
From Legacy of Auria
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Noice girl
CreatorBlackscale the Wise
Average Height175 cm
Hair ColoursBrown, Blonde, Black, Grey, White, Pink, Red
Eye ColoursBlue, Brown, Green, Red, Amber, Grey, Black
Fur ColoursBrown, Blonde, Black, Grey, White, Pink, Red
Current LeaderSnowear
ContinentFormerly Imperia
Currently unspecified


Pella are a race of hybrids that are generally half-human and half-Pella. At first Pella were a race of bunny-like people with usually long ears and fur all over their bodies, that used to live in forests but over time things have changed for them. Due to Pella mainly living in forests with little will nor care for socializing with outside races they became quite isolated and untrustworthy by others.

However that didn't bring any trouble to them till an inside epidemic happened called The Wither. Through forests spread a sickness unknown to Pella and they had little tools to properly deal with it, leaving many sickened and significantly weakened. The sickness itself haven't killed many but it drew much of their vital strength and weakened their bodies for months or even years. That lead to a situation where Pella were extremely low on supplies for winter and due to lack of better relationships made with outside world their numbers shrank down significantly during that time.

Even during that time their pride and lack of trust to outsiders was strong enough to not encourage them to reach out for potential trades. With that first winter after Wither was brutal, leaving many dead and sickened while the ones who survived needed time and food to regain their strength. That would take time and energy, leading to Pella not regrowing their numbers any close to what they used to be. With that a year wasn't enough as enough winter came and shrank their numbers even more.

Soon Pella realized that they weren't able to face the winters alone as there was too little of them. Reluctantly some tribes agreed to trade with outside world to get resources. However establishing trust and trustful partners required once more time and resources. With both being scarce Pella weren't able to sustain themselves till humans found a profitable way of trading with Pella. They found an use in Pella's navigating and hunting skills, recruiting them for food hunting, navigating to specific locations, or simply as guards during such trips.

During these trades many of Pella softened over time to humans allowing for a better relationship grow between them. Some of Pella even made cross-species relationships to increase their numbers, although that lead to increased tensions between Pella who weren't pleased with half-breeds and their blood being tainted. Many of Pella argued that they were too small in numbers to make their population as big as it used to be and they were facing inevitable extinction However some Pella argued that they would rather die than see their race being tainted by outsiders that lead to further fraction in already small tribes.

Pella that got themselves into relationships with humans over time moved outside of their villages, leading to even smaller numbers while the proud pure-blood Pella remained in their tribes, trying to get their race back on its feet. However many years have passed since that time and up to this day pure-blood Pella numbers haven't increased, in fact they shrank even further most likely signaling an incoming end to pure-bloods. As for Pella who lived with humans and got into relationships with them they were able to increase their numbers significantly due to more solid economic system, better shelters and easier access to trade and medicine should one need it.

Nowadays Pella are consisting of half-breeds with nearly no pure-blood Pella being seen in the open. It is said that some of them still live in forests in very small tribes and they secluded themselves out even harder from the rest of the world. Whether that's true or not is hard to confirm as no one could confirm a sight of pure-blood Pella for ages.

Religion and Culture

Pella's religion and culture is very basic. They hadn't one specific God they trusted in or believed. Back when they lived in forest tribes many Pella believed for there to be some higher being although it hadn't an unified name, appearance nor what role it filled in the nature. Many Pella handcrafted wooden statues of various animals in various poses and symbols as a decoration for their tribe or for worship.

Up to this day Pella celebrate first harvest crops of the year by making bonefire and gathering their family and friends for all-night singing, dancing and various friendly challenges like pulling the line against opposing team or "Truth or Dare". Once the celebration is done Pella have a full day off from any duties to regain their strength while for some it leads to many intimate moments as that was a time where many tried to have their own children.

Female not blood-pure Pella

Society and its Structure

Pure-blood Pella were secluded from outside races for ages and that took its toll on them as they were very sparse in numbers, often being believed to be an extinct race and the only sign of them existing being half-blood Pellas that lived in human settlements, slowly spreading to other regions and worlds.

Nowadays Pella are very similar to humans when it comes to their society and structure. There are some minor differences like males and females being fully on even in eyes of one another or that their outfit and appearances can blend as there is no distinct style for males or females to follow, sometimes leading to confusion for other races as they aren't sure to what gender they are speaking.

Physical appearance and Behavior

As mentioned before many male and female Pella have little to no differences when it comes to their attire and behavior, including their bodies. Males tend to have more muscle to them while females tend to be taller. They are similarly agile and females tend to have noticeable breasts while males don't. Due to their appearance Pellas are pursued by various entertainment businesses as they tend to be great with children but also for more adult audience as well.

Pella behavior is also similar as their race generally abandoned a firm distinction between a male and female. With that what for one can look like a tomboyish behavior for a woman and a feminine behavior for a male is seen as completely normal by Pella. They tend to enjoy playing along with people who are conflicted by it by exaggerating the confusing side of theirs to the already troubled person.

Whether Pella is pureblood or not their ears grow over time becoming fluffier and longer. Pureblood Pella tend to keep them clean and healthy while their hybrids have ear size generally limited so they can always turn them to the sides and listen to danger but not so long that they would lose control over them due to being overly heavy and long.