Coven of the Black Decay

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Coven of the Black Decay
Cult of the Black Decay.jpg
Main Leader(s)The Reaper
Base of OperationsN/A
Other (Lesser)
Notable Members


Known as pagans and outlaws by those that hold control over Gwynbrenon, the Coven of the Black Decay has been around for as long as the Wylderin have been. They initially consisted of Trolls and Elves who distanced themselves from the more advanced civilizations being settled in the land to instead be fully with nature by living in small encampments deep in the woods of Tranquilon and the lands that would one day become Blackwood and Emberos. They have been described by ancient Trollish scripture as "wretches who live in the wild practicing dark rituals and sacrificial offerings."

Slowly the influence of the Coven was felt all across the planet and they'd become a main antagonist for the more progressive cultures of the Wylderin Elves and Xib'alba Trolls by constantly making battle with them at any chance they got. They would also be the first of the easterners to sail west to Silverbough, bringing much of their forces onto its shores and begin festering in the untamed wilds there with a Wolfen expedition sent by the Wylderin many years later encountering them there, though when the western continent was sealed off by an unnatural magic theorized to be the doing of the Coven, those that stayed in the east were cut off from their aggressive cult leaders and were forced to a minor role. They would subsequently become more subtle and peaceful in their ways, remaining out of touch with the kingdoms and keeping to themselves for the most. They would eventually name themselves the Coven of the Thorned Growth to distance themselves from their more aggressive forebearers.

Nowadays, with the recent re-opening of the west, the other half of the Coven has made a reemergence and begin to act aggressively once more. They have made themselves known as a covenant of people who believe the world must suffer in order for it to grow, thus leading to their self-righteous beliefs of inflicting rot and agony onto all life. To the Coven of the Black Decay death and decay is the only answer to one's well-being and they operate under this belief, believing that at one life's end a better life may sprout through the remains of the past.

It is unknown how either Coven was formed or who even leads them as all members of both Covens point only towards The Reaper, a shadowy figure towards whom they sacrifice themselves with blind faith. No known base of operations has yet to be known either as the Coven uses many natural regions to conduct their rituals, usually at night. Some weary travellers have heard the eerie sounds of cultists chanting at the dead of night, their unified voices singing and praising death and decay in deep woods or dark caverns where nature is closest to them.

Some believe that the Coven of the Black Decay worship an evil god that is aligned with the Cosmos.

Laws and Traditions

Little is known about the Coven's laws or traditions other than that the belief of death being the ultimate answer to everything being a requirement in one's being to join the Coven. Since their beginnings, the Coven has taken in the likes of Wolfen and even Dryads. Many of their members are said to be hidden among the commonfolk of the Wylderin and Trodagor kingdoms to infiltrate their numbers and seek new members while also sowing the seeds of death and decay. It is a mystery how one joins the Coven but theories suggest that the Coven indoctrinates its followers in the background, reaching out to potential members via cryptic messages.

Members of the Black Decay have sometimes also been witnessed committing horrendous crimes including mass murder in the name of The Reaper.