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Gender is the biological sex of a given living creature that is divided into three types: Male, Female and Intersex, as represented by the Gods of Love known as Amarite & Erasex and their first children Ara, Ema and Hem. These three genders are apart of almost every species in Auria with only a few exceptions in creatures that have no gender or only a set few.

The first two genders are a requirement for most species to repopulate, with the child of a male and female having a 50% chance of becoming either gender.


Though males and females are often most common, the Gods of Love found in necessary to gift upon mortality a third gender, one that may be a spectrum between man and woman known as an Intersex. Though it is a more rare trait to have, Intersex can exist in almost every species as well with its occurrence in mortals being relatively high and growing to the point that 15%-20% of all Mortals are Intersex.

Being intersexual does not entail a single static characteristic. Instead, intersexuals come in four different variations - those with male reproductive organs and breasts, those with male and female reproductive organs and breasts, those with male and female reproductive organs but no breasts and those with female reproductive organs and no breasts. These variations have their own names in certain cultures. Intersexes typically choose to be labelled with male or female pronouns and adjectives though some also choose to be labelled in a gender-neutral way.

Intersexuality is passed on hereditarily but due to the nature of the gender there is only a 33% chance of the child being born an Intersex and a 33% chance of another gender.

Certain cultures see Intersexuality as a disfigurement while others see them blessed by the Gods. Culture shock between differing nations occurs quite frequently because of this, which leads to a major factor to why segregation happens between opposing nations..

Changing Genders

Alchemists have found a means of creating a powerful yet expensive potion that is able to alter the very essence of a being to change them from one gender to another with the duration of the effect ranging between temporary and permanent based on the potency of the potion. The recipe of the potion is a difficult and closely-guarded technique only learned by master alchemists to prevent any apprentice from attempting to create one and in-turn causing a disfigurement in someone. These potions are sold in exclusive potion stores found in big cities like New Luxford and Streamgear.

Shapeshifting and Transmorphing are magical means of changing one's body into something else which can also include genderswapping, however these spells require a lot of training to perfect. Some magi use illusions to temporarily change their outward appearance which can also include a chance in gender but illusions are never permanent.