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Auria's plantlife is vivid and varied, with hundreds of different species found all across the world all with different attributes, shapes, appearances and conditions. Many plants are found a use in Cuisine or alchemy and as such specific ones are grown by farmers and supplies to civilizations however there are some that cannot be grown by hand and must be left to the wilds.


Bloomberries are bitter in taste, uniquely found growing from the stigma of flowers that grow in Gwynbrenon often in clumps of three to four.

Vitis Grape
Found growing in large bunches attached together on a vine, the Vitis Grape comes in an assortment of colours and may be found on every planet in Auria with the colour and taste of the Grape changing based on their region. Green Grapes are found in plains and forests, orange Grapes are found in deserts, blue Grapes are found in snowy regions, red Grapes are found in tropical regions and purple Grapes are the most rare being found in Voi'Runil. Vitis Grapes can be cooked to enhance their flavour.

Known for its juicy flesh and emerald hue, the Emerberry is a berry that grows prominently in Serena, found mostly in the Hanayama region. It has a sweet taste that is sometimes compared to a juicy apple compressed into the size of a berry that has found its way into many Naga cuisines.

Small and purple in colour, the plumberry has an incredibly sweet taste to it. It grows in the northern regions of Azura within Imperia in large bushes that are easy to miss.

Shinebulbs are berries that glow in the dark, giving off a blue light that makes it easy to find in the dead of night. They grow in the jungles of the Saberos and are the favorite snack of many Fenik and Hayka.

Shiveran Strawberry
Found growing all-throughout Shiveer during the warmer seasons of the year, these berries are rich and flavourful leading to them being used in a lot of Urson and Avari cuisine.

A rare berry that grows in cold areas close to the shore, the Wyrmberry resembles a typical blueberry but has a reflective sheen to it's exterior. In Urson folklore, Wyrmberries are the eggs of the mighty Wyrm Jormungar. Their rarity makes them, and the dishes made from them, highly sought after by folks throughout the worlds.


Known for its rose-like scent and bloody taste, the Bloodbloom is used in rituals conducted by the Sark to appease their god, Zarukk. It is found growing in richly fertile soil in the Dzungle Wilds of Grukoor often said to directly consume the flesh of whatever living creature comes in contact with it. The Bloodbloom has values in alchemical usage too.

Sometimes refered as "earthvein", this bloody red root grows from the corrupted trees on Voi'Runil. It has a soft texture and a fleshy inside that the Forduni often use to make food.

Desert Cumin
Desert Cumin grows near the trees of the Livanin Desert, mainly by the oases or in specially-made farmlands of Senkh origins. This green herb's seeds are used to make spices which are very popular in Senkh culture and the stems of the herb are often found in potions meant to relax the drinker.

Only found in the harshest regions of Wyrmeron, the Dragonbloom is a rare herb that is rich in earthly values. When added into potions it greatly enhances its effects often making the concoction ten times stronger. Merchants all over the world pay high sums of Gex to get their hands on a single Dragonbloom, which sends many money-needy adventurers out on long, arduous journeys to Winterfury where many of them meet their end at the hands of the Dragons, who see Dragonblooms as decorative flowers.

Fangthorn is a vine-like plant that grows in the dry regions of Grukoor. It is brownish green in colour and covered in a hundred poisonous thorns that are often gathered by Cobros and Enkhulu in use of making armour, weapons, poisons and potions. The Enkhulu also enjoy feasting on picked Fangthorns, using their tools to detach the poisonous thorns on its surface before cooking it enough to purify it of any remnants of its harmful substance, creating a crispy snack consumed often by Enkhulun youth.

Growing in the wild of Grukoor and only recently made possible to grow on farms, the Geldod is a yellow flower which can almost be passed off as a regular Goldbloom but for a long time Enkhulu farmers have found that the seeds of a Geldod hold a potent and concentrated heat to them when consumed. It is why they are sought after by the large Humanoids who make a great effort in cultivating the herb in their desert farms.

Known for its shining golden petals, the Goldbloom is a herb that grows in the fields of the Saberos. Fenik alchemists find the herb useful in making bases for potions and transmutations.

Grukoori Maize
For as long as their scribes have kept their history in written form, the Enkhulu have always fed their people with the reliable herb known simply as Grukoori Maize, though in their culture they also give it a different name: Korin. It is able to grow extensively in cultivated dry land and is used in many simple and exotic recipes of the natives from Korin Bread to Vurvlok.

Known for only growing in lands blessed by Fenros, these rich and succulent plants are characterised by their thick green stems and large emerald bulbs which store a reddish, fleshy pollen tube. The Knotvine is capable of reproduction through an unorthodox way - it uses its pollen tube to burrow deep underground and implant its seed there, fertilising it immediately after leaving it there to grow and prosper. As their seeds are both highly nutritious and incredibly difficult to dig out of the deep earth, they are highly sought after in the market and certain Druids have developed a secret method of harvesting those seeds in order to make a profit.

