Main Page
Welcome to Legacy of Auria! Ahead you will find a comprehensive guide to everything there is to know about the setting in two parts - the Basics, for those who seek to know only the minimal, and the Advanced, for the true nerds among us. Take a cookie, make some tea and prepare to sit down for a long read if you are daring enough!
1. Basic Knowledge - Understanding What Anyone Knows
1.1 The Setting - What is this?
Auria is classified as a High Fantasy setting which focuses on the galaxy of the same name - Auria.
1.2 The World - Where am I?
The Galaxy of Auria while vast is also limited. It consists of the Heart of Rengrown, Auria's sun, at the dead centre of it which is circled by seven unique planets. At the farthest reach of the Galaxy, two moons known as the Eyes of Perisha circle the outer limit, marking the border where the galaxy ends. The planets are all connected by the Ethereal Chain, an incorporeal stream of energies that is visible from the sky at certain times of the year.
The following are these planets in order from closest to farthest from the Sun:
1.2.1 Grukoor - the Desert Planet
Home of a war-like empire of the half-giant Enkhulu of the Urol Empire and other lesser warrior races who are at odds with one another at all times. While most of the planet is a dried up hellscape or a treacherous canyon full of dangerous wildlife, a deep crater in the southern region has become home to a flourishing ecosystem. Grukoor's vicinity to the sun makes hot climates a guarantee.
1.2.2 Saberos - the Ocean Planet
A vast ocean spans the entire width of this world with islands ranging in size sprinkled about. In its outward appearance, Saberos is a tropical getaway and home to Nova Voltex, a faction consisting primarily of a race of short fox-like people who are known across the galaxy as master tinkers and skilled tradesmen. Dig deeper into the planet and you discover a rampant issue with pirates and many landmasses that remain unsettled, causing dangerous wildlife to flourish there.
1.2.3 Gwynbrenon - the Wild Planet
Though a subject to many conflicts in the past, Gwynbrenon is a beautiful planet full of untouched wilderness which is cared for by two rivalling empires - the Wylderin of the north and the Xib'alba to the south. The former is a nation primarily consisting of Elves who have developed a long-lasting druidic culture while the latter is that of the Trolls, a race of spiritual and shamanistic folks who are chroniclers of knowledge and lore. Gwynbrenon features vast woodlands, a rich yet swampy marshland and even an uninhabitable volcanic region barred by a wall of great mountains.
1.2.4 Imperia - the High Planet
No world is as densely settled as Imperia - home world of the versatile Humans and Asvarians of Luxfordia, the short but stout Dwarves of Mor Kardia and the snakefolk Senkh of the Ancient Kingdom of Chronos. Titled "High Planet" by the overly zealous Humans, Imperia has a diverse set of biomes that range between open fields fit for healthy farmlands, an ocean-side desert which hides unexplored archives beneath the sands and a mountainous snowy region to the far east plagued by a threat of undeath.
1.2.5 Serena - the Mystic Planet
With tall-reaching mountains and serene woodlands featuring blossoming trees all year long - Serena is a place of beauty and tranquility. It is the home world of the Shin Dynasty, empire of the half-snake, half-human Naga who are known not only for their mastery over sword and magic but also their rich artistic culture. Serena is a picture perfect place for calmness which features snow-covered lands to the north, a dense jungle to the south and rolling plains to the west.
1.2.6 Voi'Runil - the Cursed Planet
Legends speak of a planet that once beamed with life but was cursed with corruption when the sky was shattered and demons washed down from the heaven - Voi'Runil, the Cursed Planet. Signs of its existence remain ever apparent as one planet out of the seven is nothing more than a vortex of dark energies crackling and foreboding, a warning sign to stay away from. It is said that the land that is Voi'Runil is withering and dying, no life is able to survive upon its defiled earth and the creatures that live upon it are twisted and malevolent.
