Merchants' Oath Guild

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Merchants' Oath Guild
Merchants Oath.png
Main Leaders

Dakarai (Coinage Lord of Grukoor)
Celestino Vellivre (Coinage Lord of Saberos)
Xoc (Coinage Lord of Gwynbrenon)
S'saksar (Coinage Lord of Imperia)
Jeon-Bal [Coinage Lord of Serena)
Winali (Coinage Lord of Wyrmeron)
Chryryga (Coinage Lord of the Draconic Empire)

Base of OperationsMultiple

The Merchants' Oath Guild is the galaxy's predominant faction of economic administration and currency supervision. As a neutral faction, the guild operates outside of one kingdom's loyalties for the sake of the betterment of all through fair and honest trade. They are the ones who engrave official Gex coins used as the main form of currency used in Auria.

Discovery of Gex

Gexium's discovery is credited to happen during the Era of Magic in the year 1312 when the Enkhulu-Senkh Hybrid Ma'Nanz Musa discovered a rich deposit of the mineral beneath his Palace in the northern lands of Okramm. As a man of wisdom in the study of the earth's bounty, these strange hexagonal gemstones quickly caught Ma'Nanz's attention as he got to studying them. He found unique properties in the gems that allowed them to hold a concentrated form of primal energy within them and contain it to give each piece a unique shimmer. After leading an excavation deep into his quarry to find more, Ma'Nanz's clan would lead them to finding the Shimmering Halls, a large and vast underground cavern full of regrowing Gexium deposits of different hues and colours. Ma'Nanz would order the harvest of every last Gexium which would invoke the ire of the Swe'Zela Cobros that lived there.

Ma'Nanz would return to the surface with the Gexium in hand ready to study their properties but an attack from the underground-dwelling Cobros would put pause to his plans as a battle erupted between the two factions. For eight weeks, the clan of Ma'Nanz and the Swe'Zela fought with no end in sight, the land and underground both shaking and tremoring in their wanton destruction. Only through a joint treaty with the help of Nova Voltex Diplomat Cornel Wander and Andren Ado Bronzehammer of Mor Kardia would they seal a deal with the Swe'Zela Matriarch Assura and weave a strenuous alliance of mutual gain.

Ma'Nanz, Cornel Wander and Andren would go on to study the properties of Gexium and, upon learning of the Swe'Zela tradition of using the mineral as a primal form of currency, would begin to brainstorm an idea to bring the use of this gem to the rest of Auria. From the remnants of his now-broken Palace, the three decreed the Merchants' Oath and set out in different directions to begin trading in their own currency, inspiring anyone they would come across to do the same. In a short fifty years, the use of Gex would become sown in each major kingdom of Auria, replacing previous forms of currency with new, more appealing ones.

Founding of the Guild

After Gex became common use, Ma'Nanz Musa would send out a message to Cornel and Andren to return to his palace. Unfortunately, only Cornel would make it as Andren had perished many years prior in war. In his place however came Anastara Ado Bronzehammer, his daughter, as well as new figures representing the economic houses of different empires - Augusturil Kultarn of the Wylderin; Zakh of the United Tribes and Shi-Kin of the Hebi Dynasty, all master tradesmen of their respective lands. Joining them would be Assura's youngest born Brozur to represent the Cobros. Together they would form a guild dedicated to the overseeing of their new currency through lawful distribution and proven authenticity. Beginning with their production, the Guild would see to the inscription of their logo into each official coin before sending it out through their many hundreds of merchants.

Legacy and Current Times

The legend of Ma'Nanz Musa is told to this day to honour his contributions to modern society. Following his death, his palace would be turned into a shrine to honour him and the other founding members of the Guild.

Since the times of Ma'Nanz Musa, the use of Gex has remained the staple currency for most of Auria, its distribution governed over by the Guild that continues to exist to this day in the form of a neutral faction who's embassies are constructed in each major city across the galaxy in the form of banks. Even as the world would be torn by war and bloodshed, the Merchants' Oath would survive and carry on.

Nowadays the Merchants' Oath Guild supports endeavours like the Skyship Public Transportations and Ritori Postal League to grant conveniences to the common folk and adventurer alike. Any self-respecting shop owner dreams of their business being blessed with the Official Seal of the Merchants' Oath, indicating that their store is endorsed and verified by the Merchant's Oath for its quality and authenticity.

Recent happenings have invited a representative of the Draconic Empire to join the Merchants' Oath which would result in the Dragon Chryryga becoming the official seventh Coinage Lord, representing the Draconic Empire. Due to the Dragons' own system of currency, Gex is not used by the Empire but Chryryga hopes to change that in her lifetime.

With news of the people of Voi'Runil making attempts to reconnect themselves with the rest of the world, the Merchants' Oath Guild has started a project to reach out a helping hand towards them in hopes of adding an eight Coinage Lord to their ranks.

Base of Operations

The Shrine of Ma'Nanz Musa is a dedicated place of reverence for the Merchants' Oath Guild. It is built upon the remains of Ma'Nanz's Palace and is safeguarded by the lineage of Assura's Swe'Zela Cobros. Official business is rarely conducted at the shrine because of its far-off location, instead the members of the guild choose to convene at one of their many embassies across Auria to meet and work together.

On each planet there is one Grand Embassy that serves to present all other embassies on that world. Here one of the honoured Coinage Lords dwell to work in close contact with the others.