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Caretaker Xarsa
CreatorBlackscale the Wise
AffiliationUnysta and Malva
OccupationCaretaker, Student and Explorer
RelativesUnysta (Creator)
Malva (Teacher and Guide)


Xarsa, formerly a Draken from Wyrmeron, now a Nymph at service of Unysta and Malva. As Xarsa and her sister have died from hands of bandits while returning from lair of Anderaku their souls went different ways. Xarsa ended up as a wisp while her sister's fate was unknown to her. She didn't remember much, if anything, of her siblings or family at all once in afterlife and swiftly adapted to her surroundings, frolicking between the woods and having careless fun with other wisps and other beings of the dream. However, even if she forgot her past she could not shake the feeling she was meant to do something different, something more... Protective. And so, over time Xarsa was slowly stopping her careless fun with others as she wandered the dream in search of answers to questions that boggled her mind. Unfortunately for her such journey was hard and fruitless as no one knew of her past and even when met with Unysta she didn't receive anything concrete, yet her hesitance and wanton to act was noticed, as if she didn't belong to that place.

Some time has passed in the afterworld as Xarsa continued her journey without any success and as she was about to give up she was able to overhear Malva and Unysta discussing an unusual matter, a creation of new beings called Nymphs that Malva wanted to request for her own Enrali folk. As much as the mortals and gods shouldn't interact with each other Malva felt exceptionally responsible for Enrali as due to her pleading their lives were saved from being snuffed short and so she asked for help. She didn't want to keep her people permanently by the hand in the harsh cold place they lived, yet wanted to give them a chance to flourish without constant intervention and saving from her directly and so an idea of Nymphs was formed.

The Nymphs were supposed to fulfill one major role, taking care of Enrali and especially the youngest. That call resonated firmly within Xarsa who couldn't hold herself back and approached Malva and Unysta to offer herself to that mission. Even if unsure at first the gods accepted her and she was the first Nymph that was officially created. Her body shaped partially in image of Unysta with her beautiful wings, and part of her body covered in chitin, partially in Malva's with dense lush fur covering her body, long hooved legs, curled horns on her head, and a part of her own origin where it influenced other parts of her body where her motherly instinct and emotions allowed for four arms, two feather-like antennas and tall, yet motherly and soft appearance, welcoming to adults and children alike.

With her being created Malva and Unysta agreed to have her be one of the first to be released to Heirdorm under Malva's teaching and guidance to help her adapt to her old-new surroundings. With that once in Heirdorm Xarsa adapted exceptionally swiftly, something that felt like a long slog in the afterworld felt so quick and natural to her that it surprised even Malva in how fast she was able to take place between the others. Even if she felt alienated at first the warm and welcoming embrace of Enrali swiftly softened her, allowing her motherly and warm personality to shine within the folk. She only needed a week to start being of aid to the Enrali folk as she took care of basic tasks like chopping wood or repairing buildings, yet she found calling mostly in raising the youngest and taking care of them. Her second calling, just like in her past life, found to be treating the wounded whether from unfortunate accidents or troublesome hunts. Her skill from past-life naturally weaved its way into her soul and strengthened her.

Malva was not blind to the development as she was carefully studying Xarsa and how it worked out. She needed good evidence to prove to Unysta that their creation wouldn't influence Auria in any significant way, whether due to them being too strong or having too large capabilities at swaying others. Luckily for Xarsa the experiment was a success and just a month after being introduced and showing her very high adaptability more Nymphs were brought to Heirdorm, slowly taking some of the burden off the Enrali to let them prosper. Xarsa was designed to introduce the other Nymphs around and find their weakest and strongest sides that they could capitalize on. The Nymphs brought were surprisingly enough a lot different than Xarsa, making the research into them slower and more convoluted for Malva's troubled brain.

As the Nymphs were adapting so their natural skills were showing up. They were meant to support the town but their skills couldn't be chiseled into the same shape and so some of them were helping the hunters, serving whether as defenders during their hunts, proficient healers, or craftsmen that wanted to help the folk in town by warming up their homes, creating new ones or creating new tools to make the life easier. Seeing the results Xarsa and Malva were pleased, letting them slowly prepare new plans as even as loving and caring Malva was to her folk she still struggled fully understanding their needs and thoughts, something that Xarsa was able to portray and give a touch different look at, even if Malva had discussed this with the Enrali and the leaders as they were hiding many of their worries from Malva, their thankfulness often making their life worse than it could be as they didn't want to be greedy with their goddess.

With the plans formed and ideas slowly baking Xarsa and Malva scouted the lake to the north of Heirdorm, wanting to check if they could create a sphere of warmth that would emanate in the surroundings, allowing Enrali and Nymphs to grow fruits and vegetables to diversify their resources and make them more immune to Wyrmeron's weather as it could get brutal at rare times and take lives of few Enrali in the process, especially the ones outside of the town. At first the idea seemed hard and unlikely to be done, with combined strength and magic of Enrali, and adaptability of Nymphs they were able to slowly but steadily start adapting the terrain near the lake for their needs. Although this process was meant to take months they continued to work on it, letting Xarsa serve as a leader-like figure for the Nymphs.