1.2.7 Wyrmeron - the Arctic Planet
As the farthest from the Heart of Rengrown, Wyrmeron is besieged by a never-ending winter all year long, making it far more difficult to inhabit than most other planets. Still, even in the harshest of places one may find solace and in Wyrmeron that solace stands as the Frostfire Isles at the heart of the land - a series of tall-reaching islands lush with greenery and conifer trees as well as the territory of the United Tribes, the faction of the birdfolk known as the Avari. To the east of Frostfire is a vast tundra, home to Bjorn, empire of the large yet hearty bearfolk known as the Urson. To the west of Frostfire lies Winterfury, a land caked in frost with mountains that pierce the skies with sharp icy tips - the nesting ground for Dragonkind.
1.3 The People - Who am I?
Auria is home to a diverse set of living (and unliving) creatures classified under different categories.
1.3.1 Mortal - the Civilised Ones
At the heart of everything there is Mortalkind, elaborate people who are both civilised and sophisticated to the point that they've come together and founded countless factions. They are your standard races, your Humans, Elves, Dwarves but not limited to just those - A race of snakemen walking upon two known as the Senkh, A mysterious race of half-spider, half-humans who weave webs to fashion clothes known as the Jadami, larger than life bearmen named Urson and many many more! Each race carries with it a history and rich culture unique to them.
A list of all Mortal Races can be found in this link.
1.3.2 Beast - the Wild Ones
Found thriving in the wilds of all corners of Auria, Beastkind are your typical and atypical animal creatures that do not show the same intelligence as Mortals. They are wild and unpredictable but also share a kinship with Mortals who have managed to tame them. As a result of their coexistence, Beasts have been found working alongside Mortalkind for generations - as beasts of labour or as loyal companions in the fields of war.
A list of all Bestial species can be found in this link.
1.3.3 Monster - the Uncivilised Ones
A polar opposite of Mortalkind is Monsterkind - creatures who may at times resemble Mortals but behave more like Beasts. Most monsters are dangerous and serve as a means of honing one's skill in battle, but one should make sure to prepare oneself when fighting tougher monsters. Though they are not capable of forming larger empires, Monsters commonly make smaller settlements like tribes and even villages which must quickly wiped out, lest they grow out of control.
A list of all Monsters can be found in this link.
1.3.4 Undead - the Not-So-Alive Ones
In a world where magic is prevalent, the notorious Undead are quick to come soon after - As spirits who are incapable of moving to the afterlife, Undead inhabit their rotting corpses or simply appear in the form of an incorporeal figure like a Ghost to torment the living out of spite and sorrow. Dealing with the undead is often a task meant for higher grade adventurers, especially when dealing with those who do not possess physical bodies.
A list of all Undead can be found in this link.
1.3.5 Demon - the Evil Ones
The root of all evil - Demons are creatures of the void that are unnatural and thrive on the desire to cause mindless havoc and destruction. The commoner does not know much about Demonkind other than that their corruptive influence is dangerous and must be avoided lest you become a thrall to the forces of evil.
A list of all Demons can be found in this link.
1.4 The Calendar - When am I?
1.4.1 Measuring Time - Tick Tock
The universally used Aurian Calendar is very similar to the real life one with time being recorded with days, weeks, months and years.
- 1 Minute lasts 60 seconds
- 1 Hour lasts 60 minutes (3600 seconds)
- 1 Day lasts 24 hours (1440 minutes / 86.400 seconds)
- 1 Week lasts 5 days (120 hours / 7.200 minutes / 432.000 seconds)
- 1 Month lasts 5 Weeks (25 days / 600 hours / 36.000 minutes / 2.160.000 seconds)
- 1 Year lasts 16 months (80 weeks / 400 days / 9.600 hours / 576.000 minutes / 34.560.000 seconds)
1.4.2 Week Days - The Repeating Five
Auria's weeks are 5 days long during which 3 days out of the week are considered labour days while the start and end of a week are considered resting days. The functionality of a week does differ slightly from culture to culture.
1. Renday
2. Solday
3. Amunday
4. Malday
5. Perday
1.4.3 Months - The Recurring Sixteen
The sixteen months of Auria are split into four equal seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Universally the names of these months reference the four gods of the Seasons - Fonix, Aestonix, Aunix and Hienix. Each Month is referred to as the Dawn, Rise, Noon or Dusk of its given season, symbolising the cycle of days taking form of months.
