Urson | |
Creator | Xero |
Information | |
Average Height | 225cm-250cm (Bjorn) 190cm-220cm (Xiong Dynasty) |
Average Lifespan | 150 years |
Hair Colours | Black, Brown, White |
Eye Colours | Varied |
Fur Colours | White, Black, Brown, Blue |
Current Leader | Fylkir Cyrun Ragnagard (Bjorn) Dorgan the Mighty (Xiong Dynasty) |
Capital | Asgaror (Bjorn) Lizhichen (Xiong Dynasty) |
Planet | Wyrmeron |
The mighty Urson of Bjorn have lived in Shiveer Frontier for multiple millenia, serving as the guardians and chroniclers of their gods of Thunder and Frost.
Their people's origins are left largely a mystery that not even the Dragons can fully comprehend. It is said that the first Urson were the twins known as Brynja and Yrsa, daughters of the God of Thunder himself. The story known as "Ragnagard's Fury" tells of the sisters' arrival on Wyrmeron as being one that shook the very foundation of the land itself, creating the Thundergod's Crater in the north-western corner of the land. There, the twins sought to lead the thundergod's armies on the mortal plain, the chosen Urson, by helping them build a nation. Brynja would quickly arise as a Queen of the Urson, gaining the title "Fylkir". Yrsa, jealous of her sister's praise and glory, abandoned her task.
Brynja would be devastated by her sister's decision but ultimately placed the wellbeing of their people higher than the worry she had for Yrsa. Brynja would use the mighty Kylmir, gift from her father, to carve the Thundergod's Crater into a fortified city known as Asgaror, making it a sanctuary for her and her followers.
While Brynja was with her people, becoming their queen, their "Fylkir", Yrsa lived an isolated life travelling the lonely arctic wastes seeking power. Unlike her sister, Yrsa held no power to her name until she found a simple pinewood tree and carved it into a staff with which she harnessed the storm of her father, the God of Thunder Thursa. So great was her drive to harness this power that it split the earth of Wyrmeron apart, creating the isles of Frostfire.
The actions of both sisters would call forth the ire of Jotnar, one of the Sons of the Earth. Enraged by the destruction caused by the twins, Jotnar launched an attack on their city forcing Brynja to fight him. The two would be locked in a battle from which Jotnar was destined to win, but in Brynja's most dire of hour Yrsa would return to even the score, helping in conquering the earthen giant and banishing him from the lands that would be modern Shiveer. After their victory against the great giant, Brynja and Yrsa would both become matrons of heroism for their people, inspiring the bearfolk to build up their empire known as Bjorn.
In a later saga, Asgaror would come under the wrath of the Dragons, forcing Brynja's grandchild Gunnar Ragnagard to fight in defence of his homeland. The battle was fierce and so was the young Fylkir, who wielded her mother's Kylmir, the legendary axe of their people. This battle would evidently cause the death of hundreds of Urson and Dragons but in the end it would mean the continued survival of the Bjorn. The story of this battle can be read about in numerous novels written by the Urson, the most prominent of them being "Tenacity of Gunnar Ragnagard", a retelling of Gunnar's life.
Around 2000 years ago, when an incursion of Asvars lead by Deldarach Hawktalon traveled to the tundras of Wyrmeron, Fylkir Falgon of the Urson met the Elves with welcoming, furry arms, providing the malnourished explorers with shelter and food. The two races would make a strong bond that day as the Asvars tell the Urson rumours of how the Dragons are in possession of a knowledge that could change the world as they knew it, leaving the bear men fed to the brim with intrigue. Wishing to know more of what the Dragons had hidden in their vaults, the Fylkir aided the Asvars in traversing the snowy wilderness and leading them to Dragonhearth's Arcane Reliquary, an immense underground vault with all the knowledge that the Dragons have been able to gather throughout existence as well as powerful relics gifted to them by the Gods.
In return for their aid, Deldarach shared the knowledge of the Arcane with the Fylkir before departing to return to Imperia and open the eyes of the world to the Arcane. However, when they discovered that the Dragons became enraged over the theft of their knowledge and begun to strike out not only the Urson but other races of Auria, the Fylkir traveled back to Dragonhearth and sought an audience with the Dragonqueen. He was given one chance to speak his words to the kind-hearted All-Mother of the Dragons and he did it by confessing everything to her, telling her of the Asvars and the Urson working together to steal this knowledge from them. Though the Dragons were deeply furious of hearing about this and Fulgon knew that he deserved to die for doing something like it, Zamendrya's verdict became that the Mortals may possess the powers of the Arcane but that they will keep close watch on them to make sure that it is not used for cataclysmic purposes.
