Elwyn Drowfang

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Elwyn Drowfang
Elwyn Full Body.jpg
TitleThe Bearwarden
AffiliationAdventure Co.
RelativesLerogas Drowfang (Father)
Amara Drowfang (Mother)
Haldir Drowfang (Older Brother)
Artair (Animal Companion)


Elwynn is the second child of the fabled and renowned patriarch Lerogas Drowfang, the Master Hunter.

As a noble and wealthy family based in the city of Lumdonia, The Drowfang lineage has always birthed masterful archers who's skills wielding bows were unparalleled, their skills often employed by the kingdom in times of need in order to train the Wildguard or take down enemies of the nation which the Dusksong Order could not. This earned the family a legacy and wealth that made them far more privileged than their fellow kin.

Wishing to uphold the rich bloodline of his family, Lerogas would marry an Elven women named Amara and have with her a child, a son, who according to the laws of their bloodline could one day take the reins and lead the family. They would call him Haldir, named after Lerogas' own great grandfather who put into motion their traditions. Haldir would be put under intense training by his father to make him the archer his destiny had him be, to the discontent of Amara who had to see their son go through so much at an early age, seeing him broken and reforged over and over again by Lerogas' harsh tutoring and high expectations.

By his 20th birthday Haldir would have become a shell of a person, unable to feel his own desires and instead felt more like a puppet strung by his father's wants. He had become a skilled killer with a bow and arrow but it cost him the joys of life. Lerogas, having decided his lessons to be over, craved more out of his family - he wanted to expand, to make another son who could be a prodigy, so he copulated with his wife against her own wishes and had her give them a second child.

He would get a second child, but not a male as ruled by Drowfang law - His child was intersex and impure, incapable of becoming a patriarch. His child's mismatched gender was not the only thing that would crush the head of the family - Unable to withstand seeing another child of theirs go through the suffering that Haldir went through, Amara would die shortly after giving birth, degrading Lerogas of a mate who could bring into this world more offspring. He was driven insane by what had happened and deemed unfit to take care of a child by himself.

Haldir would take his newborn baby sister and leave the wealthy family to live in the woods in isolation, making a permanent shelter under the tree tops, the only place that gave Haldir a peace of mind and where he would give her the name Elwyn and raise her with the care and love he himself was depraved of. For over a decade, Elwyn would grow up under her brother's wing, learning from him everything she needed to know including archery, a topic he was wary of teaching her until she herself showed great interest in it watching Haldir provide for them with his hunting.

Elwyn would get a keen hand for a bow and find love in wielding it. At the age of 13, Elwyn would be left alone more often by her brother who would go on longer expeditions into the wild. She would often tend to their home, preparing meals, repairing their clothes and tidying up their quarters, however one day she would see a wisp just outside the tree that held up their home. Her childlike curiousity made her follow it into a beautiful flower-filled grove where she thought to collect a bundle for Haldir. However what she did not know was that this grove was also a nest for an Emerald Tyrant, a massive, vicious snake native to the woods of Tranquilon who lunged at her arm and bit into it, injecting a toxin that begun to eat away at her nerves and make her right arm numb. She was able to pull out an arrow and kill the snake in one blow, but the poison coursing through her arm started to take effect just as a pack of Wolves arrived to encircle her. Weakened but still determined to make a last stand, Elwyn mustered what strength she had in her right arm to nock a few arrows and kill as many beasts as she could before they could cut her down. In her last moments, Haldir would come to her aid and save her from the hungering maws of the wolves, bringing her back home to tend to the poison in her body.

Altair, the Goldenheart

Sadly Elwyn would never be able to fully recover her arm after that day, losing all but the most basic actions with it and forcing her to abandon her love for archery. Haldir would find an ancient manuscript detailing the ways of the Beastmaster and, alongside Elwyn, begin to learn from it. They would find a new way of fighting that involved binding themselves to the loyalty of an animal companion which would be the great eagle Aquila for Haldir and the golden bear Altair for Elwyn.

Years later, Elwyn and Haldir would rejoin Wylderin society even if from a distance. They would fight in the Grand War together but be split apart when Haldir and Aquila went missing unannounced. Elwyn would also meet Fayelin Auros, a Wolfen who she'd become quick friends with, later joining Adventure Co. with her. To this day Elwyn remains a wandering soul in the wilderness, rarely visiting civilisation as she feels comfort in untamed nature over claustrophobic houses, often revisiting their old home in the wilds in hopes of seeing her brother once more.

Powers and Abilities

In her prime, Elwyn was a capable archer. Sadly without the use of her right arm, Elwyn has resorted to the melee fighting style of the Beastmaster, commanding Altair the Bear to deliver her attacks for her. With her left arm she wields a wooden stave enchanted to better understand the voice of her bestial companion. This stave is also used for fending off would-be attackers in a hitch.

She is also intelligent in matters of herbalism, hunting, skinning and leatherwork, providing Adventure Co. with a steady supply of meats and armour.

Physical Appearance

Elwyn is a tall Elven woman with dull orange hair and dark purple skin. She has silver eyes and no notable accessories other than a headband given to her by Haldir.

She wears leather armour which she has crafted herself. She was lean physique, with defined muscles.