Regional Prices
Prices of goods and services vary from continent to continent as the natural climate allows for harvesting certain goods at much better rate than others are able to. Of course it works the opposite way for different certain goods. Transport by sea also adds to the price of the goods but it also depends on the boat and by who it was created, as some have higher maintenance than others. In the list below are exemplary goods and services to compare to each region with average prices.
Potatoes 1kg - 1 Gex
Rice 1kg - 2 Gex
Tea 100 bags - 5 Gex
Coffee 300g - 15 Gex
Milk 1L - 3 Gex
Cheese 1kg - 35 Gex
Dress - 50 Gex
Pants - 15 Gex
Shirt - 10 Gex
Vest - 25 Gex
Boots - 60 Gex
Small/Average/Big Traveling Bag - 30/50/80 Gex
Small/Average/Big Cooking pot - 20/35/60 Gex
Small/Average/Big Pan - 20/33/55 Gex
Short/Average/Long Iron Sword - 45/70/105 Gex
Small/Average/Big Iron-Reinforced Shield - 60/90/130 Gex
Average Revolver - 275 Gex
Average Bow - 105 Gex
Revolver Bullets (6) - 10 Gex
Arrows (20) - 20 Gex
Average Horse - 350 Gex
Small/Average/Big Healing Potion - 20/40/70 Gex
Small/Average/Big Mana Potion - 35/60/90 Gex
Small/Average/Big Stamina Potion - 25/50/80 Gex
Antidote - 40 Gex
Bandages - 5 Gex
Basic Alchemy Tools - 125 Gex
Basic Alchemy Herbs (An average-sized pouch) - 40 Gex
Basic Engineering Tools - 225 Gex
Basic Engineering Components - 95 Gex
Weapon Sharpening - 20 Gex
Light Armor Repair - 75 Gex
Potion Creation (with provided materials) - 15 Gex
House/Flat/Room Rent for a Month - 500/350/180 Gex
Hiring a Guard for a Day - 150 Gex
Dinner at Inn - 14 Gex
Renting a Horse Stall for a day - 12 Gex
Map/Document Deciphering - 200/125 Gex
Guarded Caravan Transport - 50 Gex