
From Legacy of Auria
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Senkh Male.png
Average Height170cm-200cm
Average Lifespan500 years
Eye ColoursGreen, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple
Skin ColoursWhite, Grey, Black, Blue, Red, Purple, Green, Yellow, Orange
Current LeaderPharaoh Sutanssen Horus

Far in the Livalin Desert, the Senkh thrive as a race of humanoid snake people, their way of life and culture revolving around the worship of their one true god, the God of Time Aechronos. They have built countless temples in their desert homeland wishing to appease not only the god of Time that they worship but also the Diwntr Pantheon.

The history of the Senkh crosses into the Era of Prehistoria where for many centuries or even millenniums they race prospered in the light of their faith and knowledge. Old depictions of their past tell of Chronos existing in an elevated state as a singular city spanning the heights and widths of Livanin. Yet like many other great empires that came before and after them, Chronos would inevitably crumble and fall into obscurity, their race reduced to mere tribes scavenging to survive.

Three thousand years ago a warrior Lord would emerge - Neferseshem Seshen-Heru, conqueror of the Lion God Ah-Maahes and wielder of Ah-Ra-Ka. Through his enlightened devotion, he would lead his people to Theb'es Reef and build with them a new permanent home - Shassusin. Becoming their first Pharaoh after many centuries, Neferseshem would bring to his people a new dawn of hope and prosperity. Since his time, many have risen to the throne of Pharaoh and many more hardships have forced the Senkh to stand united and fight, their predominant enemy being the kingdom of Luxfordia, a nation that has sought the conquest of the desert for generations.

40 years ago, the Livalin Desert was split between three forces - The Senkh who had already established themselves as rulers of the desert, the Humans who had long been their main rival throughout history and the Sark who had taken control over a Skyship sailing to Shassussin and launched a flanking attack upon the Senkh, each trying to seize control over the desert's bountiful resources. This conflict accumulated in a large-scale war between the three races that resulted with the Humans and the Sark being pushed out. Though the war was costly, the Senkh were able to claim the desert as their own, forming a golden empire in the heart of it and expanding throughout the entirely of southern Imperia.

When the Grand War began, the Humans attempted to reconquer the Livanin Desert and enslave the Senkh, resulting in many of their smaller settlements to be destroyed and their people captured. This forced young Pharaoh Sutanssen Horuss to call for an evacuating into his capital, him and his high priests calling for Aechronos to protect them and so she did, conjuring a barrier around the city that put everyone inside into a total timestop which protected them from the Humans and forced them to abadon the idea of conquering their age-long rivals.

A year after the war had ended the Senkh would return to a changed world. Their kingdom would enter an age of rejuvenation to regrow once more, claiming control over the desert just like they did many hundreds of years ago, but it proved difficult as new outside forces continued to threaten them, mainly the Sunstalkers, a massive tribe of Human warriors seeking to take full control of the Desert from the north.

Religion and Culture

The Senkh are a highly religious, well-knowledged people who devote a lot of their time to chronicling the galaxy and its history as the main way of worshiping Aechronos, the God of Time. They believe themselves as her children and are tasked with writing down everything that she has passed which ultimately led to their libraries becoming filled with ancient and well preserved knowledge of the past. Next to Aechronos, a select few other Gods are also worshiped by the Senkh who have categorized them the Diwntr - Khepros the God of Labour, Ra-Mun the God of Light, Zarukk the God of War and Anub the God of the Dead.

The mythos of Diwntr also makes mention of Ta'awsahta, a primal god said to have existed before the Diwntr made their presence known. As God of Sands, Ta'awsahta is responsible not only for the land that the Senkh call home but also the dangerous that lie in the vastness of the deserts. He is the story's necessary evil born from a conflict of wind and earth, causing him to serve as the primary antagonist in most Diwntrian stories.

Senkh are highly interested in the concept of time. They are Auria's greatest chroniclers of history outside of the Dragons and keep hundreds to thousands of records within their capital. It was their led effort with the other races of Auria that the Aurian Calendar was figured out and their long-time records have helped keep track of a proper Aurian Timeline of historical events.

Much of their culture does revolve around their faith towards their God with oft festivals and celebrations around the year taking place that are meant to celebrate her name and the passage of time. They hold a week-long celebration at the beginning of each year known as a New Dawn where their city streets become filled with a show of colour and joy. The birthday of a person is also considered an important day for their people and is celebrated extensively when it takes place.

In modern days, the Senkh are known for their excellent tailors and jewelers. They have an affinity for gathering wealth and are competitive traders in the galactic scope.

Society and its Structure

The Ancient Kingdom of Chronos, or simply called Chronos, is the name the Senkh have given to their kingdom. It is a monarchy led by a Pharaoh from a royal bloodline with the current one being Sutanssen Horus of the Horus bloodline. Throughout history there have been many bloodline who have led their people but the Horus have been the longest lasting beginning as early as the year 2463 when Shass Horus, Chronos High General, stood by Pharaoh Cleosa Issis as she was wounded by an assassination attempt orchestrated by High King Andrev Greymoore of Luxfordia. In her dying breath Cleosa granted her crown to her life-long friend and secreted lover Shass who became the first Horus Pharaoh.

Serving as direct servants and handmaidens of the Pharaoh is the Sekhmet Order, a faction of holy warriors and priests that are tasked with defending the Royal Palace and serving the Pharaoh's will upon his or her people.

Each settlement except the capital is watched over by a Nomarch, a governing figure selected by the Sekhmet Order to rule over a province of Livanin.

Senkh are hatched from eggs laid by their mother. Because of their unique reproductive anatomy, Senkh women can bear two fertile eggs at once, one in each womb. Most Senkh women do not search for a partner outside of their own race due to their different anatomy. The same goes for the men, that often feel incompatible with women of other races.

Senkh are almost always born as twins barring difficulties during the reproductive phase. Culturally Senkh share a powerful bond with their twin sibling which lasts throughout their lives no matter the distances.

Physical Appearance and Behaviour

Senkh are bipedal snake people with serpentine heads, torsos and tails but functional arms and legs. Their bodies are covered in scales ranging from a variety of colours and hues with the underside of their torso often a different colour than the rest of their body. They have sharp snake-like eyes, sharp fangs and forked tongues.

Male and female Senkh are oft interchangeable with the latter simply posing curvier figures and the former naturally more muscular.

Common traits of a Senkh's personality are either greed or pride. Many Senkh are traders who push for whatever gives them the highest coin. They are also prideful of their people and can often act snobbish or proud over the accomplishments of their people and the rich culture they have. Senkh are, however, respectful and just towards those that treat them correctly and can quickly warm up to others if a chemistry exists between them.