
From Legacy of Auria
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Fur ColourBlack, Brown, White, Beige, Orange, Red
Average Length260-350cm (Male)
240-320cm (Female)
Capable of Ambush
WeaknessesWeak in Prolonged Combat

The elusive Sither (or Sither-Cat) are a native species of cat found in the Tranquilon, commonly in mountainous or densely wooded areas where they can climb high and make a den in hard to reach areas. Sithers are master hunters and live life in pairs of two, commonly a male and a female who raise a litter for a year before they leave the den to find their own partners for life. They are a rival to the Wolves found in Gwynbrenon and are often found fighting them over territory though in most cases the Wolves win out of sheer numbers and strategic use of those numbers, forcing the Sither to live in harsher conditions.

Due to the Sither-Cat's possession of some innate magical capabilities, Sithers can teleport short-distances, place weakening curses on their prey or even strengthen themselves with boons of speed and strength.

For many centuries many have tried to tame a Sither as a companion and failed. Sither-Cats are deathly loyal to the partner they choose for life and will not part ways with them and rarely does a pair of Sithers choose to follow a man or woman. A recent breakthrough in animal handling has made Sithertaming possible by searching for elusive young Sithers who have yet to find another suitable partner for life and then proving themselves worthy to be that partner, through a display of agility, stamina and hunting prowess. Though this sounds simple on paper, Sither youth are incredibly wary of others until they find their significant other, making the prowess of tracking one down difficult and arduous. Despite this, the Knighthood of the Wild has begun to train their Knights in the ways of the Sither-Cat because these loyal felids are capable scouts and ambush predators.