The Urson continued development was made rapid with their newfound use of bending reality to their will. Though Fylkir Falgon did not live long to see his people embrace the fury of lightning and frost, his daughter Sigrun did, becoming Fylkir after her father's death and successfully leading their people into the Era of Magic. Sigrun would oversee the foundation of the Five Thunders Clan and build a magical domain high atop Mt. Isenrok named the Torden Nexus. This mystical place would become the secluded school of magic for the bearfolk who wished to harness the powers of lightning and thunder, creating the first Templar ever since Yrsa.
Xiong Dynasty
By the year 1053, news of the growing Hebi Empire of the Naga had reached most of the kingdoms of the Galaxy and many began to ponder what it meant for the future of their world. Fylkir Baros Mightyfur feared that the rumours that spread of the snake people overthrowing a race meant danger for the relative peace that he wished to oversee in the Galaxy and thus handpicked a selection of Urson Warriors and workers to travel to Serena to set up a couple of encampments in the frozen reaches of Himalya so that they may keep a watchful eye over the serpentine species.
As soon as they settled, the Urson began production on operations dedicated to keeping the Naga in check without directly assaulting them, always prepared for the worst however by the year 1113 they would lose sight of their mission after Baros' passing. Yet they did not leave their stations, rather they began to see the encampments they had built as a new home for their kind, a more peaceful and less harsh environment where they could live enriched lives. In the 1400s the Hebi Kingdom would be overthrown by the demon-worshiping Oni Dynasty leading who would make immediate efforts to conquer the northlands and push the Urson out. The leader of the Urson at that time, Lord Baise Mao Xiong, led his people across the Nun-Bada Expanse to bring them to the safety of a Naga faction standing against the Oni.
Following the decimation of the Oni, the Serena Urson were able to resettle their homes in the cold north and live as an independent people with strong ties to the newly established Kurabu Dynasty which now led the Naga. Intermingling became common between them as their cultures started to mix together. The Urson would go on to call themselves the Xiong Dynasty, inspired by their leader as well as the traditions of the Naga.
Religion and Culture
The Bjorn Urson worship Thursa, God of Thunder, as well as his daughters Brynja and Yrsa. They have a reverence for the cold as well as thunderstorms.
Many Urson are known to travel away from their cities and villages in Wyrmeron in search of new discoveries. The bear men are driven by their curiosity to learn more of the world’s history and the powers that have yet to be discovered. The Five Thunders Clan is known for encouraging this, often recruiting young and eager Urson to go out and study the world and bring back valuable information or treasures for them to study. The clan also acts as the instructors of magic in the empire providing open lessons in spellcraft for those seeking for it within Torden Nexus.
At the end of the year's last Winter month, the Urson host a massive feast in their city of Asgaror that span the length of the city itself, starting at the main gates and ending at the feet of the King's throne, all Urson and any visitors of the city freely welcomed to take part in the celebrations. The Urson call it Winter's End.
Urson burial rites are performed in a Kumlgar, a sort of tomb that is built into a mountain. Within a Kumlgar, the bodies of Icesworn Urson who have passed away are stood up against a wall and made to stand in salute before they are placed in a frozen stasis. Legends tell that when the people of Bjorn need it the most, Thursa will return the spirits of dead Icesworn back into their frozen bodies so that they may fight in the name of their people once more.
Society and its Structure
The Urson are split into two factions - the Bjorn of Wyrmeron; and the Xiong Dynasty of Serena. The leader of the Bjorn is known as a Fylkir, a monarch who comes from the Ragnagard bloodline originating from Brynja and Yrsa.
Besides the monarch known as a Fylkir and their family, the rest of Urson society is relatively equal with everyone free to choose who they wish to become in life, although there is also a system of governance established in Urson society known as the Jarls. A Jarl is a governing leader that serves to distribute the will of the Fylkir throughout his or her lands, acting as sort of a spokesperson for the Fylkir as well as a mayor-like figure in other settlements outside of Asgaror. There are also the Icesworn, the ancient army of the Urson that protect their land to this day. Anyone can become Icesworn and typically most Urson do so, so long as they pay tribute to the Fylkir and swear an oath of protection to the people.
Physical Appearance and Behaviour
Urson are typically of a large build reaching as tall as 3 meters though the average is more close to two and a half. They are covered in a thick layer of fur that can range between a selection of tones including white, black and brown with certain individuals born with colours mixed and weaved into the fur including blue and red. They have short and generally wide snouts with a single row of fangs hidden underneath for tearing flesh. They have large paw-like hands and feet.
Though their outward appearance would seem harsh and ferocious, the Urson are a kind-hearted people who seek the best for everyone in the world and rarely seek out a fight with anyone unless they threaten the safety of their friends and family. They are highly cultural and hearty companions on journeys, keen on telling stories of their past.
Due to years of being split from their people in Wymeron, the Urson of the Xiong Dynasty have become smaller in size relative to their brethren on the planet of the Dragons.