A note must be made that each planet experiences these seasons differently. Certain planets, like Grukoor, don't even experience the effects of Spring or Winter as an example. Additionally, while universaly these months are referred like so, the cultures of Auria also have their own names and meanings for the passing of time.
Spring is the first season of Auria's year and it symbolises beginning, revival and growth. It is heralded by Fonix, the youngest of the Seasonal Gods.
1. Fonix Dawn
2. Fonix Rise
3. Fonix Noon
4. Fonix Dusk
Summer is the second season of Auria's year and it symbolises warmth, renewal and relaxation. It is heralded by Aestonix, the second youngest of the Seasonal Gods.
5. Aestonix Dawn
6. Aestonix Rise
7. Aestonix Noon
8. Aestonix Dusk
Autumn is the third season of Auria's year and it symbolises work, study and harvest. It is heralded by Aunix, the second oldest of the Seasonal Gods.
9. Aunix Dawn
10. Aunix Rise
11. Aunix Noon
12. Aunix Dusk
Winter is the fourth and final season of Auria's year and it symbolises frost, harshness and the end. It is heralded by Hienix, the oldest of the Seasonal Gods.
13. Hienix Dawn
14. Hienix Rise
15. Hienix Noon
16. Hienix Dusk
1.5 Life of a Commoner - The Simplicity of Existing
To be a commoner in Auria is to live life at its simplest. You find yourself in a vast world that reaches beyond your own world's sky and onto other planets and it is common to see flying ships disembark off of your planet in order to travel to another. You most likely live in a small village, a bustling town or a great city going day by day without much variety out of the ordinary. Your knowledge of the world varies based on a lot of factors including experiences, education and the people you know but generally you will know of the existence of a grander world outside the comforts of your home and sometimes you must travel that world upon a mount, a carriage or escorted by soldiers or adventurers, two important figures in the world that assure that peace remains everlasting.
Life isn't free for a commoner and you will learn to understand that you most common enemy is that of money and those who want yours. You are familiar with Gex as the official currency used by most of the galaxy - These coin-sized hexagonal gems come in six different colours all corresponding to different values:
Emerald - 1 Gex
Topaz - 10 Gex
Ruby - 20 Gex
Amethyst - 50 Gex
Sapphire - 100 Gex
Diamond - 200 Gex
To have a roof over your head and food on your table, a commoner must find a means of making money, making Gex, lest you starve. Since adventuring is not your forte you must find a simpler job, things like farming, being a store owner, perhaps a craftsman - whether you work for the empire you were born in or are an independent person not allied to a given faction, you will hopefully find success in the job you pursue.
There are many professions to choose from when deciding on your career, from herbalism to blacksmithing - anything can be profitable so long as you work hard on it and develop yourself to it.
Should you not own the land you live upon, which is common for homes in big cities and towns, you should expect a monthly price in rent to be added to your negatives.
Food is found in healthy supply at your local market places and in some places and cultures technology or magic allows you to store food fresh without the worry of rot.
Even more common is a proper aqueduct, sewer and plumbing system found in the developed empires of the world, especially their capitals and larger settlements. Clean water for uses in cleaning, relief and bathing is easy to come-by in this day and age.
Although the idea that life could be more full of excitement comes to your head every time you see a traveller or adventurer roll through town clad in exotic clothes, heroic weapons and treasured trinkets, you also understand that that life isn't for you.
So you retreat to your home which you've made into a general store, awaiting the next customer to part with their currency in exchange for the yield of your farmland and wouldn't you believe it? - That very same adventurer who just gave you thoughts of grandeur now stands at the foot of your door seeking to restock their inventory with your finest fruit and vegetables. He wishes to buy more than he has the Gex to spend so you give him a request: "Feral monsters have been plaguing my farmlands for weeks now. Rid me of them and I'll make it worth your while!"
The hero nods his head and shakes your hand before taking weapon in hand and ventures out to do your quest. You understand now - you are as vital to this world as they are, for you cannot live without them and they cannot live without you.