Found growing in abundance within the dense forests of Gwynbrenon, the Rabbita is a flower used extensively in druidic rituals for its fertile uses. The petals of the Rabbita infuses not only soil but also people with enhanced fertility allowing crops to be grown faster and better as well as helping a person who struggles with bearing a child. The leaves of the Rabbita have the opposite effect, acting as an effective contraception when digested properly as well as help prevent the growing on unwanted plants like weeds. Rabbita's petals are known for tasting sweet whilst the leaves are sour. The duration of the Rabbita's two polar effects last for a couple of days.

Ryandra Wheat
Specially grown in the Hillshire region of Imperia. As a specialty crop handled by the town, Ryandra Wheat is a staple in much of Asvar and Human foods and though there exist other types of wheat across Auria a lot of people pay good amounts of Gex to get their hands on some of Hillshire's finest export.

Rytchi Rice
Grown in the rich paddy fields outside of Emere village, Rytchi rice is a highly-sought after seed used in different culinary recipes in Serena, Gwynbrenon, Saberos and Wyrmeron. The secret to perfectly tending to the Rytchi Rice paddy fields is passed on between the Elders of the Sacred Order and their most trusted of farmers.

This light blue coloured flower grows in the cold and mountainous regions of Serena. It is mainly used in alchemy and mixology to give the drink or potion a calming after effect. Snowpetals are rare and require proper care to be harvested correctly which is often taught and mastered by the Naga who make use of Snowpetals in their training towards mastery over combat.

Whipper Root
Whipper Roots are native to densely wooded areas, commonly found in Imperia and Gwynbrenon. They are considered predatory by nature. At their core they are a green bulb which has sown itself underground while a dozen tendril-like vines grow out from it and go above ground to seek sustenance which comes from other living beings or the juices of fruit and flowers.


Ara's Bloom
Reminiscent of Bananas but orange in colour, Ara's Bloom is a rare fruit that grows the equally rare Arastalk, a tree only found in tropical climates. It is said that eating this fruit enhances a person's masculinity.

Bananas are a common fruit found growing in bunches on the planet of Saberos. They are commonly used as snacks or in desserts by the Fenik.

Found growing on a number of fertile cacti in Grukoor, the Dryheart is a reddish fruit the size of a large apple with a squishy texture. When bitten into, its fruity insides bleed out like an actual heart, filling the mouth of the consumer with a sweet nectar that has a refreshing effect.

Ema's Hollow
Growing from the rare Eman Trees in select regions in Saberos and Gwynbrenon, this Lemon-like fruit has a purple peel and sweet-sour taste. Consuming an Ada's Hollow boosts a person's femininity.

Hem's Crest
A type of rare coconut with pinkish juice inside. It can be found growing from Hem Palms and is said to rejuvenate a person's vitality upon consumption.

Or more commonly known as a Watermelon, the Hydromelon is a fruit that mainly grows in the desert oases of Livanin. It grows in clusters of vines that naturally sprout by the rich waters of Livanin which gives the red flesh of the green or blue shelled fruit a watery and crunchy bite. The Senkh love eating these fruit and grow it on their farms they've built on the oases for exporting to other civilizations of the world, providing a hefty amount of profit for such trade.


Known for its hooked shape and jagged edge, the Drystinger is a pepper that grows in the Okramm Canyons of Grukoor. It has a real life Scoville rating of 50,000 and is known for having a coppery aftertaste.

Serpent Tongue
This long chilli pepper grows in the Tuurai region of Serena. Known for its spicy aftertaste, Serpent Tongue is used in many hot recipes and alchemical concoctions that help with preserving the heat of a body in colder climates. It has a real life Scoville rating of 10,000.

Winter Pepper
This fruit plant grows in the coldest regions of Wyrmeron with most prominent locations found in the Winterfury and Everfrost regions. Contrary to its name, the Winter Pepper is Auria's hottest pepper which when placed in a real world Scoville measurement would reach past the 5,000,000 rating. If regular chilli peppers are symbolized with red flames then the infamous Winter Pepper would be symbolized by the much hotter blue flame.


Geldod Seeds
Coming from a Geldod herb, the seeds of a Geldod are used in creating a varied selection of spices as well as a condiment known as mustard. Mature seeds are coloured black while unripe ones are yellowish.

Shinaru Cinnamon
Harvested from the bark of a Shinaru tree in Hanayama, Serena, the Shinaru Cinnamon is an aromatic condiment used in a varied amount of cuisine all across Auria from desserts, spiced meals and even sweet drinks. For the popularity of the Shinaru, the Naga have made a profit out of growing Shinaru trees and harvesting the Cinnamon from their barks to sell it to both aspiring and experienced cooks galaxy-wide.


Shaha Beans
Shaha Beans are found naturally growing in the oases of Livanin. They are known for their crunchy bite and rich flavour that warrants them a popular use in Senkh Cuisine. The Senkh farm these beans though the quantity of them makes it a cheap export to sell to other nations for a small amount.

Siren's Wail
Siren's Wail is the name of a naturally grown onion crop in Voi'Runil. It resembles a garlic though with light blue cloves and black leaves. The name of it comes from ancient myths told by Forduni that the Siren's Wail allows you to protect against the sinister and lustful Sirens that inhabit the dark ponds of the island.