Sasha Forestwolf

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Sasha Forestwolf
There are big bounties out there...
CreatorBlackscale the Wise
TitleThe Wild One
Age29 years
AffiliationHillshire / Family
OccupationBounty Hunter
RelativesMaylin Forestwolf (Mother)
Lorica Faintheart (Father)
Carly Forestwolf (Sister)
Beatrice Forestwolf (Sister)


Hillshire at Young Age

Sasha is a daughter of Maylin Forestwolf and Lorica Faintheart that live in Hillshire. She is their first child that was troublesome to raise from the very beginning. However her parents were tough and made sure to not give up on her as they worked hard to provide for themselves as well.

Sasha's childhood was very simple and basic, making the ever-eager girl impossible to keep in place as she often got herself in more or less serious troubles. She was seen stealing fruits and vegetables from other's fields or even some minor belongings that sometimes led to getting caught, providing headaches for her parents. The tendency to get in trouble was something her parents worked hard on to dismantle but the results were never permanent and okay at best.

Sasha constantly felt as if she lacked excitement and thrill in her life and that was her main source of it. That was until at age of 14 she made the local militia's leader (by sheer pestering) take her into their ranks, even though that was meant for people of 18 or above. Sasha was given menial tasks at first, hoping that it would keep her in check and decrease the headache for the townsfolk. Unfortunately it worked only for a very short time before Sasha got once more into the standard amount of trouble.

Her parents were slowly getting tired with keeping up with her as they brought her sister, Carly, into Auria as well. With the attention split and the amount of tasks the same Sasha was less looked for and more free from her parents. That only increased the amount and weight of troubles she got herself in until at age of 15 she was given a chance to train between other militants. Picking up a pair of daggers she got herself into regular sparrings with others, leading to failing every single fight. Nonetheless it provided the excitement and thrill Sasha sought for from the very young age so with each defeat she felt annoyed but at the same time relieved. These trainings were perfect for the young girl and her troublesomeness in the town has ceased, to surprise of many. With the fight and training on her mind she was more excited and eager to do that than to get her parents into more trouble.

During her training Sasha helped her parents much more often and grew a softer side of her personality whenever she interacted with her much younger sister, providing her with snuggles and casual book reading of various tales, especially of Livanin Desert. Since the weapon training Sasha was able to balance her emotions and feelings that eased up the tension between her, the family and whole town, making her fit better between the others. However there was one thing that bothered Sasha and that was lack of allowance to fight the monsters that pestered their town. She simply was not trusted in by the militia's leader, making Sasha grow angry and disappointed over time.

That had its fallout few years later as at age of 20, when the monster activity decreased and Sasha still had no permission to fight with the others, she moved out of the town, promising her parents and sister that she will be back in five years, as she had to find a place for herself. With that Sasha moved out and headed towards Shassusin where she was going to spend few years in, trying to find her place as the tales read for Carly made her hopeful that it could be her place of dreams.

Shassusin and Sasha

Landing in a new place was rough for Sasha as the city worked completely different than to what she was used at Hillshire, including social interactions, trading and general acquisition of food or housing. The young woman was left all on her own with little supplies and money that had to be used on her way here as she didn't tell anyone she was intending on going this far. With many weeks of travel behind her and arriving late at night Sasha was lucky to find an inn that would house her and give a supper in exchange for clearing floors and tables at night. With little choice she agreed to it and survived the night while quickly listening to the various people speaking, mainly hearing Senkh talking in their native language but also some in the general one which she could understand. Sasha had knowledge about elvish language and general one but the snake people were out of her reach, making the night quite troublesome.

After this night Sasha was left to roam the capital city of Senkh to learn more. She was offered a temporary work at the inn as the daughter of the owner was unable to work for two months. During her roaming she figured out the very basics of the city but wasn't able to find any more reliable job as she knew she was tight on time. She knew where to find a local marketplace, where to acquire fresh water and clothing for humans and she regularly drew attention to herself as her skin was pale in comparison to others and her old manners got her close to trouble few times by now.

With lack of training and fighting Sasha's old habits started to show up once more and soon she started doing minor stealing, mainly for food and money. Through the years of experience she was able to not get herself caught till one day Sasha was pulled into a dark alley by a bunch of dark-skinned human men and women that saw her skills. They offered her a job at stealing, and if she could prove herself in battle, bounties. Sasha wasn't happy risking being caught in unknown cities as the law was most likely harsher than in Hillshire. With that she simply decided to prove herself in battle between the ones who caught her. They lead her to an underground ring and through many minutes of fighting the result was a draw. That garnished enough of interest from The Red Crow members that they decided to provide her training so she could do bounty tasks for them.

The training provided by The Red Crow lasted for two months, during which Sasha abandoned daggers for sake of a gun with sword, and just as Sasha had to leave the inn due to lack of money she was offered a place by them and a series of tasks to do for a moderate pay. The pay however was massive in the eyes of Sasha as some varied from few Topaz Gexes to even Amethyst Gex. Most of them were related to killing monsters and beasts roaming near or far from the city but the highest paying ones were related to in-city kills. Usually a short description was provided for humanoid kills while for monsters there were provided few pages of vital points, the behavior of animals or beasts and more. During first tasks she was accompanied by her trainer that taught her much of real combat.