2. A Deeper Knowing - Understanding the World Better
2.1 History - The Quick Rundown
Recorded history begins 3 millennia ago and all commonly known events of the timeline take place in those 3000 years. Events predating this timescape are less detailed, forgotten or simply knowledge out of reach of a commoner. The timeline is separated into millenniums called Eras:
2.1.1 Era of Prehistoria - Lost to Time
This Era predates year 0 and is one of vagueness and mystery. Popular knowledge indicates that the Galaxy is many, many times older than recorded history with traces of the past found throughout the worlds - ruins of past civilisations, proofs of entire races and species gone extinct, battles that had shaped the lands of the galaxy.
2.1.2 Era of Unity - Year 0000-1000 - The Hopeful Beginnings
The world is still new in the eyes of the people that walk it. The first Empires begin to be founded and grow large through Auria.
As the Galaxy's populous is scattered between planets with no means of travel between them, history is localised to each world and does not go beyond the skies until the Year 640, which is when the Fenik would start their intergalactic travel by means of Skyship, a monumental invention of their race that would continue to evolve and improve and connect the separated galaxy and unite it. Multiple Skyports are erected in major cities throughout the Galaxy which serve as harbours for the spacefaring vessels, however prices of travel would be expensive and reserved for special occasions.
2.1.3 Era of Magic - Year 1000-2000 - The Grand Discovery
The dawn of the next Era brings with it a major discover unlike any other - Magic has become available to mortalkind and it starts to spread rapidly throughout the empires. It does not take long for it to become weaved into nearly every culture on the earths. Magic is first taught by the esteemed Etherin Academy in Imperia starting in Year 1120. The innovation of magic brings with it a new wave of evolution for the world as the people attempt to integrate it into everything - Skyships become powered by magic, allowing them to traverse the space between planets more efficiently, mages are trained for war and battle it out with opposing empires, breeding more intense and bloody wars as a result.
Year 1721 would see to the establishment of the Galactic Bank of Auria and the form of a single currency that everyone adopts - Gex.
2.1.4 Era of Wars - Year 2000-3000 - The Dark Downfall
By Year 2000 and beyond, the world had seemed to have reached a pinnacle that meant development would plateau. The resources of the world have become sparse by that point and with the Empires growing as big as they have, disputes over land and resources would become a lot more frequent resulting in a thousand years of continuous wars between nations.
The Year 2523 would see to travel between worlds becoming more common, allowing anyone to simply purchase a ticket for 25 Gex and board a ship stationed in the many Skyports of Auria.
2.1.5 The Grand War - Year 3000-3003 - A War to end All Wars
The end of the Era of Wars and the beginning of the next would see a period classified under a whole other category - the Grand War.
Under the royal leadership of High King Yvain Greymoore IV, his Duke Aerthur Justigarde II and their council of Highlords, the kingdom of Luxfordia would launch an all-out war on the war-weary Galaxy of Auria by laying siege on all other Empires while they recovered. The strategic minds that guided King Yvain would result in Luxfordia gaining control of most of the Galaxy though their hold was brief as an alliance would form to fight against Luxfordia at the very end of the war, resulting in the lands they conquered being liberated and Yvain dethroned and slain.
2.1.6 Era of Healing - Year 3003+ - The Fickle Restart
Though the resulting gain from the Grand War for Luxfordia was much of the same as it was prior to the war, the damage they dealt to the worlds was near fatal and cost the galaxy centuries of progress as Auria entered the Era of Healing. With the kingdoms being weakened by the previous Era of Wars, their influence would follow suit and cause them to lose control over previously held lands allowing Monsters and Beasts to claim them and threaten the lives of the commonfolk.
This Era is where Auria is now. The Galaxy is still reeling from the Grand War and the militaries of the Empires are unable to hold back the uprising of Demons, Monsters or Undead. Adventurers and Heroes who fight independently from an allegiance to a faction have become more common now too, causing many Guilds that serve as hubs to them to crop up everywhere.
The current year is 3020.
