
From Legacy of Auria
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Scale ColoursPurple
Average Length170-230cm
LocationsMagic-Rich Areas
StrengthsConsumes Magic for Sustenance
Able to Track Magic Users
WeaknessesNo Particular Bonus against Non-Magic Users

The cunning Magebeast (Also known as a Magator, a Lifestalker, Faitheater; and Magebane) is a species of demonic dogs that typically hunt alone, though certain Magebeasts have also been spectated to form packs with other Magebeasts and bestial Demons. They serve a single purpose and that is to hunt and subjugate those that channel magic through their bodies, which leaves behind a strong etheric smell that the Magebeast can track across multiple fields. A less commonly known fact is that Magebeasts can also sense people with high dosage of faith in them and track them as well.

Certain high-ranking Demon Generals make use of Magebeasts in high quantities and send them out to cause chaos in places of high magic usage or places of worship, like mage academies or churches.

There is currently no known origin of the Magebeast though it is theorised that they are the twisted form of an animal native to a planet long lost to the Cosmos. The Ezama records dating back to their life in Zetur mention Magebeasts rather often.


Magebeasts are blind and deaf creatures that hunt using a spectral smell left behind by magic or faith. They have evolved to resist Magic almost completely and are even known for consuming what is thrown at them for health and energy, making them even more harder to kill. They are even known for taking a magic-users abilities and replicating them. They have whip-like tendrils that grow out of their skulls which can latch onto a person and suck them of their spiritual energies, making them partially vampiric in nature.

Their strongest nature also happens to be their greatest weakness. Non-Magic users and people with no faith are practically invisible to a Magebeast. While the former is easily achieved by avoiding the usage of magic both actively and passively while in the presence of a Magebeast, the latter requirement of no faith is harder to accomplish as even the most low-spirited people have someone who believes in them or who they believe in themselves, causing the mystical energies of Faith to show themselves even a tiny bit, granting the Magebeast a faint track.

Physical Appearance

Magebeasts are canine creatures with rubbery thick skin ranging in different colours. Their heads are skull-like in nature, black and white in colour, and they lack ears and eyes. They have large maws with which they can rip flesh apart and prehensile tendrils that grow out of the back of their heads. Their feet are singular claws and their tails grow similar tendrils as their heads, with a large leech-like tip at the end.