The Ghost Ship

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"Ages ago, rich and notorious they were
sailing to pillage and steal they did
singing tales of glory and wealth
they saw themselves immortal.

Ages ago, fearing and manic they were
sailing to their deaths they did
Pleading for mercy they did
they saw themselves dead.

Ages ago, gored and drowned they were
sailing to the bottom of the depths they did
singing no more lies to themselves
they saw themselves returning.

Now, spectral and vengeful they are
sailing to pillage and steal like before
singing haunting chorus they are
They see themselves lost forevermore."

Many Sailors and Pirates sing the tale of the Ghost Ship, a myth which is also true. Long ago, the richest and most notorious Pirate Crew on Saberos met their distasteful demise when they were subject to an attack from the legendary Fathomaw. On that day they all lost not only their lives in a painful way, but the treasures which they had accumulated over their careers was disintegrated into nothingness. Unable to let go of this massive loss, the entire crew returned as Ghosts to sail the oceans once more, eternally bound to look for their lost treasure.

The Ghost Ship can be seen sailing only at dark hours, their loud chorus and drumbeats haunting those who hear it with nightmares and deathly thoughts. They are a large spectral ship that sails the seas in an ominous way, their presence bringing forth a notable thunderstorm with no rain. Never docking anywhere, the vessel with its crew disappear into thin air when the sun rises early in the mornings, their songs of war quieting down soon after.