2.2 Empires - A World Splintered into Countries
Between the seven planets of Auria many Mortal races can be found that, through perseverance and sophistication, have come together to form factions both small and large. In every race's history it is known that once they walked the world small, in tribes and clans that were served like families hunting and fighting together. Some of those tribes would inevitably grow so big as to be considered an Empire, establishing a strong sphere of influence in the land they inhabited and conquering lesser tribes forcing them out of their lands or annihilating them altogether. These Empires, through a three thousand year progression, have become the countries of Auria that split maps into territories belonging to one or another and that people pledge themselves to, whether because they were born into that country or simply pledging loyalty to them.
Time and time again wars have been fought between two or more Empires over a number of reasons - scarce resources, disputes over land, a simple desire for conquest. By now the world has become a fickle place where peace is thin-ice. Travel from Empire to Empire is free, so long as one has the ticket price to pay, but even a small spark may light up a new cross galactic war that spawns old hatreds and new lusts for blood.
The following is a list of all major Empires of Auria, sorted out by planet.
2.2.1 Grukoor Empires
As a planet scarce with resources, there is only one major Empire in Grukoor - Urol, the Earthen Vigil. Founded and raised by the warriorfolk known as the Enkhulu, Urol has turned the barren Okramm Canyons they inhabit into an industrial haven where the mines dig deep and the blades are sharp. They are led by a great warrior monarch known as an Urolkhul, the current one being Urolkhul Zurshak, as well as the council of the Kwazi Seers, ancient Enkhulu sorcerers who serve as spiritual guides for their people and their Urolkhul.
The Urol are known throughout the world for warring with other Empires constantly, the ancient rites they hold onto dearly bringing with them a belief that only through battle and war can a people evolve and not become stagnant and weak. The Urol are also known for their deep understanding of mining and blacksmithing, being one of Auria's greatest in both fields.
Two lesser Empires exist in Grukoor too - The Sark Clans and the Al'hirja. The former is a union of the Sark tribes that inhabit the Dzungle Wilds and are generally hostile to outsiders, though they have a rich culture in hunting and fighting that parallels the Enkhulu. The latter are the remains of the Ezama people, a mysterious race who the people of Auria have only started to understand.
2.2.2 Saberos Empires
On the scattered islands of Saberos there exist two major nations often spoken about - Nova Voltex and the Coralfang Swashbucklers.
Nova Voltex is a highly developed and sophisticated nation comprised of the short yet witty Fenik folk and their allies. They are a country of tradesmen and craftsmen who seek to make their empire a melting pot of experiences in order to turn it into the beating heart of Auria's economy. Nova Voltex is known most prominently for their master tinkers and modern architects that have allowed for a more advanced civilisation and way of life. Despite their capabilities at forging weapons of war, the Nova Voltex live by an important moral code that forbids the aimless warring with other Empires unless it is to uphold the Galaxy's peace. This is why Nova Voltex is a neutral nation that stands to unite the galaxy.
The Coralfang Swashbucklers is the name of the pirate faction that currently holds control over Portegral, the capital of the aquatic Hayka. These large fish-people live life more carefree and have a long-lasting history of conflict with other nations simply out of a sheer desire for pillage and plundering. Despite their bloody and dark legacy, the Coralfangs are determined to develop their people and move past away from their barbaric roots in order to become staunch allies to Nova Voltex and gain a better reputation with the other nations. Nevertheless, other pirate factions still roam the seas of Saberos and seek to overthrow the Coralfang and return the Hayka to a life where they are the scourge of sailors and flyers alike.
A third, more secluded Empire stands at the northern point of Saberos. The Mahaan Saamraj are an ancient people who live in great temple cities on their Sundar Diya island. There they practice a faith dedicated to honouring the Gods. Many past wars with the other two nations of Saberos has led the Mahaan Saamraj to isolating themselves and being less welcoming towards outsiders.
2.2.3 Gwynbrenon Empires
The beautiful yet untamed planet of Gwynbrenon is home to two major Empires both of whom have played pivotal roles in the history of the galaxy.
