Vanessa Embera

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Vanessa Embera
Being with me will be a magical time!
TitleThe Controlled Chaos
Height140cm (Human)
200cm (Wolfen)
RelativesValerius Embera (Father)
Vivian Nell'Ombra Embera (Mother)

Born into an esteemed Wolfen family of sorcerers and wizards in Luxfordia, the young and light-hearted Vanessa was placed early into Etherin Academy so that she may live up to her family's legacy. Though she protested the idea of being locked up in the academy for most of her youth, the girl did little to fight the decision that was made for her other than the occasionally rebellious act where she and her Luxfordian friends would meet up outside Etherin to go on short missions. Though she disliked going to the academy, she found that her friends were highly encouraging in her going to Etherin Academy solely because she was the only spellcaster in their small group which was a good enough reason for the young girl to continue her studies and push herself enough to pass the trials that the academy set up for her entry levels.

As fate would have it, Vanessa proved herself a capable student in the arts of the Arcane and passed the entry exams. Her flashy methods for proving herself caught the attention of one of the high instructors there known as Anothoris Soulfrost, a master magician who specializes in Conjuration and Cosmology. He took interest in the spry Wolfen girl and chose to be her instructor for her following years, guiding her in his ways which she did not mind in the slightest.

In the coming years Vanessa and Anothoris worked hard in building a relationship of trust within the basement levels of the academy where crude rituals and dark spellcrafts were practiced under Soulfrost's watchful eye. As trust begun built between them, so did an intimacy which allowed Vanessa to peer into the personal life of her teacher... however what she would discover would only worry her going forwards.

As it would turn out, Anothoris had been working in the dark dwellings of Etherin for his own greater benefits, seeking power from conducting risky rituals which temporarily connected the Void directly with his being so that he may funnel the untamed energies that one could find outside the borders of the Galaxy into his body all so that he may grow in power and ascend into a Lich to take over the Academy and soon the entire world. Shocked with the knowledge of this, Vanessa wanted to expose her findings to the other head instructors but feared that his influence would only cause her to get in trouble so instead she took it upon herself to put a stop to his actions. Using manipulative foolery and the trust they had for one another, Vanessa managed to persuade Soulfrost into inducting her into his master plans and make her his right hand in their maniacal mission.

In preparation for the day that she could betray Anothoris and put an end to his actions, Vanessa finished her studies in Etherin Academy and graduated as a certified sorceress but remained in the academy as a junior member of the staff so that she may earn the trust of the other instructors while also making it easier for her to follow the actions of Soulfrost. This would allow her access to advanced studies that helped her hone her skills in Cosmology and Sorcery while also becoming a temporary teacher for entry level students.

At the dusk of the final day of Enros in 3016, Anothoris called Vanessa into his chambers to begin the final steps of his ascensions. By that point he and Vanessa would have worked for close to 5 years together on this project and on this final day everything was meant to change. Before this fateful event could begin however, Vanessa would have the other instructors meet her for a "showcase" in the basement of the Academy conducted by instructor Soulfrost. That, and the fact that Vanessa tampered with some of Anothoris' reagents allowed the dark instructors plans to fall apart fast when his ritual began. He would look on in horror and despair as his most trusted pupil betrayed him with a smile on her face and his own staff, the Voidstones of the Fallen in hand.

Anothoris wouldn't go down without a fight however and though his ascension into Lichhood was cut short leaving an Asvar with a frail, skeletal figure, his power over the forces he controlled only grew onwards. To aid him in his fight, the instructor would open a cosmic rift in his chamber that paved the way for dozens of Demons to pass through sowing chaos in the academy lower levels. Within hours the entire campus was at war with Demonic invaders with the instructors leading the fight while Anothoris managed to escape, leaving only his mess to clean up.

In the fight to save the Academy, Vanessa managed to use the teachings of the rebel instructor against the forces he summoned to undo a handful of Demons with the use of the Voidstones of the Fallen. In the aftermath that followed, the instructors of Etherin reeled in the betrayal of one of their own, a trusted man who had taught countless generations in the academy, having done his job longer than half the instructors there now. They would raise doubtful eyes at the Wolfen sorceress and her involvement with him but ultimately found her innocent in her involvement. In the period of Soulfrost's void in the academy, Vanessa would be hired to teach Cosmology until a new instructor could be found.

Nowadays Vanessa works part-time in Etherin Academy as a teacher in Cosmology as well as general shadow magic, though she also spends a lot of time wandering the galaxy and furthering her knowledge and horizons. She has also come to enjoy show business - inspired by Etherin's Magical shows, Vanessa takes any opportunity to put on an entertaining spectacle for a crowd, cooperating with other travelling entertainers and learning from them new magical tricks as a result. In her time exploring Auria, Vanessa has used the Voidstones of the Fallen to bind powerful Demons to her side, turning them into companions.

Powers and Abilities

Vanessa is a formidable magic-user who wields a unique form of Cosmic Magic that has been encased within Ordered Magic. She offers little in the form of direct combat and prefers to use other means to achieve victory. If she cannot win her battles with words and persuasion alone, Vanessa employs the help of the Demons within the Voidstones to do her dirty work.

Physical Description

Vanessa is a hourglass-figured Wolfen at a short 160cm height. Her fur is a mixture of chestnut brown and ashen black with her chest and stomach regions more lighter in contrast. She has glowing purple eyes which intensify as she casts spells and shimmer down when she relaxes.

Vanessa wears dark clothing that reveal most of her furred legs. Her pauldrons are magical in nature and serve as conductors for magic.