Power Shields

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Power Shields are creation of Fenik Engineering that was swiftly adopted by various races to only be tweaked by them in their own ways. Power Shields provide barrier for the user that can provide a small convenient quality of life change, like providing heat in colder regions, up to more combat-related use as toxin-resilience or bullet protection. Every use of Power Shields drains on its battery that can be either recharged or one-use. The batteries themselves can consist purely of technology and powered crystals or can be fueled only by magic. There are rare shields that use technology and magic to compliment one another but generally they are more expensive and harder to maintain at a payoff of more durable shield and ease of recharging as crystals or magic can be used to recharged, making it much more flexible depending on circumstances. Combat shields take more or less damage depending on their weaknesses and equipment the user wears. Full plate armor will take less damage from melee attack when compared to more agile leather-user.

Life-Interjecting Shield

Life-Interjecting Shield is aimed towards melee fighters that risk their well-being in combat. Since the wearer is melee-oriented fighter the shield is highly effective against projectiles and ranged attacks of enemies to allow for lessening the distance between it and the target. It has built-in health-injector to provide a temporary boost to user's reactions. The shield also has built-in energy blast for melee range to temporarily knock the enemy out of its feet. The effect strengthens the lower enemy's shield is. There are very few versions of this shield due to its general niche use that is mainly oriented towards combat.

LI-K1 - First version of the shield, providing all that was mentioned above. Fully Engineered.
LI-K1p - First alteration of this shield, oriented towards reducing the gap between the user and target due to body-enhancers that provide short burst of speed. Not advised to take over one dose every 6 hours or the user may go into temporary attacks of panics. Fully Engineered.
LI-K1k - Second alteration oriented towards higher sturdiness against ranged attacks at price of no movement-based enhancers. Fully Engineered.
LI-K37k - Special alteration of the original K1k model, the LI-K37k provides a strong barrier that defends against ranged attacks while also energizing the user with stamina that allows them to move faster while the barrier holds. Currently this model is in use of Aerthur Justigarde III who had it commissioned for himself. Fully Engineered.
LI-K2 - Second version of the shield, providing more baseline than K1 at significantly higher cost. Engineering-Magic hybrid.
LI-K2s - First alteration of second version, providing bigger battery, and with that durability, at higher price. Engineering-Magic hybrid.