Found within the lush and rich region of Tranquilon is the Wylderin Empire, a nation dominantly comprised of stalwart Elves, heroic Wolfen and mystical Dryads. The unity of these three races is seen best in the Triskelion council which leads the Empire not as one monarchal figure but rather three spiritual figures each from one of the three revered races. The Wylderin possess a culture tied strongly together with nature itself with a reverence to the spiritual forces of the wilds and its purest lifeforms, Beastkind, who the Wylderin share a special kinship with. This is called Druidism, a faith found strongly practiced in the borders of the nation and seen best in their iconic spellcasters known as Druids, who wield the primal forces of the untamed world within their very bodies. The Wylderin have known war for many years and whether they've fought in beastform as mystical Druids, battled alongside beasts as cunning Beastmasters or ridden into war as valiant Knights, the outcome has always remained the same - None stand a chance against the embodiments of the wilderness' wrath.
Directly south from Tranquilon is the Blackwood marshlands, home of the Troll empire known as Xib'alba. Once scattered in tribes who warred against one another, Xib'alba has found strength in unity as they survive in their tainted homeland practicing a darker, yet equally as potent magic as Druidism known as Shamanism, to call upon spirits of the past for knowledge and power. Since time immemorial the Trolls have lived in fantastic temple cities where they practice their shaman rituals to commune with the dead for blessings to get them through the dark ages and bring about a golden era in both magic and sciences. Yes, while superstition is a prevalent force in Xib'alba it pays to not discredit the brilliant minds of the Trolls who are oft credited as the first true inventors for many creations used to this day including the first forms of boats and ranged weaponry in the form of slingshots. They are also chroniclers who store the galaxy's written knowledge in their many libraries open to all who are seekers of wisdom just like they are.
2.2.4 Imperia Empires
The varied and vast lands of Imperia are home to three major factions of Auria.
Firstly, and arguably the most notorious in the Galaxy, is Luxfordia. Before the Grand War for three thousand years, this empire stood as a symbol of Humanity's Pride and Strength, it's many bloodlines of Kings and Queens leading the nation through many wars most of which began through Luxfordia's own actions. Luxfordia is credited for stealing Magic from the Dragons and granting it to mortalkind, a feat made possible by Deldarach Hawktalon over two thousand years ago, yet magic would quickly become Luxfordia's greatest adversary as those in power feared its influence and developed an elaborate culture to denounce the usage of it. Luxfordians are oft followers of the Church of Divinity, a religion that worships Charisa, the Goddess of Justice and Queen of the Afterworld. Luxfordia's rulers, whether they were Kings, Queens or Archbishops, have come in many tones - from the valorous to the deceitful. The downfall of the last Human royal bloodline with the death of Yvain Greymoore IV meant the kingdom would go through a reformation of sorts - now led by the Asvar Queen Regindra Fedelerin, Luxfordia attempts to cleanse the stain on their history by making betterment in the world through changes in politics and trade. No longer a warmongering nation, Luxfordia stands as a beacon of light alongside the other great nations. Still, the reform did not happen without its own troubles - internal conflicts between the Estates of Luxfordia and among the House of Dukes has led some like the Ironwatch Estate to denounce the Queenship of a half-blood. Etherin Academy, one of Auria's most prestigious school of the arcane, flourishes with the reform of the nation as Human influence has decreased and let loose the leash around its collar.
South of Luxfordia in the vast deserts of Livanin and the home of the Ancient Kingdom of Chronos. Nation of the snake-like Senkh, this empire dwells the scorching sands with mighty prowess and fonts of wisdom. They predominantly worship the Time God Aechronos but also make room for faith for the Diwntr, a pantheon of Gods for the Senkh. They are powerful wielders of magic and equally as strong in martial prowess, making them an equal and ageless rival to the kingdom of Luxfordia. Fostering a rich culture in the belief of time, the Senkh are historians just as they are warriors. Led by a Pharaoh (A royal figure akin to a King) and the holy Sekhmet Order, the Senkh live great and prosperous lives in an otherwise harsh and unwelcoming environment, having turned the seasides and oases into fertile and bustling settlements for trade, a skill that they are known greatly for - the unique weaving of desert cloth and the cutting of rare gemstones are two expertises of the Senkh. During the Grand War invoked by the Luxfordians, the Ancient Kingdom of Chronos was placed into a time stasis that lasted for a few years. Once the stasis ended, the Senkh would return to a world scarred by war and would play a generous role in helping heal what wounds were caused, their kingdom becoming a prominent figure upon the galaxy's stage.
