Voidstones of the Fallen

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Voidstones of the Fallen
Voidstones of the Fallen.jpeg
TypeMagical Stones
Size15cm (Per Stone)
50cm (Hilt)
Special TraitsDemonic Control
WieldersVanessa Embera (Current)
Anothoris Soulfrost (Previous Owner)
Xixx Blasterblack (Creator)

In eons past, these corrupted shards pierced the skies of Auria and crashed into the jungles of Serena where they would be found by a host of Jadami viziers. At first the viziers tried to harness the powers of the stones but overtime they would be driven to a state of madness which forced their comrades to slay them. One by one the Jadami would die off until only one remained - Nuni Meon. Even he was threatened with a state of absolute delirium that caused the young mage to gouge out his own eyes, earning him the mythical title of "The Blind Youth", but in his blindness he also found solace from the stones' influence which allowed him enough time to seal them away in an underground temple, far away from mortal hands, where he had himself was entombed and enshrined to watch over the stones in the afterlife.

Many centuries later Anothoris Soulfrost, an instructor in cosmology at Etherin Academy, would come across legends of these stones and pursue them into the Tomb of Nuni Meon. Accompanied by his student Blasterblack Xixx, Anothoris would uncover the chamber that housed the stones and attempt to claim them as his own, yet Zhar'nak, a creation of Nuni Meon, emerged from his statue to ward them off. Zhar'nak would be a fierce challenge even to a master in the cosmic arts yet with the help of his student they managed to best the shadow elemental and claim the stones as their own.

Anothoris would have Xixx engineer an arcatech device capable of harnessing the stones and turning them into a weapon. Anothoris would seize the weapon from a proud Xixx in order to pursue his own path of greed which angered the short Fenik and caused her to lash out at him before disappearing to pursue a new life as a villainous figure. Anothoris kept the Voidstones of the Fallen, as Nuni Meon named them, and attempted to use them in a ritual to ascend into Lichhood, yet his plans would be thwarted by another student, Vanessa Embera, who took the staff mid-ritual and cut his ascension short.

Vanessa would combat Anothoris and the army of demons he summoned into the school grounds using the Voidstones, discovering an innately ability sealed away within them that allowed her to shackle demons directly and take control of them.

Appearance and Powers

The Voidstones of the Fallen is a set of eight mysterious shards of power that are connected ethereally by an Arcatech hilt. In their resting position, the Voidstones form a double-sided staff but they can easily move about and serve as whip-like weapons when needed.

The stones are demonic in nature and serve the purpose of imprisoning powerful demon souls within them. The wielder is able to harness the power of these stones in order to call upon the demons imprisoned within to serve the will of the wielder.