
From Legacy of Auria
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Fur ColoursBlack
Average Height200cm-235cm
Lifespan20 years
StrengthsPhysical Strength
Great Senses
WeaknessesLow Intelligence
Blind Aggression

The story of the ugly Roggar is known throughout the nations of Wylderin and Xib'alba - wretched furry monsters with long snouts and thin tails, carrying with them a musky odour that could sensed a mile away. Some confuse them for Keklar, as they possess similar physical traits, but the long curved horns and larger bodies of the Roggars helps differentiate them from the ratfolk.

Records of Roggars existing in prehistoria are missing, causing some to speculate that they are a younger species of monster that has only cropped out 2000 years ago. In would be during this age, as the mortals started to practice magic, that the Roggars appeared from the darkest depths of the wilderness to hunt magic users, capturing any who gets in their way and bringing them back to their lairs within dank caves, where only the imagination can truly say what happens.

Many attempts have made to eradicate the Roggars from existence yet no matter what they manage to come back, stronger and fouler than ever, their stench defiling the beauty of nature. Rather than try to fight them, the Trolls of Blackwood have come up with wards which induce fear and panic into nearby Roggars, causing them to flee on sight.

Among the Roggars are individuals known in their tongue as "Farrig", which loosely translates to "Bloodied Warrior". Farrigs are Roggars who have slain a magic user and have harvested their skull in order to make into a helmet, subsequently granting the magic user's powers to the Farrig in an unholy ritual. As such, Roggars rally to Farrigs for guidance, causing a warband to form.

In recent history the Roggar population has grown faster, Roggar warbands have begun to crop up all across Gwynbrenon and going to war with opposing Goblin and Gnoll tribes.


Roggars are primitive creatures who carry with them an unnatural resistance towards both physical attacks and magic. They have powerful senses in hearing and smell and seem to be particularly drawn towards the use of magic. They are quick to anger when they do not get what they want, causing infighting to occur frequently.

Roggars fight with tooth and claw, rarely picking up a weapon or even clothing to protect themselves. Farrig Roggars are more powerful and smarter, wearing armour and possessing twisted magic.

Physical Appearence

Roggars are tall, muscular creatures with long, wide snouts, rat-like thin tails and long curved horns. They have hair growing from their heads in manes and beards and long claw-like feet and hands. Their eyes glow in the dark, typically in hues of red and yellow.

Farrig Roggars wear bones and scrap-leather as clothing as well as the skull of a mage over their head. They also use blood to paint on their fur.