most of her time. Though her desire to cause chaos would not lessen nor did her foul mouth, Magini would encounter less trouble with the authorities so long as she would keep to her close knit group of like-minded girls. Encouraged by Vanessa, Magini would also attend Evertome Tower in New Luxford to evoke her magic.

Years later Vanessa would attend and graduate Etherin Academy as an esteemed student. As a part-time instructor in Etherin, Vanessa would use her influence to get Magini enrolled there too. Since 3020, Magini has started studying at Etherin Academy, specialising in the arts of transformation. Less interaction with her friend group has led Magini to being a known troublemaker in Etherin, earning her the name "Troubledour".

Powers and Abilities

In terms of magical prowess, Magini is quite a novice still. She is capable of simple offensive magic usually choosing for pure arcane or leaning into shadow.

Physical Description

Magini is a medium-height Fenik girl with a thick bodybuild. Her fur is sickly-white while her hair is a bright ruby pink. She has two long ears with whiter borders and purplish inner-ears.

Over her top Magini commonly wears an oversized hoodie with sleeves that reach beyond the length of her arms. Her pants are paggy, a size or two too big for her which she keeps fitted on her with rope.