Last there are the peoples of Mor Kardia. Found across the Exodus Sea far to the east, Mor Kardia is home primarily to Dwarves and Gnomes, two races of small stature but burning spirits. As a nation, Mor Kardia is one of many Dwarven kingdoms though unlike past ones like Mor Alpin or Mor Urania which have fallen to miniscule influence due to infighting, Mor Kardia remains prosperous.
2.3 Religions - Words of Faith
2.4 Magic - A Tool; A Weapon
2.5 Power Shields - Necessity for Survival
2.6 Life of an Adventurer - The Thrill of Existing
An Adventurer, a traveller, a hero - You are a person who realised your life can be more than the lives of your fellow countrymen. So you picked up a wooden sword, a simple bow or a magical rod and began to train. You are a fighter, destined to journey the world to slay evil and protect good just like heroes of the past and present. You have a choice between three fighting styles - the Warrior, who wields mighty weapons and stands toe-to-toe with their foe; the Hunter, who strikes from range or from the shadows for swift takedowns; or the Mage, blessed with the gift of the Arcane and the ability to twist reality to your bidding. You pick a choice of style and perhaps gain a mentor in that old man who lives in your town who is said to be a hero of the past now retired.
Your first kill is something you will never forget. You had just ended the life of a menace in order to save a life of an innocent soul. As you witnessed a life leave their coil because of you, you begin to ask yourself the deeper meaning behind why you took up an adventurer's life in the first place - was it to avenge someone you held dear, perhaps to uphold the legacy of your bloodline, or perhaps you are simply a thrillseeker.
Years of travel and fighting would go without yield even when done without a reward from those you aid. You become stronger, more familiar with the weapons at your disposal and you begin to branch away from a typical warrior, hunter or mage. You find a master in a particular art of war, a Class Trainer some would call them, and you become their student. You learn from them a new, better and more refined way of fighting that is backed with a rich culture, earning yourself a plethora of skills taught only to those that follow the same art. These are Combat Classes.
As you grow in expertise, so does your desire to wield better weapons, be defended by stronger armour and acquire ancient artefacts of power. You begin to explore more dangerous regions of the world, places that are less settled and more monster-riddled - Dungeons, ruins, entire regions in the overworld, these are places where you find loot of particular calibre. If fortune abandons you in those places, you may also come across skilful craftsmen capable of making powerful weapons and armour but it would come at a hefty price, those ranging in the thousands and tens of thousands.
Money is not infinite for an adventurer like you - in fact you may often find yourself poorer than a commoner because of your expenses. When in town, an inn or tavern may be your best bet for finding shelter for the night but you will pay a good price for a night's stay, though sometimes you may find a kind commoner who will find room for you in their house for the night or an innkeeper who needs a particular task fitting your skills done in exchange for a free night and food on your lap.
Gear maintenance is another important factor in your life. As you journeys take you to other worlds and your fighting arm saves you from countless threats over and over again, you will find that your clothes and your tools of battle begin to degrade and break. You do not possess the skills of someone capable of repairing that weapon of yours so you must sacrifice your Gex to have someone else restore it for you, or you seek out a market for a replacement.
As the galaxy entered a stage of healing and the militaries of the empires were reduced in numbers, Adventurers have become instrumental in preserving peace throughout the world. It is a lucrative way of life when done right and experienced in and often serves as the last and only line of defence for lesser protected settlements. Many adventurers become mercenaries for hire in order to serve as militia for a village or personal bodyguards for a figure of importance and wealth.
In recent decades the idea of Guilds has become even more common and many have surfaced throughout Auria. These associations are built by adventurers for adventurers to watch each others backs and work together to face bigger dangers as one force. Many Guilds are funded by their members with the Gex they earn from fulfilling quests. Though not a requirement for success, a Guild allows an Adventurer a lot more options for traversing the world.
3. Advanced Learning - Understanding Deeper Fundamentals
3.5 Life of a Dragon - The Importance of Existing
Combat Class