Sevia Featherstorm

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Sevia Featherstorm
Work is best done alone.
TitleNytlerei Thief Girl
RaceHybrid (Human + Avari)
RelativesUnnamed Father
Unnamed Mother
Beatrice Forestwolf (Ex-Partner in Crime)
Blackie (New Acquaintance)


As the child of two Hybrid parents, Sevia has lived as an orphan for as long as she can remember starting her lonesome life when both her parents mysteriously disappeared and left her at the doorstep of the Nytlerei orphanage, leaving her without a trace or clue of who they were. She was given only a first name, the very same one she carries to this day, whilst a surname remains unknown and forgotten.

Growing up an Orphan meant Sevia got into a lot of trouble with others she had to share a house with, always acting hostile and brash towards her temporary family whilst making no attempts to bond with the adoptive parents that came through to see if she was right for them. By the age of 18 she was seen as an adult and as such no longer fit to live in the orphanage causing the girl to be left in the streets to fend for herself which turned out to be a fortunate circumstance for her in the long run as she found herself at home not in a cozy house surrounded by family but the fresh open streets of the big elven city where she grew up in.

No longer bound by anyone's laws, Sevia has resorted to a life of crime and thievery in Nytlerei, becoming an notorious rogue the locals and guardforce title "Featherstorm" due to the dozens of feather-like knives left behind by the red-headed Hybrid who lurks in the shadows. Since her infamous actions, Sevia has taken up the name Featherstorm as a surname though does not willingly reveal it to anyone. At a point in her crime career Sevia would meet Beatrice and make her a partner in her lonesome life of thievery, working alongside the Wolfen until she would disappear without a trace, leaving Sevia alone once more.

Recently Sevia's life of crime was challenged when she attempted to pickpocket Blackie, leading to a confrontation with the draconic mage that resulted in Sevia having to leave Nytlerei temporarily. In her time away from the city, the rogue would come across the Dragon and decide to stick with him for the time being.

Powers and Abilities

Sevia is a skilled thief who practices elusive maneuvers and swift strikes to finish off her foes. She uses a set of uniquely-made crimson steel throwing knives with feathers matching the colour of the metal attached to each one to make it appear like she strikes with deadly storms of quills.

In her time in Nytlerei Sevia has picked up some basic levels of Magic and seems to make her endless supply of knives by using the Arcane.

Physical Description

The Hybrid girl has a lithe Human body with light skin and dark yellow eyes. Her hair is a violet colour with her long fluffy ears matching the hue to a T. Her bust is light and young-like much like most of her frame which can remind one of a girl in her early teenage years. Her feet from her knees transition into that of bird talons with reddish husks and black clawtips.

Sevia wears a dark cloak at all times which covers her body from head to toe. Two earholes are cut out on her hood from which her ears pop through. Underneath the black cloak she wears a black crop-top and short pants covering part of her thigh.