
From Legacy of Auria
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Average Height170cm-200cm
Average Lifespan100 years
Hair ColoursBlack, grey, white, brown, orange
Eye ColoursVaried
Skin ColoursBlack, grey, white, brown, orange
Current LeaderKing Hogg
CapitalDusthide Fort

Native to the Desolate Drifts of Grukoor, the Gnolls are the embodiment of the Hyenas that live there - ever scheming and chaotically selfish the Gnolls have been at odds with the local Cobros for as long as historians can trace down their two species' histories.

Throughout the timeline the Gnolls have existed to plunder and pillage, rarely finding time to be civil and orderly and instead finding much enjoyment out of being rascals and hooligans. They live together in reasonably sized packs and make their home in the wilderness in camps that often change locations when they are attacked by rivaling packs or kingdoms. However, Gnolls are not as mindless as the other races of Auria believe they are as deep in their dens and lairs, far from outsider eyes the hyena-like humanoids have well built-out societiess with a working currency system and a hierarchy. Having grown distrusted of the rest of the world, the Gnolls have secluded themselves from major interactions with other mortals, only pillaging travelling merchants or lone adventurers. Despite this, Gnolls rarely resort to killing and instead try to extort valuables and services from those they attack and letting them go once the exchange is complete.

By whatever chance or miracle some Gnolls have managed to sneak upon Skyships traveling to other planets resulting in their kind spreading outside of Grukoor. So far major Gnoll settlements have been found in the Imperia as well as the Gwynbrenon. In Gwynbrenon they make a home in the Blackwood with smaller camps found in eastern Tranquilon. These Gnolls express a dislike towards the Wolfen, citing that they are "weaker" and "mere copycats" of the glory of Gnolls.

Physical Description

Gnolls are hunchpacked snarly Hyena creatures that walk on two paws. They have long snagged manes running down their backs and sharp fangs lined in their maws. They have rough, coarse fur that covers their skin.