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Main Leader(s)Elder Ard'Mhion Fathas, Right Eye of the Truth
Waja Xhul'kan, Left Eye of the Truth
Base of Operations???
Notable Members


In ancient scripts found throughout forgotten ruins of Gwynbrenon, the term "Endwalker" has always been used to refer to an individual with suicidal desires and drastic, dangerous views towards life. Those that would refer to the end times and apocalyptic events would be deemed Endwalkers by society and be cast out. They were not to be spoken to, not to be interacted with, for everyone feared that to meet an Endwalker is to become an Endwalker yourself.

The societal status of the Endwalker title has caused many individuals cursed by the name to meet other like-fated people and form groups were they could echo onto each other their visions. When such groups were formed, it would often come down to the Wylderin and the Xib'alba to eradicate them. Yet over the centuries of ridicule and banishment, Endwalkers have learned to adapt and evade the premature destruction of their kind and taken root elsewhere in disguise, among the likes of the Coven of the Black Decay and the K'aaba Tux - two factions of Elves, Wolfen and Trolls that practice ancient traditions and dark rituals. From these groups, Endwalkers have slowly rallied together under the guiding hands of their "Eyes of the Truth", the leaders Ard'Mhion Fathas and Xhul'Kan, anticipating the day that they would rise once more.

That day would arrive slowly as the Endwalker received information of an ancient unholy site known as Lake Kurath, once said to be the gateway into a land of Nightmares itself, as well as a ritual that would open the rift between this world and that:

"For once a hundred children of nature sleep in the bed of the great lake, the Mother of Nightmares shall take her first steps into giving vision to the blind eyes of the world."

Though Ard'Mhion would perish in the process of the ritual, he would make his own body the hundredth sacrifice and open a chasm into Gwynbrenon's Depths - the Otherworld.

Culture and Religion

The Endwalkers believe that everyone in the world lives an illusion that keeps them blind to the truth and that only an powerful figure revered as Mother Morrigan, commonly referred to as the Queen of Nightmares, could show them reality. They see themselves as righteous in their path and will do anything to make the revival of their queen a reality so that the world could be freed from the shackles of lies and fakes.

Base of Operations

Endwalkers have no known base of operations currently, although it is rumoured that with the opening of the Kurath Chasm they will travel into the Otherworld and establish one there.