With the tasks given Sasha decided to finally give them a try as she never got herself in a serious combat and sure enough she found the thrill of hunting intoxicating and gut-wrenching when the climax of it being a killed prey. Each time she had to bring a proof of her deed, usually she brought eyes or teeth as a proof but in her own bag she often brought scales or hides to sell for extra pay.

The hunting went on for few months and before her sister's birthday she would send her some kind of gift and keep that up as an tradition. For the first gift she sent back her pair of daggers with a small note to shove it up militia leader's ass and to that attached a necklace with teeth of various monsters for Carly. She knew that it most likely wouldn't fit her sister's more delicate appearance but she wanted to show that she did not forget.

With that years passed by with Sasha getting accustomed in the city, learning Senkh language, taking various bounties and killing while not questioning too much whether what she was doing was fully right. These bounties allowed her to provide for herself, her new attire, weapons, tattoos, jewelry and family as she wanted to make sure they weren't living poorly. Over these years Sasha was known as The Wild One in a small area of Shassusin as she took on tasks that were very dangerous but paid very handsomely. During one of these tasks she paid a price in form of losing an eye.

With such wild life and much knowledge behind her belt Sasha felt that she was able to take on the biggest task provided, to hunt a monster that was hidden underneath the sands, yet constantly attacking travelers near orientating points of the desert. Many groups and solo hunters tried to defeat the beast but none succeeded. Sasha was paired with her trainer that introduced her to The Red Crow to go on this task as he had a personal score to settle with the monster. The hunt ended up in a messy fight where Sasha was able to come out victorious but the trainer that introduced her to The Red Crow died in her arms, bleeding out to death as he got caught in its jaws. With the bittersweet victory Sasha burned her trainer's body and returned with the trophy to the city.

Sasha was rewarded for her deed with a new sword that was able to deflect any projectiles thrown at her for two seconds and a Sapphire Gex. She took the reward gratefully but as she returned to her place the loss of her trainer was weighing too much on her mind. Sasha needed few weeks to cope with the loss before deciding to visit her family so she could arrive right before increased activity of monsters and beasts and aid in defense of the town, whether she was allowed or not.

Return to Hillshire

At age of 25, nearing 26, Sasha came back to Hillshire as promised, needing few years for herself to learn and discover. She caught an attention of the local people way more than she used to as skin darkened, due to desert conditions, and her attire was a mix between Human, Asvarian and Senkh. Sight of a gun and a big unusual sword was also a factor that drew the attention of the others. In fact it brought so much attention that the local militia stopped Sasha from wandering further into the town to question her.

The questioning was rather short as Sasha was much sharper with her tongue than she used to be and explained that she was here to visit her family. Due to massive change to her appearance no one really figured out who she was till the questioning. Once free Sasha headed to check on her parents and sister, quickly giving them hugs, money and all the time they needed to catch up with one another as not many letters were exchanged, very often simply being disallowed from being sent as the roads were too dangerous.

The meeting was interrupted during the night as the town was attacked by the monsters that recently significantly gained in numbers, straining the local militia. Sasha was more than happy to prove herself in combat and show the others that she isn't as bad as they used to see her. With great precision and ruthlessness she cut through the invading monsters, bringing a havoc in their ranks as she laughed and spun around, making a show out of the invasion as she got splattered in blood and guts of enemies.

With the attackers retreating Sasha turned around and looked at the others that had their gaze on her, fear and uncertainty being a major one as for some Sasha might've lose her mind. The ones that weren't as afraid were her parents but mainly her sister who knocked her onto the ground, with a headbutt, to hug her and apologize for the others that judge her so harshly. This lead to Sasha hugging her sister back and laying for a longer moment before heading home and bathing together as they two were thoroughly soaked.

Nowadays Sasha travels between Shassusin and Hillshire often bringing gifts and things to help her family. Sasha always gets on time to Hillshire whenever there is a bigger monster or beast activity and once it is done she heads to Shassusin to continue honing her combat skills. For some in the town Sasha gained a nickname of The Insane or The Lost One, but for her family she became The Wild One

Physical Appearance

Sasha is now a brown-skinned woman with long dark hair that is visibly strong. Her outfit allows for much flexibility with style at the price of protection as more of her body is exposed to potential attacks. She likes wearing jewelry as long as it doesn't handicap her movement. She wears a short vest with a neck cover and a very short skirt that is regularly holding her gun and bullets in small attached pockets.

Sasha's body is in great physical shape as the constant training from young age wasn't stopped, allowing her to do much more strength and agility-wise than other women. The body is also covered in a tattoo that slightly contrasts with her skin with a red crow being hidden underneath the vest on her back.


Sasha believes that what one wears is a reflection of their personality. With this in mind she wants to show who she is and what one may expect from her.

Sasha carries a big sword on her back and a gun on a hip, often using these two at the same time when the combat allows for it. The sword is adorned with unusual runes that Sasha isn't sure origin of but it does its job of protecting her from projectiles for short crucial moments, before they have to recharge. The gun itself is created by a traveling Fenik engineer called Kasha Smoothwhistle that visits Shassusin whenever she has business to attend to, usually expensive gear to repair or take a mandatory checkup to make sure all works for her clients.

Sasha also has a small collection of various bombs, darts and other tools to deal with her bounties but much of them isn't carried by her unless it is for a specific task.