After few months Malva approached Xarsa offering her to broaden her horizons and leave Heirdorm. Confused at first at such offer Malva wanted her to understand that she was doing an amazing job at helping the Nymphs to adapt and Enrali to welcome them and by now they needed more. As much as Malva wanted to give her people all she wanted she didn't want to interfere too much into living beings' lives and so wanted Xarsa to go out with her to explore and learn. Even if Malva was a creation of multiple souls merged into one, such long time in afterworld made her quite different and unable to connect fully to Auria's folk no matter how much she tried. Seeing that Xarsa was so easily adaptable and it looked completely natural she wanted her to explore the worlds, gather knowledge and help the people of Heirdorm further.

Hesitant at first Xarsa accepted the offer from Malva and in return she was gifted with a crystal that she can communicate through with Malva and let them teleport to one another in case of danger or need... And in case of unfortunate demise Xarsa would be able to revive at Heirdorm, from one of massive flower buds stored underneath Heirdorm's main chapel that regenerate over time and regain her full personality and memory. As much as it was bordering on breaking the rules Malva saw Xarsa and Nymphs as seedlings that could sprout between Enrali and flourish their lives exponentially if working together and Xarsa was the first one to blossom the fastest out of all.

Flattered and speechless Xarsa hugged Malva and started training under her to prepare for possible combat and Auria customs. There were many that even Malva had an issue with remembering them correctly but she was confident that Xarsa's high adaptability and warm embracing personality would be sufficient to conquer many of the societal struggles she would experience. With that, as another few months have passed, Malva and Xarsa started to explore outside of Heirdorm, letting her learn. Even if long dead the land of Wyrmeron felt so natural and familiar to Xarsa that she couldn't shake off the feeling she was tied to someone... Or something on that, yet with Malva's advise she was discouraged from interacting with dragons as Malva indirectly lead to killing or pacifying many of the dragons that were headed to destroy Heirdorm in the past. With that she was able to explore on her own or with Malva various places and soon planets, yet the weird tingling sensation to visit Dragonhearth she couldn't help but plan to visit it at some point, feeling like it could remind her of some things that troubled her deep inside.

Physical Appearance

Xarsa is 195cm tall woman. She has 4 strong arms and 2 wings with uneven membranes. Her body is covered by thick fur in mix with exceptionally sturdy stripped chitin on her chest and underside of her tail. The fur is a mix of white, brown and dominantly black color. Her head sprouts 2 curled crimson-red horns and 2 crimson-red feather-like antennas that are able to inform her of incoming danger or incoming sudden change of weather. She has long black hair and fur around her neck that spread on top of her breasts while the front of her hair is silver. She has big ruby eyes and her gaze, in addition to her welcoming face and soft body language makes others feel like comfortable, like at home. Her wings have ruby patterns on the back and front. Her arms are covered in fur, especially below elbows, making them look like fuzzy mittens that end with red sharp nails that are able to cut easily. The wings may look fragile but are exceptionally sturdy. Xarsa has long muscled legs that are covered solid layer of fur, especially seen below her knees, ending her feet in very sturdy black clawed hooves. Xarsa's tail is large yet not overwhelmingly heavy for her nor does it handicap her flying capabilities.

Notable Skills

Sleeping Dust - Xarsa is able to disperse sleeping dust from her tail, swiftly coating her and nearby people in her dust. Depending on one's stature, race and body build various amounts of dust will be required to put them completely to sleep but even a minor amount of it could start causing drowsiness, body weakening and general inability to act. In general this ability is not meant to be lethal in any case and there's no option to overdose on the dust, at worst it will incur 24h long regenerating rest. In case of magical and foes that do not have need for rest they still are affected with significant slowness to their actions and increased vulnerability.

Thousand Needles - Even as Nymph, Xarsa needs to be able to defend and so she has a lethal abilities in her arsenal, including Thousand Needles. Xarsa shakes with her wings summoning a fierce shower of thin but exceptionally durable and strong needles that are meant to pierce and shred enemy's resistance whether physical or magical to make them vulnerable to further attacks, especially Sleeping Dust.

Sticky Cocoon - Xarsa wraps her target in a sticky silky substance, rendering them temporarily vulnerable to various attacks as their movement is completely nullified for the duration of the substance.

Nymph's Touch - Xarsa shoots a flower projectile towards a target, healing them of any significant wounds in swift manner.

Nymph's Flight - Xarsa charges towards her ally, providing them and herself a temporary invulnerability to magic and physical attacks as she covers them with a cocoon. Also various ailments are being removed from them both.